The Walt Disney Company to buy Pixar

Some of the best news I have heard in a while:

BURBANK, CA – Furthering its strategy of delivering outstanding creative content, Bob Iger, president and CEO of The Walt Disney Company, announced today that Disney has agreed to acquire computer animation leader Pixar in an all-stock transaction, expected to be completed by this summer.
Under terms of the agreement, 2.3 Disney shares will be issued for each Pixar share. Based on Pixar’s fully diluted shares outstanding, the transaction value is $7.4 billion ($6.3 billion net of Pixar’s cash of just more than $1 billion, based on Disney’s closing share price of $25.52 on Jan. 23).

This acquisition combines Pixar’s preeminent creative and technological resources with Disney’s unparalleled portfolio of world-class family entertainment, characters, theme parks and other franchises, resulting in vast potential for new landmark creative output and technological innovation that can fuel future growth across Disney’s businesses.

Garnering an impressive 20 Academy Awards, Pixar’s creative team and global box office success have made it a leader in quality family entertainment through incomparable storytelling abilities, creative vision and innovative technical artistry.

“With this transaction, we welcome and embrace Pixar’s unique culture, which for two decades, has fostered some of the most innovative and successful films in history, Bob said. “The talented Pixar team has delivered outstanding animation coupled with compelling stories and enduring characters that have captivated audiences of all ages worldwide and redefined the genre by setting a new standard of excellence.
“The addition of Pixar significantly enhances Disney animation, which is a critical creative engine for driving growth across our businesses. This investment significantly advances our strategic priorities, which include — first and foremost — delivering high-quality, compelling creative content to consumers, the application of new technology and global expansion to drive long-term shareholder value.”

Pixar President Ed Catmull will serve as president of the new Pixar and Disney animation studios, reporting to Bob and Dick Cook, chairman of The Walt Disney Studios.

In addition, Pixar Executive Vice President John Lasseter will be chief creative officer of the animation studios, as well as principal creative adviser at Walt Disney Imagineering, where he will provide his expertise in the design of new attractions for Disney theme parks around the world, reporting directly to Bob.
Pixar Chairman and CEO Steve Jobs will be appointed to Disney’s Board of Directors as a non-independent member. With the addition of Jobs, 11 of Disney’s 14 directors will be independent. Both Disney and Pixar animation units will retain their current operations and locations.

“Disney and Pixar can now collaborate without the barriers that come from two different companies with two different sets of shareholders,” Jobs said. “Now, everyone can focus on what is most important, creating innovative stories, characters and films that delight millions of people around the world.”
“Pixar’s culture of collaboration and innovation has its roots in Disney Animation. Our story and production processes are derivatives of the Walt Disney ‘school’ of animated filmmaking,” said Dr. Catmull. “Just like the Disney classics, Pixar’s films are made for family audiences the world over and, most importantly, for the child in everyone. We can think of nothing better for us than to continue to make great movies with Disney.”
The acquisition brings to Disney the talented creative teams behind the tremendously popular original Pixar blockbusters, who will now be involved in the nurturing and future development of these properties, including potential feature animation sequels. Pixar’s 20-year unrivaled creative track record includes the hits Toy Story, Toy Story 2, a bug’s life, Monsters, Inc., Finding Nemo and The Incredibles.

Disney will also have increased ability to fully capitalize on Pixar-created characters and franchises on high-growth digital platforms such as video games, broadband and wireless, as well as traditional media outlets, including theme parks, consumer products and live stage plays.

“For many of us at Pixar, it was the magic of Disney that influenced us to pursue our dreams of becoming animators, artists, storytellers and filmmakers,” Lasseter said. “For 20 years we have created our films in the manner inspired by Walt Disney and the great Disney animators — great stories and characters in an environment made richer by technical advances. It is exciting to continue in this tradition with Disney, the studio that started it all.”

Added Dick: “The wonderfully productive 15-year partnership that exists between Disney and Pixar provides a strong foundation that embodies our collective spirit of creativity and imagination. Under this new, strengthened animation unit, we expect to continue to grow and flourish.”
Disney first entered into a feature film agreement with Pixar in 1991, resulting in the release of Toy Story, which was hailed as an instant classic upon its release in November 1995. In 1997, Disney extended its relationship with Pixar by entering into a co-production agreement, under which Pixar agreed to produce on an exclusive basis five original computer-animated feature films for distribution by Disney. Pixar is currently in production on the final film under that agreement, Cars, to be distributed by Disney on June 9.

