Category: technology

Mobile E-mail Solutions

Ok, I thought I would change a little on what I normally post about and talk about something completly different. With the release of Apple’s iPhone on AT&T Wireless, a lot of people have asked me what my opinion is on the device since I am a self proclaimed BlackBerry (read: CrackBerry) addict and if I would be switching over to the iPhone any time soon. I thought I would share my thoughts on the site and see what others had to say.

BlackBerry E-MailLet’s start with the time tested BlackBerry. The BlackBerry is a staple in almost any corporation here in the United States. It allows an instant connection with not only your e-mail but also access to the internet and allows for the downloading of third-party applications that can pretty much do anything from a simple game of solitaire all the way up to a rocking RSS Freed reader that can deliver instant news updates from my favorite sites. Another unique feature of the BlackBerry is what RIM (Research in Motion) calls PIN messaging. Unlike SMS (Text) messaging, PIN messaging allows users on BlackBerry Devices send messages directly to another users device by using their unique PIN tag that is tied to each device. The PIN is also how the network/e-mail services track which device gets which e-mail in case you are out of range when the messages come in. PIN messaging is no extra charge and BlackBerry even provides a free instant messenger like client for PIN – PIN messaging. This is great when a lot of your friends/co-workers have BlackBerry Devices.

iPhone E-MailNow, I have to say from the experience I have had with the iPhone, it is an amazing device. The screen is amazing and vibrant with color, something that BlackBerry does lack, and has an amazing set of tools for e-mail, internet, and music. While the iPhone has a great application for internet and mail (Safari for internet and Apple Mail for Mail), where I feel the iPhone looses out is the whole instant e-mail and the lack of a keyboard. Don’t get me wrong folks, the touch screen and the whole “flip through pages with your finger” is light years ahead of the old BlackBerry Track wheel, I feel that the whole touch keyboard just isn’t worth me switching. I can use two hands to type on the BlackBerry and type an entire paragraph in no time but, with the iPhone, I am limited to just one finger at a time and it really slows down text entry in my opinion. Try using two fingers and you lock up the keyboard. Also, where the BlackBerry is known for it’s instant e-mail, the iPhone simply has an instant on connection that is checking for mail every set number of minutes. Not that that is a HUGE issue but it’s not as fast as instant 🙂

It is the lack of a real keyboard and true push-mail that make me not want to give up my BlackBerry anytime soon. Would I turn down an iPhone, no. I just wouldn’t go from a BlackBerry to one anytime soon. With the new BlackBerry Curve out, all the features I would want from the iPhone (Music, Movie and Camera) are now on the BlackBerry. Apple’s got a great phone but for me, I’ll just stick with my video iPod and BlackBerry.

Part of this message was composed using my BlackBerry Mobile device.

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Are you part of Web 2.0?

With all the talk about Web 2.0 lately, it wasn’t until I was reading Pete’s Blog that I really thought about Web 2.0 and me. The video below is by Michael Wesch, a professor at Kansas State University and it discusses how the Web and Internet are converging and creating a totally networked and connected society.

How many of us read RSS/XML feeds? How many of us use e-mail on the go or have created a blog or personalized start page converging content from several providers? How many of us use YouTube or Flickr to share videos or photos? Take a look and see what you think? Are you a part of Web 2.0?

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BlackBerry Humor

So for those that don’t know it, I am addicted to my BlackBerry (READ: CrackBerry). What some of you may also not be aware of is that there is a possibility due to a pending lawsuit that the BlackBerry Service in the United States will be shutdown. The below cartoon is from The Onion but I thought it was worth sharing.

BlackBerry Service Shutdown

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For those that are not familiar with the term podcast, they are a sort of online, on demand broadcast that can be downloaded and saved to a computer or MP3/iPod player. What started as an underground type broadcast is now mainstream with the help of Apple’s iTunes. Even companies like Fox News, BBC, and Disney have them.

