Category: Ramblings
I finally found it! I have been looking for this small, little, adapter since I moved from Chatham to my new place. The below piece of technology comes with all PowerBooks and simply converts the S-Video jack to a Composite Video connection so you can attach the PowerBook to any Television, Projector, Etc. You can’t get a replacement one either from Apple. Closest thing is to beg Radio Shack to see if they can get you one. I am so glad I fianlly found it!

Apple S-Video-to-Composite Video Adapter
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So Andrew sent me this link to the Onion: State of Minnesota Too Polite To Ask For Federal Funding It’s pretty funny. Talks about the Minnesota-Nice and the endless number of pot-holes that come with the winter months. Makes me ALMOST miss the winter.
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So today is my morning to sleep in. I don’t work until 18:45 tonight which means I get to sit on my rear at home and watch tv. There is not much on during the day on Saturday I have concluded so I am watching a marathon of Endurance: Hawaii on Discovery Kids. Decent show. Very much like Survivor but I can actually tolerate this one. Oh well. Off to Company D at Epcot then the Magic Kingdom till 3:15.
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Andrew posted this in his Blog so I thought I would take the test:
Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence |

You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others.
Good at seeing others’ points of view, you get how people think and feel.
You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations.
A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict.
You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.
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So today was a nice and needed day off. Between the Christmas rush and the park closing at capacity the other day, I needed it. So what do I do? I meet up with Steve and Emily from Eckerd and head to Epcot. Not too busy though. I had to sing in the 5pm Candlelight so they decided to come along for the day. It was pretty fun and not too crowded in my mind. Today also marks less than a week left before I move. I move out of Chatham on Monday and in to JKs the same day. What craziness! Oh well, I guess I am going to get back to sorting stuff for packing.
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So last night I got to meet Edward James Olmos at Candlelight Processional. I made myself look like a fool though. I was getting a glass of water from the cooler and he was coming through thanking all the cast members who were singing and then he got to me while I was still with my back to him and was sorta upset that I didn’t realize he was there. I mean, I was getting water and not too many other narrators have come down the line to say hello. I guess all is fine though because he laughed when I said I was sorry and then shook his hand. Still not as bad as my roommate who forgot that Marlee Matlin was deaf when he started talking to her in her dressing room!
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Ok folks, I know I work late and that at times, it can get somewhat chilly in Florida. But last night was just crazy. I got out from work at 1:40 and took the bus to Westclock as usual. I make my trek to my car only to discover that I have ICE on my windows and that I need to scrape it off before I can drive home! Who in Florida has an ice scraper? Thanks to the defrost and the blue juice, ten minutes later I am on my way out of the parking lot. So the lesson learned, it can get as cold as 32ยบ in Florida!
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Well, today T-Mobile launched Caller Tunes. Caller tunes are not ringtones that the person recieving the call hears. Caller Tunes are songs that the caller hears while waiting for the person to pick up. So now my callers will here the song of my choice (don’t worry it isn’t that bad) while they wait for me to answer. Pretty cool if you ask me.
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Well, my last post about Black Friday was results from the midnight rush. Now, having worked until 4am this morning unloading bins of hangers, I can say I survived. It was a zoo but supprisingly not as bad as the previous night. Today, I have a 10 hour runner shift. I can’t wait. Anyways, I am off to the Magic Kingdom to grab some food before I go in to work at 5. It will be another late night. Oh well, I’ll survive.
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Has anyone seen this movie yet? Looks good. If you ahve seen it, let me know what you think.
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