Happy Birthday Andrew!

Happy 23rd Birthday to my roommate/college buddy Andrew!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/09/happy-birthday-andrew/

Guest Relations is a Negative Ghost Writer

Well, I got the call today from Guest Relations. I did not get the role this time around. They gave me great feedback about what to work on for next time and it basically comes down to brushing up on my interview skills. They were impressed with my knowledge of the role and interest in professional growth but, with all that, I was a candidate that was sitting on the fence for them. Scott, the one who called me was honest and said I could have gotten had I been a little more enthusiastic for the panel. So where does this leave me? I’m still at Magic Kingdom Strollers for now. I’m ok with all of this but, I am working on a career path that will take me out of merchandise and in to operations now. Next week I will be meeting with a manager from Main Street Ops and plan on discussing the options that an operations role will bring. So who know. I do know that I will be watching JOBS for the next Guest Relations posting and working on my interview skills a little more for the next time.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/09/guest-relations-is-a-negative-ghost-writer/

Looking Back

After talking with Charlie about setting up blogs, I figured I would take a look back at my own and post some itnersting bits of data for you.

Over the last several years, I have tried to move Webby Aquatics from being a website based on selling my services as a Red Cross instructor to a personal site that allows others an insight in to who I am and what it is I am all about. To date, there are currently 576 posts and 59 comments, contained within 15 categories. These entries have ranged from simple shout-outs for friends birthdays to milestones such as new jobs (1, 2), graduation, technology, and well, just plain randomness and of course, pixie dust.

So sit back, relax, and let the posts continue. And for my readers, feel free to get invovled and post comments to any entry you read. My next goal is to get my readers more involved.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/09/looking-back/

Final Interview Prep

Well, I am officially posting this update from my Dashboard on Mac OS X via WordPressDash. This week has been one that is both up and down with things going on among my group of friends with relationships as well as a full week so far at work and preparing for my Guest Relations Interview tomorrow. I am currently printing off my resumé on nice paper, reviewing all the company information (stock price, news, etc) and getting my suit and pins ready for tomorrow morning. Yesterday I picked up a shift at Test Track Merchandise and was able to meet up with my mentors over at MouseGear for some last minute advice and prep for the interview which was so great of them to do for me.

Moving on from work, I am just relaxing at home this morning waiting for Patrick to get out of school so we can head to the parks and relax a bit. Parks are finally slowing down so it isn’t as jam packed as it has been all summer long. Other than that, there isn’t really much more to report from my end. Feel free to dropme a line.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/08/final-interview-prep/

I got the Interview!

Well folks, I am on my break now at work and I wanted to report that I did get a call from Walt Disney World Casting and I have been asked to interview for a role in Guest Realtions. My interview will be a week from today at 9:20 am. I will keep everyone posted as more details are passed along to be. Thank you again to all those that have supported me.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/08/i-got-the-interview/

Still Waiting, Yet Still Having Fun

Well folks, I know it has been a LONG time since I posted. There is a reason though, and that is called six-day work weeks! Yes folks, that is right, yours truly has been working 48-52 hours in the past couple of weeks to cover the casting shortages we are having. The good news is that this week is the last of it. About the only thing keeping me sane at work is Baloo and King Louie who like to give me a hard time when they go out on sets. I love you guys and Louie, I’m sorry but your bananas still haven’t arrived. Speaking of work, I am still waiting on Guest Relations. I have been told that they had a lot of qualified people apply and they are still deciding on a list for those to interview. So stay tuned.

Also keeping me sane has been my only day off these weeks where I get to hang out with my friends. Patrick and I have had the chance to catch up on these days and hit the parks till the others get out and we can meet up for dinner or a movie. Sometimes though, I don’t know how they all can put up with me because I am so stressed at work and can sometimes let it come to us hanging out. Oh well, we all still get along and are looking forward to the Disneyland trip in October.

What else is going on, umm Patrick and I saw the 40-Year Old Virgin last night. It’s a funny movie but I don’t see it as a movie I would go see more than once. It was a nice evening considering we both had a horrible day at work. Well, I’m going to get back to chatting online with people so if you are on AIM, shoot me a message. That’s it for now.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/08/still-waiting-yet-still-having-fun/

Not much to Report

Sorry for the lack of updates folks. I have been busy with work and well, there really isn’t much new to report. The posting for Guest Relations has closed and I am now waiting to find out if I will get an interview and move on to the next step. Monday morning, I also found out that I did make the sign-up and I am again a member of the Candlelight Processional Cast Choir (pending the completion of 10 rehearsals). Speaking of Candlelight, I also ran in to my friend Mark at the Magic Kingdom while he was on a VIP Tour with a family from Extreme Makeover – Home Edition and we finally found some time to meet up and catch up since we haven’t hung out since like March.

Today was my only day off this week since we are on six-day work weeks with the College Program students leaving and new ones arriving. It’s not too fun but hey, next week I have four morning shifts in strollers. 7:30 am to 4:00 pm baby! I managed to sleep in finally and then catch up on cleaning around the apartment like laundry and such. This afternoon I met up with Patrick after he got out of school and we went to Disney’s Animal Kingdom for a bit and then off to catch Wedding Crashers at AMC-Pleasure Island. It’s a funny movie and worth going to go see (sorry, I’m not the best at reviews).

Now, I am just relaxing at home before going to bed and then back to work tomorrow morning. Feel free to leave a comment or shoot me a message.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/08/not-much-to-report/

Happy Birthday Johnnie!

Happy 21st Birthday Johnnie! Have fun going “around the world”.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/08/happy-birthday-johnnie/

Some Exciting News

Howdy folks. I am just relaxing at home today. I spent the day with my friend Patrick yesterday and we did Disney-MGM studios before heading to Epcot for a short bit and then shopping at the Mall. I finally got my watch resized at Fossil since my wrist is shrinking I swear. For those that haven’t seen me in awhile, I have lost about 35-40 pounds since graduation last May and it seems like I am keeping it off too! After the mall, we came back to my place to watch a movie and then ended up meeting up with Joe, Travis and Paul to go see Wishes and Spectromagic at the Magic Kingdom before calling it a night.

This week has also started off with a some exciting news. 1) I have officially signed up for the 2005 Candlelight Processional. I will find out August 8 if I make it in again. 2) I have applied for a role in Guest Relations at the Walt Disney World Resort. This is the role that I want and have been working for. The application process lasts a month so I will keep everyone posted. Well, back to relaxing. That’s the short update for now.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/08/some-exciting-news/

Bye Bye BlackBerry (For Now)

Well folks, I have made the decision to retire my BlackBerry and move back to my Sony Ericsson P900. The BlackBerry is a great device with so much power for messaging but at the same time, i have found a few flaws that the P900 makes up for. 1) On most of my mobile phones, I can send a SMS (Text) message to a list of people. The BlackBerry only allows e-mails to be sent to more than one person at a time. I send messages to 20+ friends at a time. 2) BlackBerry is for messaging and gives you instant e-mail. This is great but, when your BlackBerry’s address is getting spammed, that doesn’t help and all that SPAM wakes me up at night. 3) I never thought I would say this but, the lack of a camera and MMS (Picture) messaging. There have been several times in teh last few weeks where I have actually needed/wanted to use these options.

The BlackBerry is a great phone/device but, it isn’t the true PDA/Phone that I needed right now. Who knows, I may return to it in a few months but for now, I’m back to my Sony Ericsson P900.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2005/07/bye-bye-blackberry/