So why am I mentioning podcasts now? I am in the middle of a flight from Houston to Orange County listening to some of my favorite programs. I have my friend Andy’s podcast, Thought Press, APM’s Future Tense, and BBC World’s Go Digital. These are just a few of the many I have on my iPod. It is great to get radio programs with great news whenever you want.

Well, back to the flight.

This message was sent wirelessly via my BlackBerry mobile device, so the reply may be short and may even include some words that are not spelled properly.

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Don’t you hate SPAM?

So I recently changed my e-mail address due to the influx of SPAM coming in. So I thought I would keep the address live and forward it to my GMAIL account just to see and to filter out any missed address changes messages. Well folks, on average, it appears that I was getting 60+ SPAM messages a day. Wow, what a pain!

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Looking Back

After talking with Charlie about setting up blogs, I figured I would take a look back at my own and post some itnersting bits of data for you.

Over the last several years, I have tried to move Webby Aquatics from being a website based on selling my services as a Red Cross instructor to a personal site that allows others an insight in to who I am and what it is I am all about. To date, there are currently 576 posts and 59 comments, contained within 15 categories. These entries have ranged from simple shout-outs for friends birthdays to milestones such as new jobs (1, 2), graduation, technology, and well, just plain randomness and of course, pixie dust.

So sit back, relax, and let the posts continue. And for my readers, feel free to get invovled and post comments to any entry you read. My next goal is to get my readers more involved.

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Bye Bye BlackBerry (For Now)

Well folks, I have made the decision to retire my BlackBerry and move back to my Sony Ericsson P900. The BlackBerry is a great device with so much power for messaging but at the same time, i have found a few flaws that the P900 makes up for. 1) On most of my mobile phones, I can send a SMS (Text) message to a list of people. The BlackBerry only allows e-mails to be sent to more than one person at a time. I send messages to 20+ friends at a time. 2) BlackBerry is for messaging and gives you instant e-mail. This is great but, when your BlackBerry’s address is getting spammed, that doesn’t help and all that SPAM wakes me up at night. 3) I never thought I would say this but, the lack of a camera and MMS (Picture) messaging. There have been several times in teh last few weeks where I have actually needed/wanted to use these options.

The BlackBerry is a great phone/device but, it isn’t the true PDA/Phone that I needed right now. Who knows, I may return to it in a few months but for now, I’m back to my Sony Ericsson P900.

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I am a Statistic

Take the MIT Weblog Survey

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Two Birds with One Stone

So today I work late and decided to take my morning and get a few things done. Mainly, I needed to go to the Apple Store at Millenia and have them look at my PowerBook keyboard. I came home from work the other night and my eject key was sticking up. Not a problem, take it in the the Genius Bar and it is fixed in no time, just a few hour wait. Oh well. So while I am waiting, I am looking at headphones for my iPod. I still have my original ear-buds that came with the iPod and am looking at replacing them. Well, I found the perfect ones. I had not seen them before but, Apple now has the Plantronics MX100s headphones. What is so nice about these? Simple, it has TWO jacks on the end. One to plug in to your iPod and another to plug in to your mobile phone. Why is this good? I always have both my iPod and my mobile on me at all times (or most of the time) and the ability to share a single set of headphones for both just rocks. When a call comes in, you hit a button and the headset switches from music to mobile. I think these are going to be just what I need. Well, off to work.

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So I was sort of upset when I first heard that Windows PCs and then the brand new 2005 PowerBooks could use their trackpads for scrolling on pages. I mean, when I am at home, it isn’t much of an issue since I use an external mouse but, when I am on the road, I miss not having the scroll wheel option. Well, that has now changed. Daniel Becker has created iScroll2 that enables the option on most of the Pre-2005 PowerBook and iBook Models. Daniel, you have now rocked my computing world. So if you have a PowerBook or iBook that is pre-2005, go download your copy so you can scroll with your fingers.

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