I currently work for Walt Disney Parks and Resorts US. I have held various roles at the Magic Kingdom® Park and Disney’s Animal Kingdom® Theme Park in Merchandise, Attractions and Guest Service over the last six years. I am a graduate from Eckerd College with a degree in Environmental Studies and minors in Human Development and Communications
Author's posts
May 24 2002
Well I became as slave
Well I became as slave labourer at Hopkins High today while I unpacked 45 iBooks and configured them for the new mobile classrooms. Finsihed up wit the g4s for KHOP-TV and almost finished the new student iMac image. This evening I took my brother and his friend to go see Star Wars. I was impressed. Yoda kicks ass in it. Now i’m chilling with my friend SpYder for a bit then it’s off to bed.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/well-i-became-as-slave/
May 23 2002
Hey all. Yet another great
Hey all. Yet another great day at Hopkins High School. Spent the morning finishing up the G4 restoration I started yesterday then moved on to Winblows 2000 Server set up then to iMac set up. This afternoon I also got my hair cut and gave it a nice little dose of bleach and lightened it up for the frosted look. It looks wicked cool. Also updated my main website, :::Webby Aquatics::: with soem minor adjustments to several sections.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/hey-all-yet-another-great/
May 22 2002
Well today was the first
Well today was the first day back at work at Hopkins High School. I am wicked beat from it too. It’s hard to adjust to getting up before 9 am after a semester of having later classes. Spent most of the day setting up several new computers and getting things sittuatedwith keys and schedules. Not much else to report though.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/well-today-was-the-first/
May 21 2002
Ok, I’m sorry it’s been
Ok, I’m sorry it’s been a few days without an update. I left FL on Friday to head home to MN for the summer. On the way my friend and I stoped in Memphis, TN for Saturday and Sunday so he could participate in a triathlon. Then Monday was a 14 hour drive from Memphis to Minneapolis. I’ve spent most of today sleeping and unpacking the bags from the dorm room.
Tommorrow I start at Hopkins High School on my independent study with educational technology so I’m looking forward to that. While not in FL, I will still have my mobile on with me at all times so feel free to drop me a line or an SMS.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/ok-im-sorry-its-been/
May 16 2002
It’s finally over. I have
It’s finally over. I have finished my sophomore year in college! My last final ended this morning at 11 and I am just finishing up the final packing bits. Kris comes in at 6 tongiht to drive home with me. Until then thoguh I am rebuilding iBook after a much needed system maintenace.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/its-finally-over-i-have/
May 15 2002
Yay1 All done with finals
Yay1 All done with finals for the most part. Just have a final presentation tommorow morning. Still packing over here. That’s all to report for today.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/yay1-all-done-with-finals/
May 14 2002
Well i started the long
Well i started the long process of packing today. Wahoo. two more take home exams due at 3 tommorow and a final presesntation to go yet. i’m still hanging int here but I don’t know how long I will last *sigh*. The end is in sight though.
Also, how about the cool Xserve at apple?
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/well-i-started-the-long/
May 13 2002
So I took the weekend
So I took the weekend off from updating this thing sinceI have been studying my ass off. Today I had my spanish test and handed in my paper for rhetoric. I still have 2 take home exams and a final presentation this week. Ick! oh well. All is well for today.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/so-i-took-the-weekend/
May 11 2002
Well last night was Kapa
Well last night was Kapa Karnevil. It was a blast. I’m off to get gas for my car, an oil change and a car wash then it’s tiem to sit at the Y for several hours lifeguarding that damn water slide. I’ll post more when I get back in.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/well-last-night-was-kapa/
May 10 2002
So last night ‘ER’ bid
So last night ‘ER’ bid farewell to Anthony Edwards. It was sad to see the character of Mark Green depart but I thought that they did a very good job with the episode. Today I finished off my last class of the semester and worked my rear end off to do atake home exam taht was due at 3 today. Now that I’m done for the week, i had a chance to set up my AirPort card in the G4 and am now usign the iBook all over the dormw ith now wires to surf the net. Talk about cool. Tonight is Kappa Karnival and I have work tommorw follwed by lots of studying. Yay aren’t I special..
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/so-last-night-er-bid/