Vacation Time!

Well folks, it is finally time again for me to take a vacation! Since my last vacation was in October, I am taking the next week off of work and will be in Paris, France visiting with my family. Should anyone need to reach me for any reason or just want to check in, I will have the BlackBerry with me and will be connected to e-mail, Google Talk, Yahoo! Messenger and BlackBerry Messenger. I will also try and update the blog when I get a chance. Bon Voyage!

This message was sent from my T-Mobile BlackBerry wireless handheld. Kindly excuse any brevity, abbreviations or typos.

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Mobile E-mail Solutions

Ok, I thought I would change a little on what I normally post about and talk about something completly different. With the release of Apple’s iPhone on AT&T Wireless, a lot of people have asked me what my opinion is on the device since I am a self proclaimed BlackBerry (read: CrackBerry) addict and if I would be switching over to the iPhone any time soon. I thought I would share my thoughts on the site and see what others had to say.

BlackBerry E-MailLet’s start with the time tested BlackBerry. The BlackBerry is a staple in almost any corporation here in the United States. It allows an instant connection with not only your e-mail but also access to the internet and allows for the downloading of third-party applications that can pretty much do anything from a simple game of solitaire all the way up to a rocking RSS Freed reader that can deliver instant news updates from my favorite sites. Another unique feature of the BlackBerry is what RIM (Research in Motion) calls PIN messaging. Unlike SMS (Text) messaging, PIN messaging allows users on BlackBerry Devices send messages directly to another users device by using their unique PIN tag that is tied to each device. The PIN is also how the network/e-mail services track which device gets which e-mail in case you are out of range when the messages come in. PIN messaging is no extra charge and BlackBerry even provides a free instant messenger like client for PIN – PIN messaging. This is great when a lot of your friends/co-workers have BlackBerry Devices.

iPhone E-MailNow, I have to say from the experience I have had with the iPhone, it is an amazing device. The screen is amazing and vibrant with color, something that BlackBerry does lack, and has an amazing set of tools for e-mail, internet, and music. While the iPhone has a great application for internet and mail (Safari for internet and Apple Mail for Mail), where I feel the iPhone looses out is the whole instant e-mail and the lack of a keyboard. Don’t get me wrong folks, the touch screen and the whole “flip through pages with your finger” is light years ahead of the old BlackBerry Track wheel, I feel that the whole touch keyboard just isn’t worth me switching. I can use two hands to type on the BlackBerry and type an entire paragraph in no time but, with the iPhone, I am limited to just one finger at a time and it really slows down text entry in my opinion. Try using two fingers and you lock up the keyboard. Also, where the BlackBerry is known for it’s instant e-mail, the iPhone simply has an instant on connection that is checking for mail every set number of minutes. Not that that is a HUGE issue but it’s not as fast as instant 🙂

It is the lack of a real keyboard and true push-mail that make me not want to give up my BlackBerry anytime soon. Would I turn down an iPhone, no. I just wouldn’t go from a BlackBerry to one anytime soon. With the new BlackBerry Curve out, all the features I would want from the iPhone (Music, Movie and Camera) are now on the BlackBerry. Apple’s got a great phone but for me, I’ll just stick with my video iPod and BlackBerry.

Part of this message was composed using my BlackBerry Mobile device.

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Quarter Century and a New Role

Well I don’t know where to start. Today I am now officially a quarter century old. Yep, Webby has turned 25. Sorta scary but sorta cool at the same time. It is also my golden birthday! How cool is that? What else is cool is that I start this new year in my life with a new role here at Walt Disney World!

Effective today, I am now a member of the elite Dream Squad. I will be joining the team at the Magic Kingdom, yes I know I don’t seem to travel too far away from there. As a Dream Squad Cast Member, I will be a representative for the Walt Disney Company and official prize fulfiller for the Year of a Million Dreams at Disney Park’s Disney Dreams Giveaway. For more Information, visit

Tonight it’s off to the Alehouse for another fun filled birthday night. If you are in the area, stop in. Till then, I’m out.

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25th Birthday Plans

It’s time again for another Birthday night at Alehouse. For the 3rd year in a row, please join me at the Alehouse for a night of drinks and fun.

Where: LBV Alehouse (12371 Winter Garden Vineland Rd, Orlando, FL 32836)
When: Monday, June 25 Starting @ 8pm

Please feel free to bring any guests. My one request is that for those that do come, please, no gifts. This is meant to be a night to hang out with friends and just have a good time.

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Space Shuttle Launches

For those that remember, I have always had a love for the Space Program and the Shuttle. From visiting Kennedy Space Center as a child to going to Space Camp I really have always loved space. One thing that Florida has other than theme parks is the Kennedy Space Center and the Space Shuttle Launch Complex. Now, I have not been to Kennedy Space Center or the East Coast of Florida since I was a kid but I still watch the Space Shuttle launch either at work or at home.

