Tag: RSS

Are you part of Web 2.0?

With all the talk about Web 2.0 lately, it wasn’t until I was reading Pete’s Blog that I really thought about Web 2.0 and me. The video below is by Michael Wesch, a professor at Kansas State University and it discusses how the Web and Internet are converging and creating a totally networked and connected society.

How many of us read RSS/XML feeds? How many of us use e-mail on the go or have created a blog or personalized start page converging content from several providers? How many of us use YouTube or Flickr to share videos or photos? Take a look and see what you think? Are you a part of Web 2.0?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/03/are-you-part-of-web-20/