I have just gotten home from one of the worst days of the month. My shift started off just fine but, I had several really heavy runs. Like, I’m not talking about weight. I am talking about two or three huge bins worth of packages (READ: 80-100+ items). I can handle that though and even got us caught up on logging while I was at it. The trouble started with some massive rain storms that delayed the runs and then towards the end of the night and my turn at Package Pickup, it was nothing but problems. Package after package was either missing, not picked up, or was missing items. I have never offered so much free popcorn, soda or Comp Shipping. Then, to top it off, when my line gets out the door, my fellow cast members decide it is funny not to come and help me. It wasn’t until they were done joking around that they realized I was serious about needing a hand when they could hear the people yelling at me over package issues. I tell you, it amazes me over some of the people that I work with. GUESTS come first people, NOT your afterwork plans. Oh well, it is over and I am now off for a day.

I am off to bed but I do have a nice day planned of getting things done around home like cleaning and laundry and then meeting up with some friends when they get out of work later in the day. I can’t wait. It will be a blast tomorrow. Sorry for the negative post. I hate doing it but I needed to vent. Sorry to all those that keep wondering where I am. I am working or in meetings. That’s the best I can say really. I use my days off to get stuff done for my career or around the house. Catch you all in the next update.

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Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father’s Day Dad! Hope you are enjoying your weekend at the cabin. Wish I could be there.

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Things Turn Upsidedown

Well, I had a nice day off today considering all the crazy stuff this week among my group of close friends. I am not going to go in to details but for those that don’t know, a large number of my friends work a certain Epcot Attraction that was in the news earlier this week and were directly involved. I have been playing counselor and moral support for them the last couple of days. I even gave up plans to catch up with my friend Brian from the College Program last night and tonight to support them. Although I am not directly involved, I seem to have become involved based on who my friends are and I still hate hearing the decisions and the work my friends did questioned.

Today was nice because it was finally a day where we could hang out and let the events just sink in and not be dealing with the pressure on my friends. My friend Patrick joined us for the day and we really did have fun once a few of them got their mind off things. I am in the morning though so I am going to head off to bed for now. Hopefully I can finally catch up with Brian after work tomorrow. Bri, I haven’t forgotten about you!

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Happy Birthday Brian!

Happy 21st Birthday Brian! Welcome back to the magic.

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I’m Back

Well, I am back home after a week at Disney’s All-Star Sports Hotel. Brandon was in town for the last week and we went to the parks and just relaxed between me working and Brandon visiting other friends in town. I also got a chance this week to go see the new stunt show at the Disney-MGM Studios called Lights, Motor, Action from Disney Studios Paris. It’s a neat show but I still like my Indiana Jones if I were to pick between the two. If you like cool car tricks and what not, you will love this one. I think part of me was spoiled in that I had seen a lot of the tricks on Discovery or TLC specials.

Work is going great. We are finally getting new Cast in place and I am back on a five-day work week this week. It seems now that I will be in Delivery Services most of the time as for the next two weeks, I have no strollers shifts. I’m telling you though, six-day weeks are nice for the money but are killers to the social life. I feel as if I have neglected my friends. Brian is finally back in Florida and I hope catch up with him on one of my days off this week and then the other one, I hope to hang out with Patrick and Joe.

Well, I need to get back to bed. I should have some more regular updates now that I am back online and my laptop is up and running.

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Still around

Well folks, I am back at work but I don’t have my computer with me this week. I am staying in the All Star Resort with a friend from the college program. So while work, he gets to play in the parks. Oh well. Not much else new though. Next week, we go back to 5-day work weeks. I can’t wait. Anyways, break is almost over and I need to walk back to Main Street. Justl etting everyone know that I am still around.

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It’s my Friday!

Well folks, it has finally come. I have a few days off starting tomorrow! I am just getting ready for the day and about to head to the airport to pick up my friend Brandon who is flying in for a week. He is here until June 13th. I am working in Delivery Services tonight and wont be getting home until around 12:15 or so but the key is that I will be on my weekend the next couple of days and not having to work! Lots going on down here. I have been busy with work as you can guess and by the time I come home, I am just ready to pass out and do nothing. I had a good dinner out last night with Luke which was a surprise. Luke needed to get out of the house and ended up coming over. We had a lot of fun. Not much else going on. Just been busy talking with friends online and on the phone to and from work and then when I get home. Well, I best be heading for the airport. Hope everyone has a magical day.

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Early Morning

Well, I survived my 7:30am shift today at MK Strollers. It’s early but nice to be done in the mid afternoon so you can get stuff done. What do I do though? I meet up with my friend Patrick and walk around the park before heading to Downtown Disney for dinner at Earl of Sandwich (Best sandwiches in the world). It was a lot of fun just hanging out and chilling and not having to work! I am in at 8:30 tomorrow and will probably meet up with Patrick again and Luke for another night of the parks. I haven’t had a chance to walk around the parks lately and I really enjoy just chilling in the parks. Well, off to get ready for relaxing tonight.

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I’m around

Well, what can I say. I am working my rear end off these days. There are over 4,000 open positions at the Walt Disney World Resort and having that many open means that we are all working 6 or 7-day work weeks. I don’t mind the overtime pay but, the long hours and the lack of a day off is making life drag along. If you are looking for a job at WDW, call 407-828-1000 and set up an appointment. If you contact me directly, I will give you a referral.

Also, Andrew has moved his stuff in. For those that I haven’t been talking with lately, Andrew is a college friend who is working at Disney till at least January and he is moving in to my room for the period. I don’t mind taking on a roommate because A) Andrew and I are good friends B) I have my current roommates thanks to him and C) It makes rent go down by almost $100. Anywho, back to relaxing before bed.

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Summer CPs Arrive

Well, today marks the day that the summer College Program students arrive. With this arrival means my friends Charlie, Tammy, and Emilee arrive. Brian will be back down in June so I can’t wait to see my friends again.

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