This launch was different because while I was watching the launch live on HDNet on TV, I happened to look out the window and caught this:

Atlantis 06-08-07
Space Shuttle Atlantis Ascends to the heavens. June 8, 2007

I think it is truly amazing when one thinks about the true power and engineering marvel that the Space Shuttle has. It will be exciting to see what comes next. Till then, bring on the launches. How about next launch in July we head to the cape to watch?? Anyone interested?

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We Keep Moving Forward…

Since I have been getting a lot of questions lately about the rumors of me leaving Main Street Operations, Here is the e-mail that I sent out to the Main Street Operations Team:

When asked about WED Enterprises, Walt Disney said, “Around here, however, we don’t look backwards for very long. We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing new things… and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” There are times in our lives that we need to make a move in order to keep ourselves motivated to keep moving on our careers.

I wanted to send out an e-mail to inform everyone that my last day with Main Street Ops will be Thursday, June 21. I have accepted an assignment with the Dream Squad here at the Magic Kingdom and will begin there on Sunday, June 24. I am still in the process of interviewing for a coordinator position with Walt Disney World Ticketing and have not given up my passion towards that side of our business.

My time on Main Street has been a great learning experience and one that is filled with lots of great memories and friends. It has been an honor to be a part of this team and I look forward to working with everyone again in the future. Thank you again.

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Think Different

It’s been about 10 years since Apple Computer dared us to Think Different. I think that those that are Mac users such as my myself tend to really Think Different. I was reading my usual morning reads in Google Reader and I noticed that the team at âž¡ The Unofficial Apple Weblog had stumbled across this interesting video on YouTube. Apparently, some Apple fan boys had taken the original âž¡ Think Different commercial and removed the video portion and replaced it with moving text. I think that with the text only, it is just as moving. Anyone else have any thoughts? Feel free to comment.

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The Subs are Back!

I can’t wait to go back to Disneyland and ride one of my favorite rides as a kid, again. After 10+ years, the Subs are finally coming back. Look for the Finding Nemo Submarine Voyage coming soon to the Disneyland Resort, the place where dreams come true. Too bad we got rid of them here. Just another excuse for me to go back to California. 😀

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Firefighter Tom

Well folks, it has been a long day. Between helping Frontierland Attractions with moving Big Thunder Trains to fighting fires in the Indian Village. I have had a non-stop day! Bigest excitement for the day was putting out a fire on the train tracks. Now for those of you that don’t know, the fireworks bunker/launch site is just next to the tracks so fires are a normal thing in the evenings and at no time was anyone in danger. Issue is, this one was at 11 am. Looked like it was smoldering all night. I got a call from one of the trains and was hiking out to go check it out. Once on the scene I had to remember which tee-pea the fire extinguisher was located and then attempted to put out the fire.

This is where the humor comes in. My first attempt saw the hardly ever used extinguishers hose being shot off (this is due to where it is stored. The heat and the elements had rotted the base of the hose) and me getting the water all over me. My managers Craig and Chrissi are now laughing at this point and Craig takes over once the hose is reattached while I try and try off and get all the chemicals off me and gets nice and close to get the thing out while trying to keep the hose still on the fire extinguisher. We got the fire out just as Reedy Creek Fire Dept shows up and they proceed to pull out the more manly hose to finish the job I started.

Between the fire and other issues in the day, I didn’t get a break till close to 4 (I came in at 7). So no break time for Firefighter Tom despite being successful in putting out the fire the first try! Despite all the business stuff though, today was a fun day. Not too often I get to say I am a firefighter in my role.

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Cinco de Mayo – Epcot Style

Well, as most people know, yesterday was Cinco de Mayo so what else to do other than head to Epcot and celebrate. Seriously though, that’s what everyone does right? Yesterday my friend Brandon from the college program and I went to go enjoy Epcot and the International Flower and Garden Festival as well as enjoy the Cinco de Mayo festivities in Mexico. First on our visit, a really cool Peter Pan topiary. Wait, is that the Travelocity Roaming Gnome? Wicked!

Travelocity Roaming Gnome visits Epcot
Photo from the Travelocity âž¡ Roaming Gnome Blog

After enjoying the cool Peter Pan Topiary (Everyone knows I love Peter Pan right?) I thought it was time to go meet the Roaming Gnome in person. So here you go folks, Tom meets the âž¡ Travelocity Roaming Gnome!

Tom meets the Travelocity Roaming Gnome

Finally, after meeting the Gnome, it was off to Mexico to begin the Cinco de Mayo celebration and Brandon’s first time being able to drink around the world. Here is one more picture from our visit in Mexico of me with the Three Caballeros, José Carioca, Donald Duck and Panchito Pistoles.

Tom with Three Cabelleros

After leaving our friends in Mexico, it was just a nice stroll around the World Showcase with random run ins with several of my friends. It really does amaze me with a Cast Member base of 58,000 how many people I really do know. It is actually kind of scary. So that was my fun Cinco de Mayo? How was yours? Till next time. See ya!

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