All Aboard!

I know it’s been like forever since I posted last. I’m sorry my posts are lacking in length and frequency. Anywho, I have some news from the Magic Kingdom. Yours truly will be training to work on the steam trains starting next week. That’s right, I will be training as a conductor with the Walt Disney World Rail Road. So the next time you ride the train, you might be lucky enough to hear me yelling “All Aboard!” he he he. Not too much else to report. Candlelight has overnight practice this week as the shows start right after Thanksgiving. I can’t wait! My first show will be on December 2nd with Haley Joel Osment. Lots of hours at work this week and next then the family comes to visit. So till the next update, have a magical day!

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Private Fireworks

So I was off yesterday and finally had a chance to sleep in a bit. After doing some things around the apartment, I went and picked up Patrick after school and then we headed to Downtown Disney to see Chicken Little. Cute movie and had me laughing. Still not the best Disney Movie but it is entertaining. Anyways, after that, we headed to Epcot to meet up with Joe and a few others for Food and Wine. After the park closed, Patrick and I stayed around till 10:30 when we had heard that there would be a test of the Holiday Illuminations Fireworks. Well, at 10:45 we got treated to an almost private viewing of Illuminations and the Holiday Tag. It was us and about 20 other cast members in the area we were waiting. First off, this is the same show from last year that was dubbed “World War III” but this year (4,400 shells in 3.5 minutes), it has a few extra booms in it. All this firepower to a beautiful rendition of Let There Be Peace on Earth. Sort of ironic if you ask me but it is beautiful to watch. So if you are in the area this holiday season, check out the fireworks at Epcot.

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Small Site Update

It seems like forever sine I did an actual site update but I have. I am working on adding and changing out some of the photos on my photos page and since the Holiday decorations are up at work, I figured why not get in the mood here as well so I updated my header. Also, there is a mobile edition available now. Point your PDA. BlackBerry or Mobile Phone to to access the content.

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A New Home

Well, I know I have been AWOL for a few days. I have a good reason though I promise. I have been busy packing and then unpacking since Andrew and I moved in to our new place on Friday. And through a 16+ hour work day yesterday, I am just exhausted! So I’ll start off about the new apartment. Andrew and I moved from an area of Orlando known as Metro West and back to the Lake Buena Vista Area. We are located just before Sea World on International Drive and close to where the Disney College Program housing is located. So, having said that, my new commute to work is 12 miles on one road lasting 15 minutes instead of a 23 mile commute lasting 30 minutes. Also, I now have my own bedroom back since our new place is a two bedroom/two bath apartment. It is so nice. It also helps when most your friends now live with in a two mile radius as well. Needless to say, I am happy to have moved. Lots of other issues in play with the move but, I wont go in to them on here.

Also on the theme of a new home, the reason I was working for 16+ hours yesterday was because I had the chance to work with Media Operations again (See Grad Night) and assist them with a few families from ABC’s Extreme Makeover:Home Edition. It was a group of 14 families that got a private night at WDW with a concert from Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys. I can’t really go in to too much detail on the background but, watch the Holiday Special of the show sometime in December.

Well, I still have a few random piles around the apartment that I need to sort out and find a home for. Have a magical day!

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Suprise visit

Hi folks. Yep, I’m still alive. I have been busy this past week with my new job. Both working several shifts as park greeter and several in training for parade control. We also had the little storm known as Wilma come through and that changed my schedule for the weekend. This past weekend I had a surprise visit from Grandma and Grandpa Swanson as well as my Aunt Cynthia and cousin Lisa. All four were in Naples and Grandma and Grandpa’s place but had to evacuate for the storm. So I got a nice chance to visit with my family that I haven’t seen in a while. I am park greeter all this week from 8-16:30 every day and off on Wednesday and Thursday. Saturday Andrew and I take over our new place but I wont be moving officially until wednesday of next week. Well, off to bed for now.

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I Miss Disneyland

Ok, as promised, here is the extended Disneyland post. Friday morning we left Orlando at the crack of dawn so we could get a full day in the park. Patrick and I had a flight through Houston while the others were on a non-stop but, we ended up at the hotel around the same time. We arrived to Paradise Pier, our Disney Hotel, around 11:30 and after checking in and leaving our bags with bell services, we went to Downtown Disney and grabbed a quick lunch at Tortilla Joe’s. Then guess what folks, we went to Disneyland! After a short wait for our Main Gates to clear, we entered the world of fantasy and on to Main Street, USA. First impressions? Main Street is so wide, so full of life but what’s missing at the end of Main Street? A castle. Where was the castle, oh wait, there it is in the trees. Yes, I knew that Disneyland’s Castle is small but I didn’t expect the trees to be bigger than it! Despite the size, I still think that Sleeping Beauty Castle is enchanting and magical. Moving on though, we went and did It’s a Small World and got it out of the way, guess what though, it’s like amazing and way longer than the Walt Disney World version. After that, we walked around a bit and went back to the hotel to get our bags and our exact room. Once situated, we came back to Disneyland for Walt Disney’s Parade of Dreams and Remember, Dreams Come True…. Fireworks.

