Happy Birthday Macintosh

Macintosh 128k

Happy 24th Birthday Macintosh! 24 Years ago today, the world realized that 1984 wouldn’t be like 1984.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2008/01/happy-birthday-macintosh/

Mamma Mia!

So I just got wind of this, Mamma Mia, the musical I saw many times in London is coming to theaters this summer! I am now officially pumped for a musical turn movie that I might actually enjoy. Looks like a very strong cast and should be pretty good. Just have to wait now!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2008/01/mamma-mia/

Oh! The Places We Go

So a lot of you might be wondering why I have been AWOL for a good month or so with a few random updates here and there. It’s been over the past several months that I have come to learn a lot about myself. Who I am and what I strive for in my career and what will shape me to what I want to do with the Company. When I accepted my current role with Ticketing, it looked at the time as what I saw as following a passion I developed for tickets. It’s over the past few months that I have come to realize how much of a Guest Service person I am. I no longer have any contact with Guests and find myself finding excuses to get back in the park just to have that “one little spark” with our Guests.

Over the various jobs that I have held since high school, Guest Service and customer interaction have always been an integral part of my job. Be it as a lifeguard or swim instructor, member services or Guest Relations, Guest Service has always been there. It’s taken a lot of thinking and bouncing ideas of my mentors but I have come to a decision that I know will be the right one for me.

This morning, I reapplied to go back to the Dream Squad on another temporary assignment. This is just the start of another casting call process similar to the last time I applied and Guest Relations. I feel that taking a step backwards to a role such as Dream Squad will help me get the balance of Pixie Dust and Guest Service back that I have missed so much working in an office. Our Guests are the main reason that I work for The Walt Disney Company. To see the pure happiness in their eyes when you do something as simple as smile and wave or just saying a quick hello. That is why I work where I do. I miss creating that extra special magic for so many wonderful people and I hope that this step backwards will be the beginning to a great journey forwards.

Just as Walt Disney said himself, “we keep moving forward”. My experience at Ticketing has been one with a lot of learning. Learning that I know will help me down the road when I do decide to apply for Leadership Casting Call. I am glad to have had the experience but I also know when I need to make a decision that is best for myself. I will keep everyone posted over the next couple weeks on my decision to move back to the parks. Feel free to shoot me a line or leave a comments. Thanks everyone for your support!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2008/01/oh-the-places-we-go/

A day around the house and a new dresser!

Well, today I enjoyed a much needed day to just relax around the house. The last several weeks have been pretty busy with travel, work and friends. Since my friend Adam moved back in to a place in Chatham Square (Disney CP Housing), I have gained most of my condo back and took the day to straighten things up.

Last week, I even had a chance to finally get that new dresser I have been eying for a while that goes with my bed and night stand. Unfortunately, IKEA doesn’t make it in the color I have the other pieces in anymore but I got a color that seems to fit in really well. Thank you to Aunt Nancy, Uncle Peter, Chris, and Hannah along with Adam who helped provide the IKEA gift cards that helped me purchase it. as you can see below, it fits perfectly in my room and gives me some much needed extra drawers to store my cloths in. Thank you as well to my friend Steven who helped me assemble it as well.

My New IKEA Dresser

Not much else new to report. Just enjoying my condo and doing my thing.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2008/01/a-day-around-the-house-and-a-new-dresser/

Auld Lang Syne 2007

I want to wish a Happy New Year to everyone of my readers. Here’s to more updates in the coming year and to another magical year. Thank you for the continued support over the years and for everything that all of you do for me. So cheers to 2008!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/12/auld-lang-syne-2007/

2007 Holiday Update

Happy Holidays Everyone! It’s that time of year again where everyone is busy sending out holiday updates and newsletters. This year, I am doing the same as in the past but, my newsletter is new attached as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. This can be viewed using Adobe Reader on both Mac and PC or Preview on Mac OS X. If you have issues viewing the attached newsletter, please let me know.

As always, Webby Aquatics will provide you with the most up-to-date information on what is going on in my life.

Adrobat PDF Icon

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/12/2007-holiday-update/

Let it Snow!

Well, it is official, I am on my way to Minneapolis for Christmas and snow. I’m typing this while I am on the plane but this should post as soon as I get connection when I get home. It’s nice to officially say I am on vacation after a busy last several weeks. Those have probably noticed that in the last few months, my posts to my blog have been limited. I do apologize for the lack in updates but I have been supper busy with work trying to produce close to 500,000 tickets for the Cast Members of The Walt Disney Company and have them all out the door by January 1. So I do have a valid excuse. Almost makes the long days in the parks seem like nothing at all.

I will be in Minnesota through Christmas which will be a nice change from working late and long hours in years past while others enjoyed their vacations. Not much else new to report. Still just trucking along. I should be posting my Holiday Newsletter later tonight or tomorrow morning as well once i get back online. Stay tuned for more updates in the new year.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/12/let-it-snow/

Do you ever…

wish that you had a vacation coming up?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/12/do-you-ever/

Thanksgiving at the Beach

Well, I am relaxing on the beach here in Naples, FL working on a tan. Looking out int the Gulf of Mexico and a small pod if dolphins are playijng just off shore. So close that you could probably walk out to them.

I hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday. I arrived down to Naples early Tuesday evening to join my grandparents, aunts, uncle and cousins for the holiday. It’s a quick visit though as I will be heading back home tonight to Orlando so I can go to the office in the morning, small sacrifice to take the holiday off. It will be nice and quiet and I can catch up on some work and print part of the Main Entrance Pass and United Way distributions.

Work is going well, as you see above, we have kicked off the distributions and the production of close to 500,000 tickets with in the next few weeks. Candlelight starts this weekend with my first performance this year next Wednesday, November 28 at the 6:45/8:15 shows. I can’t believe this will be my forth year singing!

Well, I’m off to enjoy my last few hours down here before heading home. Thanks to everyone who has been sending messages.

This message was sent from my T-Mobile BlackBerry wireless handheld. Kindly excuse any brevity, abbreviations or typos.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/11/thanksgiving-at-the-beach/

IKEA Adventures

So IKEA just opened up in Orlando on Wednesday this week and Sawyer and I decided to go tough out the crowds so i could get a new light for my bedroom since one of the existing IKEA lights I had on my wall burned out. All I have to say is what a mad house! We went over at about 6pm after we both got out of work and it was still packed after all day. I’m just glad all IKEAs are set up the same and I was able to go in and get to the lights right away so the entire in and check-out process for us was about 35-40 minutes. I’d rather wait in the line that pay for shipping again to order online.

The interesting observation for the night was how obsessive people are over IKEA. I mean, people were buying furniture as if they didn’t have any! IKEA is all anyone at work has been talking about for the past month till the store opened. Oh well, I have to admit, I too love IKEA.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/11/ikea-adventures/