
So I am just getting home from a night at the movies with my friend Doug. We went and saw the new thriller, ➡ Disturbia.

The plot summary is as follows:

After his father’s death, Kale (Shia LaBeouf) becomes sullen, withdrawn, and troubled – so much so that he finds himself under a court-ordered sentence of house arrest. His mother, Julie (Carrie-Anne Moss), works night and day to support herself and her son, only to be met with indifference and lethargy.

The walls of his house begin to close in on Kale. He becomes a voyeur as his interests turn outside the windows of his suburban home towards those of his neighbors, one of which Kale begins to suspect is a serial killer. But, are his suspicions merely the product of cabin fever and his overactive imagination?

All I can say is wow. I’ve never been so glued to a suspense movie like this one. My heart is still pounding from it and I have been home almost an hour! What starts off as a film that looks as if it is going ot be a family movie, the suspense and the action start to build up to turn in to a high suspense film that has you ridding the edge of your seat for most of the movie. Shia LaBeof is still Even Stevens in my mind from the Disney Channel but he is most definitely an up can coming new actor. He has a lot of great skills and is shedding his Disney Channel model behavior. I highly recommend this movie if anyone wants a solid thriller movie.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/04/disturbia/

5am Madness

So here I am sitting at work at 4:45 am. I left the Magic Kingdom at 11 last night which surprisingly was not too busy for a holiday. Coming in though reminded me of my long nights in the Emporium three years ago as I saw those Cast still stocking and working from the late night last night. Hope everyone had a great Easter. Things are going well for me with work and I am just plugging away with about 60+ hours this week and last. Here’s to coffee and energy drinks!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/04/5am-madness/

Are you part of Web 2.0?

With all the talk about Web 2.0 lately, it wasn’t until I was reading Pete’s Blog that I really thought about Web 2.0 and me. The video below is by Michael Wesch, a professor at Kansas State University and it discusses how the Web and Internet are converging and creating a totally networked and connected society.

How many of us read RSS/XML feeds? How many of us use e-mail on the go or have created a blog or personalized start page converging content from several providers? How many of us use YouTube or Flickr to share videos or photos? Take a look and see what you think? Are you a part of Web 2.0?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/03/are-you-part-of-web-20/

Life Update

Well, it’s been almost a month since I have moved in to my new place and I couldn’t be happier. Everything is finally all together as far as furniture goes and I am almost done unpacking the remaining boxes. I have been doing a lot more cooking now that I have a nice size kitchen and overall, I am enjoying just relaxing and hanging around my new place. I’ve even hosted a couple of dinner parties with some friends! Since I moved, I am also saving on my gas for my car and can now go almost two full weeks with out a fill up thanks to moving closer. Something to be said about a 12-minute commute to work.

Speaking of work, work is going just fine. I have elected to work some additional hours each week so I can save a few extra dollars for bills so I am averaging 45-50 hour work weeks these days. I still have my two days off of Friday/Saturday to get things done which is a bonus. Things are going to be picking up a lot in the next few weeks with the Easter Holiday arriving and Spring Break in full swing. Possible new roles on the horizon for me but I don’t want to get in to too much details until they are all finalized.

Well, Joe is on his way over and we are just going to relax at the pool or watch a movie so I’ll update everyone later this week on the new roles then.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/03/life-update/

Trunk Monkey First Aid

This is by far the best one of the Trunk Monkey Ads yet:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/03/trunk-monkey-first-aid/

My New Home

Well, I know it has been a long time since I have last posted but there is a good reason. I have been moving! That’s right folks, I have been in the process over the last few months purchasing my first home. I decided that it was time to settle down and with some great support of my family, purchased a one-bedroom/one-bath 863 square-foot condo in Lake Buena Vista at Discovery Palms. My new place is only 3 miles from where I used to rent but, it will be a great place for me to settle down and concentrate on my career here at Walt Disney World.

Check out the photos of my new place:

My Condo
My Condo Building (I’m in the doorway)

Living Room Area
My Living Room/Dinning Room Area (Sill need a table/chairs)

Kitchen Area
Kitchen Area

Living Room and Bed Room from Kitchet
Living Room and Bed Room Area from Kitchen


Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/03/my-new-home/

January 2007 Site Update

Well, I am still sorting things out around the site. I made the upgrade to Word Press 2.1 for stability reasons along with the upgrade to the new K2 Theme. After upgrading, I was having some server issues and compatibility issues with some of my plug-ins used in Word Press so I am finally getting all those fixed and updated.

With the new upgrade now in place, you as the reader should see some improvements in searches and browsing through older posts. The search is now a live search and will display your results instantly and thanks to some AJAX code in K2, my archives are also live updating and can be sorted and browed several different ways. Let me know what you think.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/01/january-2007-site-update/

Where Dreams Come True – “Cast Member”

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/01/where-dreams-come-true-cast-member/

New Header

With the departure of the Christmas/Holiday season, my main header was in need of a change. For now, since I am in a beach mood after visiting Eckerd and thinking about California, I have picked a nice picture of a sunset from a LA County Lifeguard tower that I have had for a while. Enjoy.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/01/new-header/

Goodbye Christmas, Hello Eckerd?

Well, after a busy holiday season, I have finally packed away all of the Christmas decorations. The decorations at the Resort went down on January 8. Due to my busy schedule, I wasn’t able to get mine down until yesterday. I’ve either been working (which I know I do a lot of) or I’ve been out with friends.

This past weekend was a nice change to the craziness. For those that are not aware, my days off are now officially Friday and Saturday. This is a strange adjustment since I have had Wednesday and Thursday off since March 2005. So, Andrew thought that I should take advantage of it and we both decided to go back to visit the ‘ol stomping ground of Eckerd College.

Once we arrived on campus, it was strange to sense that not much had changed in the three years since I have left. My mailbox still opens (1497) with the same code I had in college and the students are still just as eco-conscious as always. Granted, I have not been out of school THAT long, it’s just funny to see that even with a new dorm, new library, new administrators, and new programs, that the school has not changed at all.

Andrew and I had a nice chance to walk around campus and see new dorm which I must say, is very new and modern but, has the total feel of an Eckerd Dorm. We also saw Jim, the Dean of Students and a close friend/mentor to me and met up with him and his wife Anna for dinner. It was a nice treat and always great to reconnect with old friends.

Work this week is full with me back to training new College Program students on turnstiles intermixed with my regular coordinator shifts. My biological clock though is all out of whack with my normal close, close, mid, open, open schedule being changed around. After next week, I hope to be back to normal.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2007/01/goodbye-christmas-hello-eckerd/