Camper With His New Ears

Well, when I was home, I had my gold pair of Mouse Ears and Camper got in the spirit of the Happiest Celebration.

Camper with Golden Mouse Ears

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Yet Another, Mid Week Update

Well, I am back in Florida after a weekend in Minneapolis. Sorry it has taken so long to get this post up but, what can I say, we are on six-day work weeks at the Kingdom and I hardly have anytime to do much these days. I arrived home last Friday and enjoyed a nice day with my Dad at IKEA and Mall of America before joining some friends for an evening of fun in Uptown Minneapolis. Saturday I relaxed and spent more time with the family and had a nice family dinner with my Dad’s side of the family including Grandma and Grandpa and the slew of Aunts, Uncles and a few cousins. Sunday of course was Mother’s Day and we did brunch at the Marsh which was excellent and I gave Mom a sweatshirt from “The Happiest Celebration on Earth” which she ended up wearing the rest of the day due to the weather.

Grandma and Grandpa Swanson arrived back home on Mother’s Day and Mom, Dad and I went over to say hello to them before I headed back home on Monday. Monday morning was a rush for me of running to the bank, visiting teachers at Hopkins High and having lunch with Scott before going home to finalize my packing and then heading to the airport where I got to see my Aunt Cynthia arriving back form Paris before I headed in to security to head back to Orlando. Lots of stuff packed in to a small weekend!

Back to work right away on Tuesday in Delivery Services and then yesterday, today and tomorrow, I am in the Emporium due to a shift change I did with a friend. It’s nice to be back at home in the Emporium but it is also hard to stand in one space after being in a location where you are always on the go or moving. Oh well. Time to head in though so there is your mid-week update for Webby.

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Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day to the Number 1 Mom in the world!

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Happiest Celebration on Earth!

Happiest Celebration on Earth

To all who come to this happy place, welcome,” said Walt Disney in 1955. Welcome to the Happiest Celebration on Earth. Today, Walt Disney Parks and Resorts around the world are kicking off the largest and most expansive celebration in the history of the Walt Disney Company! 50 years of inspiring magic. 50 years of fulfilling dreams. 50 years of entertaining the world. Walt Disney World, Disneyland Paris, Tokyo Disneyland, Disney Cruise Line and Hong Kong Disneyland join Disneyland to celebrate 50 magical years of Disney Theme Parks. New attractions and new thrills kick off the start of the next 50 years. This is the year to come home to YOUR favorite Disney Park. Be it Disneyland or Walt Disney World. Come join the celebration and be a part of the Happiest Celebration on Earth! Be it your first visit or your 50th, welcome!

Welcome to Our Family Disneyland Resort and Disney’s Brother Bear
Click the play button to hear the clip again.

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Tiger Unleashed

Well folks. I know this is a little late but, Apple released the latest version of the Mac OS X system on Friday called Tiger. I was off on Friday and was able to make it to the launch event at the Millennia store and pick myself up a copy. Let me just say that Apple is the only computer company where the machines get faster with each update. Unlike that OTHER company, Apple rewrites and streamlines the code with each update. Upgrade installed with a breeze and the new updates are amazing. I love the new mail and Spotlight, the new search just rocks my world although, it does sort of freak me out that it can search inside e-mail, photos, documents and more instead of just file names though. Then again, I have nothing to hide. If you have a Mac, get this upgrade and install it! The new features and the speed make it one heck of an upgrade. For more information, visit

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American Cities that Best Fit Me

I got the link for this from Jeremiah’s Site which I read for takes on technology. I find it intersting that the top fits are cities I have never been. Sort of interesting.

American Cities That Best Fit Webby:

65% San Diego
65% San Francisco
55% Washington, DC
50% Honolulu
50% New York City

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Grad Night 2005

Wow, what a weekend! Yesterday, Saturday, I worked my normal shift in Delivery Services and then manages to pick up an additional shift working with Media Operations for Disney’s Grad Night 2005 Celebration. Grad Night is an event that Disney has been putting on for years that honors all the recent grads for the current year with concerts by A-List celebrities and a magical place to just have fun. So what did I get to do for my extra shift, I worked with walking MTV around the park and supporting their filming of the event for Total Request Live or TRL which airs weekday afternoons. The shots from Grad Night should be aired on May 2 I have been told. It was a blast and included doing crowed control at the concert stage in-front of Cinderella Castle and being a guard around Ciera as we walked with her and MTV for interviews. Other artists participating in the event were Yellowcard, Ryan Cabrera, and Kevin Lyttle. I can’t really comment too much about what we did but, let’s just say I had a lot of fun and it was a great experience. I hope to do more work with the Event group sometime in the future and they said they would welcome my help any time.

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Pure Relaxation

Well, what a week it has been. I have been working for the last 6 days straight and decided to treat myself to a nice relaxing day at Typhoon Lagoon with friends. There is nothing like sitting back in a lazy river and enjoying your favorite beverage. Worth every penny of it just to sit back and relax. Nothing else is really new down here in Orlando. I have been just keeping up pace with the growing crowds at Disney. More people, more hours. I have a vacation coming up in a few weeks to go back to Minnesota for a few days. I can’t wait. Well, the sun has taken my energy away and I have to work in the morning so goodbye for now.

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Days off are too short

Well, I am in the process of heading out the door to work today. I just looked on Portal and noticed that my shift was moved up an hour from when it was first posted. Good thing I checked I guess. I am still wishing my last two days off lasted longer than they had. Thursday I was busy with a few meetings at Epcot about possible career paths and then I headed out to dinner with a friend just to get away from the Disney area for a bit. Yesterday, Joe, myself and a few others were going to hit the water park but, the weather here in Florida is so unpredictable that it was too windy and cool so we went to Animal Kingdom, Disney-MGM Studios and Epcot instead before meeting up with Travis and Paul for Mini-Golf and then back to Millenia for dinner with more Innoventions people. Days off are always too short and now my next one will not be until Friday so I get to work seven days till the next one. Well, I need to run so I don’t get stuck in traffic.

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Mid Week Update

Well, I know I was going to update this yesterday but I was too busy. Sorry. Anyways, I am in the process of doing some laundry and cleaning around the house before I head out to work tonight. I am in Delivery Services tonight again. I love it. It is a great change from the crazy and sometimes painful strollers. Painful in that I smash my fingers and pull muscles all the time. DS as we call it maintains all the package options we have to out guests. We go to all the shops in the park and pick up any packages marked for hotel delivery and package-pickup. Did you know we offer those free with any purchase? I am looking forward to doing it more once I get settled in. Right now though I am doing my laundry and cleaning up around the apartment while my coffee is brewing. Mmmmm, I love the smell of my Sumatra Roast from Starbucks. Have a magical day!

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