Ok, before moving on with this post, I need to explain their parade. It’s freakin’ amazing. The parade has 6 sections/floats but, it has show stops that will knock your socks off. The Pinocchio float for example has real russian dancers that do flips in mid air just like the movie. Another example is the Alice in Wonderland float with the marching cards doing flips on a giant trampoline. The other neat part is the music in this one. When the parade stops, each float has a special show they put on for the audience but the music is this. It starts with Walt Disney saying “To all who come to this happy place, Welcome.” and then it breaks in to Welcome to our Family from Brother Bear. Loves it! As for the Fireworks, Tinkerbell flies everywhere! Not just down a line but up, down, around and back. The theme for the fireworks is Wishes from the Magic Kingdom but, it breaks in to E-Tickets in the sky and takes you on your favorite Disneyland attractions via music and fireworks. Just in plain english, go see these.

Day two was more Disneyland and more attractions. We also went over to Disney’s California Adventure and checked out that park. Not much to report there other than California Screamin’ rocks. Saturday also was the tour that Clay had booked for Patrick and Me. We got a nice overview of the park and even got to go in to the lobby of Club 33! Also on Saturday, we got to see Fantasmic which isn’t one of my favorite shows here at WDW but, I loved theirs. It even h as Peter Pan! So much is different out there but it is so similar. I just simply love Disneyland. Anyways, moving on. Sunday, we went back to the parks again but left early to meet up with some family for dinner at their place in Newport Beach. Carol and Ed made us a great dinner and allowed us the privilege of running on the beach despite the rain. I so love California.

So some general observations, I love Disneyland. It is now my favorite Disney Theme park. Couple other things. Their Haunted Mansion turns in to Haunted Mansion Holiday in October with the Nightmare Before Christmas. Love this overlay. Not a HUGE fan of the movie but loved this touch. Space Mountain out there is like Walt Disney World’s Rockin’ Roller Coaster at the Disney-MGM Studios but with a hint of Mission:SPACE. Again, great reopening and refurbishment for the 50th Anniversary (Space Mountain has been down for two years). Fantasyland is amazing out there. It is smaller than Magic Kingdom but, it has more attractions and still has Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride plus The Matterhorn, Alice and Pinochhio. Toontown is also way better. Another fun thing was that on our last day, Joe, Patrick and I met Matt Ouimet, the President of Disneyland Resort. He was pretty cool and fun to chat with and really makes me want to work my way up to the top.

I could go on for a long time about Disneyalnd but I wont. You can look at my pictures at or on Patrick’s Xanga

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I’m Back to the world of Reality

Ok, so I am back from Disneyland. How was the trip? It was amazing! I really don’t know where to start in explaining it other than amazing. Disneyland truly is the most magical place on Earth. I enjoyed it so much more than Walt Disney World. There is so much more to do in such a small space. I will be posting some pictures in my .Mac album when I get a chance. I’m off to bed though since I have work at the wee hours in the morning. Longer update to come I promise.

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For those that are not familiar with the term podcast, they are a sort of online, on demand broadcast that can be downloaded and saved to a computer or MP3/iPod player. What started as an underground type broadcast is now mainstream with the help of Apple’s iTunes. Even companies like Fox News, BBC, and Disney have them.

So why am I mentioning podcasts now? I am in the middle of a flight from Houston to Orange County listening to some of my favorite programs. I have my friend Andy’s podcast, Thought Press, APM’s Future Tense, and BBC World’s Go Digital. These are just a few of the many I have on my iPod. It is great to get radio programs with great news whenever you want.

Well, back to the flight.

This message was sent wirelessly via my BlackBerry mobile device, so the reply may be short and may even include some words that are not spelled properly.

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For those that are not familiar with the term podcast, they are a sort of online, on demand broadcast that can be downloaded and saved to a computer or MP3/iPod player. What started as an underground type broadcast is now mainstream with the help of Apple’s iTunes. Even companies like Fox News, BBC, and Disney have them.

So why am I mentioning podcasts now? I am in the middle of a flight from Houston to Orange County listening to some of my favorite programs. I have my friend Andy’s podcast, Thought Press, APM’s Future Tense, and BBC World’s Go Digital. These are just a few of the many I have on my iPod. It is great to get radio programs with great news whenever you want.

Well, back to the flight.

This message was sent wirelessly via my BlackBerry mobile device, so the reply may be short and may even include some words that are not spelled properly.

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I’m Off to Disneyland

Well folks, I am officially done in Magic Kingdom Strollers! I start in Main Street Operations at the Magic Kingdom on Tuesday. So what am I doing until then? Well, I AM GOING TO DISNEYLAND! As soon as I wake up at the crack of dawn tomorrow, I will be taking my first vacation with friends and my first trip to California and Disneyland. I will be in the resort until Monday when I return in the evening. Rough plans are to hit up Disneyland Park on Friday and Saturday and then Disney’s California Adventure on Sunday. I also have some plans to visit some family while out there. Monday morning also leaves time for some last minute shopping or a quick trip in to one of the two parks if needed.

I also want to thank Clay with Magic Kingdom Guest Relations for setting up a special tour for Patrick and me on Saturday. Clay, you rock! Well, back to packing. If anyone needs to reach me, you can e-mail me or just call the mobile. Have a Magical Day.

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