After talking with Charlie about setting up blogs, I figured I would take a look back at my own and post some itnersting bits of data for you.
- April 19, 2002 – Blog is started using Blogger
- June 3, 2003 – I made the move from a third-party hosted system to the self-hosted and maintained MovableType
- February 9, 2005 – After getting fed up with comment spam and constant rebuilding of files and pages, I made the move to WordPress
Over the last several years, I have tried to move Webby Aquatics from being a website based on selling my services as a Red Cross instructor to a personal site that allows others an insight in to who I am and what it is I am all about. To date, there are currently 576 posts and 59 comments, contained within 15 categories. These entries have ranged from simple shout-outs for friends birthdays to milestones such as new jobs (1, 2), graduation, technology, and well, just plain randomness and of course, pixie dust.
So sit back, relax, and let the posts continue. And for my readers, feel free to get invovled and post comments to any entry you read. My next goal is to get my readers more involved.