Category: Ramblings
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/some-hurricane-humor/
Sep 23 2004
IKEA is a No Go
Well, I really wanted this computer desk from IKEA but, they e-mailed me back and said I can’t have it unless I drive to the closest store to get it. The closest store being in Atlanta. Ummm…I think I will just wait until the 2005 catalog shows up and may be I can find something similar.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/ikea-is-a-no-go/
Sep 23 2004
Here We Go Again
WEll folks, we have yet another storm on the way. Hurricane Jeanne should be here Sunday around 2pm. Fun stuff!
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/here-we-go-again/
Aug 10 2004
Got Monorail?
For those that are interested, You can own your very own Walt Disney World Monorail. An original Mark IV Monorail from the opening of Walt Disney World is for sale on eBay. You can view the item here. All I have to say is: Please Stand Clear of the Doors; Por favor mantenganse alejado de las puertas.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/08/got-monorail/
Aug 09 2004
Back Home
Well, I’m finally back home. At least it feels like it. I am now back at the Emporium on Main Street USA after a week of deployment in Tomorrowland. All I can say is I am so glad to be back on Main Street. Tomorrowland was way slow and the costume there gave me a reaction that was not fun. Got to love polyester! In all honesty, Tomorrowland could have been fun but the locations I was in were just boring to me compared to the emporium. Buzz Imaging was cool though and I use the term literally. I had to wear a winter coat in there to stay warm but I did have a blast in there. Just picture this, it is 95ºF outside and here is a cast member in a winter coat.
Another reason it is nice to be back at the Emporium is that I get to spend the time with the friends I made there that are leaving on Friday when their program ends. I’m off on Wednesday and I have plans to hang out with Jonnie and some other friends one last time before they all go their separate ways. Anywho, I am off to work. It is one of the last three E-Ride nights so that means I am working until 1am. Have a magical day!
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/08/back-home/
Jun 23 2004
I hate Hummers
Why do I hate hummers? Simple, last night I get off the bus from the Utilidor at 02:30. Now it was a nice 10 hour day at the Magic Kingdom so I am knackered. I then spend the next 20 minutes trying to find my bloody car. I know which row I parked and I can’t see it for the life of me. Granted there isn’t that many cars left at 02:30 in the morning, I still can’t find it for the life of me. Then as I am walking up and down the rows, I see two Hummers and in between them is my car. No wonder I couldn’t see it. It was dwarfed by these things. Not what I needed in the morning.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/i-hate-hummers/
Jun 18 2004
High Speed Internet
Disney finally did it! They have finally installed our high speed DSL connection. About time!
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/high-speed-internet/
May 15 2004
Almost Done
Well, classes are over as of yesterday afternoon. I am in the process of working on two take home finals and a final paper/project for Tuesday. After that, I am done until graduation on Saturday. ONE MORE WEEK AT ECKERD COLLEGE! That’s kind of strange to think about.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/almost-done/
May 07 2004
Yes, I am still here
I have been swamped this past week with papers and presentations. I only have one more week of classes left and it is finally a weekend. I am at the Apple Store in Tampa right now with Pete. I am just waiting for him to finish at the Genius Bar. Anywho, concert on campus tonight and more papers this weekend. It’s almost over and the light is begining to hit the horizon.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/yes-i-am-still-here/
Apr 21 2004
Is it over yet?
I am so sick of school. I just want it to be over. I have been working non-stop this week. Yes I know I am a senior in college but still. There is a limit. Oh well. Time for bed now.
Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/04/is-it-over-yet/