It’s been a great journey since 1994. Here’s to many more years.
Tag: Apple
Jan 25 2014
Happy Birthday Macintosh!
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Jul 19 2007
Mobile E-mail Solutions
Ok, I thought I would change a little on what I normally post about and talk about something completly different. With the release of Apple’s iPhone on AT&T Wireless, a lot of people have asked me what my opinion is on the device since I am a self proclaimed BlackBerry (read: CrackBerry) addict and if I would be switching over to the iPhone any time soon. I thought I would share my thoughts on the site and see what others had to say.
Let’s start with the time tested BlackBerry. The BlackBerry is a staple in almost any corporation here in the United States. It allows an instant connection with not only your e-mail but also access to the internet and allows for the downloading of third-party applications that can pretty much do anything from a simple game of solitaire all the way up to a rocking RSS Freed reader that can deliver instant news updates from my favorite sites. Another unique feature of the BlackBerry is what RIM (Research in Motion) calls PIN messaging. Unlike SMS (Text) messaging, PIN messaging allows users on BlackBerry Devices send messages directly to another users device by using their unique PIN tag that is tied to each device. The PIN is also how the network/e-mail services track which device gets which e-mail in case you are out of range when the messages come in. PIN messaging is no extra charge and BlackBerry even provides a free instant messenger like client for PIN – PIN messaging. This is great when a lot of your friends/co-workers have BlackBerry Devices.
Now, I have to say from the experience I have had with the iPhone, it is an amazing device. The screen is amazing and vibrant with color, something that BlackBerry does lack, and has an amazing set of tools for e-mail, internet, and music. While the iPhone has a great application for internet and mail (Safari for internet and Apple Mail for Mail), where I feel the iPhone looses out is the whole instant e-mail and the lack of a keyboard. Don’t get me wrong folks, the touch screen and the whole “flip through pages with your finger” is light years ahead of the old BlackBerry Track wheel, I feel that the whole touch keyboard just isn’t worth me switching. I can use two hands to type on the BlackBerry and type an entire paragraph in no time but, with the iPhone, I am limited to just one finger at a time and it really slows down text entry in my opinion. Try using two fingers and you lock up the keyboard. Also, where the BlackBerry is known for it’s instant e-mail, the iPhone simply has an instant on connection that is checking for mail every set number of minutes. Not that that is a HUGE issue but it’s not as fast as instant 🙂
It is the lack of a real keyboard and true push-mail that make me not want to give up my BlackBerry anytime soon. Would I turn down an iPhone, no. I just wouldn’t go from a BlackBerry to one anytime soon. With the new BlackBerry Curve out, all the features I would want from the iPhone (Music, Movie and Camera) are now on the BlackBerry. Apple’s got a great phone but for me, I’ll just stick with my video iPod and BlackBerry.
Part of this message was composed using my BlackBerry Mobile device.
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Jun 04 2007
Think Different
It’s been about 10 years since Apple Computer dared us to Think Different. I think that those that are Mac users such as my myself tend to really Think Different. I was reading my usual morning reads in Google Reader and I noticed that the team at âž¡ The Unofficial Apple Weblog had stumbled across this interesting video on YouTube. Apparently, some Apple fan boys had taken the original âž¡ Think Different commercial and removed the video portion and replaced it with moving text. I think that with the text only, it is just as moving. Anyone else have any thoughts? Feel free to comment.
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