The Boards of Directors of Disney and Pixar have approved the transaction, which is subject to clearance under the Hart-Scott-Rodino Antritrust Improvements Act, certain non-United States merger control regulations, and other customary closing conditions. The agreement will require the approval of Pixar’s shareholders. Jobs, who owns approximately 50.6% of the outstanding Pixar shares, has agreed to vote a number of shares equal to 40% of the outstanding shares in favor of the transaction.

The Disney Board was advised by Goldman, Sachs & Co. and Bear, Stearns & Co. The Pixar Board was advised by Credit Suisse.

Separately, the Disney Board approved the repurchase of approximately 225 million additional shares, bringing the Company’s total available authorization to 400 million shares. Since August 2004 through the end of December 2005, Disney has invested nearly $4 billion to purchase nearly 155 million shares. Disney anticipates further significant share repurchases going forward, reflecting Disney’s continued commitment to returning value to shareholders over time.

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High School Musical

So I was flipping through the channels the other night on TV and found an interesting TV Movie on the Disney Channel. It’s called High School Musical. High School Musical is your basic family movie but, what appealed to me about it is that it is more of a musical genre. I guess it may just be me but I grew up on these type of films, The Music Man, White Christmas, etc. The songs are catchy and the story actually a great story line. The songs also have the broadway feel and I have thoughts of Hairspray, RENT, Wicked, and Mamma Mia! flowing through my mind. If you have the Disney Channel, check it out.

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Expedition Everest: Legend of the Forbidden Mountain

Expedition Everest Concept Art

In Spring 2006, Disney’s Animal Kingdom will unveil Expedition Everest: The Legend of the Forbidden Mountain. Guests will discover for themselves the fearsome legend of the Yeti on a thrilling train ride through Mount Everest with a 112 foot lift and 80-foot drop…the highest and longest at the Walt Disney World Resort.

I had the chance to attend the cast previews of this new attraction the other day and let me tell you, I now have a new favorite attraction here at the Walt Disney World Resort. You start your expedition off in a small native town at the base of Mount Everest. There is a legend that the mountain is protected by a mysterious beast known as the Yeti. As you await to start you expedition, you travel through the museum dedicated to the legend of the Yeti. Then, it is time for you to board your train to ascend the great mountain.

You begin your climb through the remain parts of the village up the mountain and are once again reminded about how much the legend of the Yeti is on the minds of this small village. Warning signs and murals all depict this beast. As you climb further ahead, look out to your left and you will see Cinderella Castle, Spaceship Earth and the Tower of Terror on the horizon until all of a sudden, you realize that the track ahead of you has been torn apart by something. Could it be the legendary Yeti? This is just the start of your adventure through the mountain. I wont spoil it for you guys but this is a new MUST DO attraction here at Walt Disney World. Come and check it out as soon as you can.

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New Years Update

This is a repost of what went out in an e-mail to friends and family:

It is that time of year when I get to send out my annual update on what I have been up to over the last 12 months. A lot has been going on for me in my life. In January, I finished my Walt Disney World College Program in the Emporium at the Magic Kingdom and moved in to a Full-Time role with the Walt Disney World Company working in Strollers merchandise at the Magic Kingdom. After working in Merchandise with the company for about a year and a half, I decided to take the next step towards what I hope will be a long-term career with the Walt Disney Company and moved to a role in Operations.

I am currently working with Main Street Operations at the Magic Kingdom. What do I actually do in Main Street Operations? Well, I get the fun and excitement of welcoming each and every one of our guests to the Most Magical Place on Earth while working at turnstiles. When I am not on the turnstiles, I am also trained as a conductor on the Walt Disney World Railroad and Parade Audience Control. I do a lot at the Magic Kingdom and I hope to expand that role in to a role in Guest Relations early next year.

When I was not working, which seems rare, I found time take my first real vacation of my own. Several of my friends and I made the trek out of where all the Disney Magic began 50 years ago to Disneyland. Needless to say, I have instantly fallen in love with Disneyland and it has quickly become one of my favorite, if not my number one, Disney Theme Park. Aside from a vacation, I also found time to participate as a cast choir member once again in the Candlelight Processional at Epcot for the Holidays Around the World Celebration.

Also, I am now settling in to a new apartment that I have with a college buddy of mine who also works at Disney with the Disney Vacation Club. We live exactly 12-minutes from the Magic Kingdom which makes for a nice commute to work. An added bonus is that most of our friends also live with in 5 miles of us. Saves a lot on gas being so close as well.

Well, I really don’t know what else I can update everyone on since I work all the time it seems. For those in Minnesota, I hope to come home sometime early next year or Spring time to visit. I haven’t forgotten about you!

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Happy New Years

Well, I survived the holiday rush here at the Walt Disney World Resort. I only worked 65 hours the week between Christmas and New Years but it was worth it. Christmas away from my family is always hard but I had my own way of celebrating. I sang in Candlelight on Christmas Eve and then spent Christmas Day with Mark, Kent and Mark’s Mom for a nice little BBQ. Worked all week on till New Years Eve when I worked all day long. 19 hours worth of work then. Started off the day with Park Greeter, moved to PAC and then over to Media Events for Dick Clark’s New Years Eve. It was a lot of fun to see the ringing in of 2006 with all my Disney friends.

This week is a little more manageable with only 40 hours and mostly shifts as conductor on the trains. Andrew should be running in the marathon this weekend so I will be cheering him on from Main Street while I am working. Also, last night I had the fun of helping Joe set up his new PowerBook G4. Welcome to the computing and Mac world Joe, just not too much work from home now!

I should be posting my new years update as well with in the week. That’s the update for now.

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The Prince of Peace!

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. And the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace. May the joy and peace found at the manger be yours this christmas season and always.

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Treating Myself

I am finally treating myself to an early Christmas gift. I just booked myself my first 50-minute Swedish Massage at the Wilderness Lodge Spa. The Cast Member price is right and well, I just need to spoil myself. 😀

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Calm Before the Storm

So I realize that I don’t update this blog as much as I have in the past. There are very good reasons for that. I really am working a lot and when I am done with work, I go and sing at the Candlelight Processional at Epcot. This year I have been able to sing with Phil Donahue, Haley Joel Osment, Eartha Kitt, Harry Hamlin, Lou Diamond Philips and Marly Matlin. It really has been a blast to be a part of and has given me a chance to not only expand my network of work contacts but create some great friends.

As for today, I am taking a nice relaxing day off as scheduled. This week I have today and tomorrow off (with the exception of Candlelight) before I start a the mass chaos that is coming to the Magic Kingdom. Next week I am scheduled 55 hours but I know that it will end up being more than that when all is said and done due to the operational needs and extensions to shifts. Not that I mind the over time but, for those that have been to Walt Disney World the week of Christmas to New Years can understand and vouch for how busy it will be.

Well, that’s all I am going to post for now. I will eventually post a holiday update with what has been going on in the last year with my life. Till then, have a magical day!

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Family Weekend

Well, I know I have not been good in the last several months with posting more frequent updates. Sorry to my diligent readers. Moving on though, my parents and grandparents just left this past weekend after coming to spend several days with me here at the most magical place on Earth. I am so lucky to have parents that not only come to visit me but also help me out with moving out on my own. While Mom and Dad were in town, they treated me to a nice set of kitchens and house supplies that included pots, pans, plates, vacuums and more. Andrew and I had some stuff when we moved but working at Disney and having a limited income, the extra help from Mom and Dad was a bonus that wont be forgotten. Thanks again Mom and Dad! Another bonus of having family in town is getting the chance to eat out and not worry about fending for your self. Many thanks again to Grandma and Grandpa for several great meals out in the parks. I really appreciated it and all you do for me.

Slow week this week at work and I only have 35 hours. Hopefully I can get more Candlelight shows in and earn a few more tickets. That’s all for now folks.

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Like a little kid

I feel like a little kid all over again. The last couple of days I have been training on Steam Trains at the Magic Kingdom. Right now I am working on conductor but I hope to become an engineer some time soon. Well, today I got to ride in the cab of the train and even do the whistle. Wow! I felt like a little kid on a toy train. Walt himself loved trains, I loved trains as a kid. Now, I feel in love with them again. Where else in the world can I work on an actual steam train and make a special vacation for our guests?

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