Goodbye Emporium

Well, I am just getting home after my last shift at the Emporium on Main Street USA. I know I will miss the people but, I wont miss the chaos that goes with it. I know that I will get my fair share at Main entrance but, it will be a change and change is always good. The cast is a great cast and I will miss them. To all the CPs out there, come visit, I’m not that far away. Now, time to start my new Full-Time role at the Walt Disney World Resort and my new path towards a long-term career.

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So I was sort of upset when I first heard that Windows PCs and then the brand new 2005 PowerBooks could use their trackpads for scrolling on pages. I mean, when I am at home, it isn’t much of an issue since I use an external mouse but, when I am on the road, I miss not having the scroll wheel option. Well, that has now changed. Daniel Becker has created iScroll2 that enables the option on most of the Pre-2005 PowerBook and iBook Models. Daniel, you have now rocked my computing world. So if you have a PowerBook or iBook that is pre-2005, go download your copy so you can scroll with your fingers.

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Found It!

I finally found it! I have been looking for this small, little, adapter since I moved from Chatham to my new place. The below piece of technology comes with all PowerBooks and simply converts the S-Video jack to a Composite Video connection so you can attach the PowerBook to any Television, Projector, Etc. You can’t get a replacement one either from Apple. Closest thing is to beg Radio Shack to see if they can get you one. I am so glad I fianlly found it!

S-Video to Composite Adapter
Apple S-Video-to-Composite Video Adapter

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Weekend Away

So this weekend I finally got away from Orlando for the first time since I went home in September. I headed south to St. Petersberg to stay with some college buddies that are still at Eckerd. Last night I got the chance to relax on campus and then a chance to sleep in this morning after being awaken last night to a smoke flair being set off in the form I was staying. Don’t miss that part of college life much.

Went up to International Plaza in Tampa with Pete and grabbed a bite to eat at Champs before going to the Apple Store and Abercrombie. We returned to campus to work on our computers as we used to do before he needed to get back to his homework. I then joined Steve and Emily for the showing of ‘The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou‘ at the Environmental Film Festival, which was one of the reasons I ended up coming down this weekend. This movie is one of the funniest I have seen in a while. Absolutely hysterical. Go see it when you get a chance.

Just relaxing in Steve’s dorm deciding how late I am going to stay or if I will crash here again instead of driving home. Well, that’s all for now.

This message was sent wirelessly via my BlackBerry device, so the reply will be short and may even include some words that are not spelled properly.

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It’s Here!

It’s Here! My new bed is finally complete and I can sleep on it tonight! Yay!

Malm Bed
Malm Full Size Bed (Beech Finish)

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The Wait is On

So I am sitting on my butt at home waiting for IKEA Home Delivery to show up with my mattress. I have the bed frame assembled and my room is coming together. I just hiked out to my car to add some brake fluid in to the dank so it would turn off the stupid light that came on the other day while I was heading home from work. It’s and icky, rainy day here in Orlando and I am off today, Friday and Saturday. Tomorrow I am heading south to St. Petersburg to visit some college friends and teach a class. It will be nice to get back to Eckerd for a visit. Well, I need to make some lunch/breakfast. I hope the delivery guy shows up sometime soon.

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Apple Store is Packed

Well, this is my first mobile post and I am doing it from the Apple Store here in Orlando. It is PACKED! I have never seen it this busy. The lines are out the door and the store is very full. Good for Apple. Bad for me. Just glad I am not buying anything.

This message was sent wirelessly via my BlackBerry device, so the reply will be short and may even include some words that are not spelled properly.

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So Andrew sent me this link to the Onion: State of Minnesota Too Polite To Ask For Federal Funding It’s pretty funny. Talks about the Minnesota-Nice and the endless number of pot-holes that come with the winter months. Makes me ALMOST miss the winter.

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Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday Dad! Sorry I can’t be home again this year.

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I’m Statused!

It’s official! Last night, casting called my parents house in Minnesota and left a message for me about a full-time role. This morning, they called me back and I have officially accepted a transfer from Main Street West Merchandise (Emporium Complex) to Magic Kingdom Main Entrance Merchandise (Strollers, Station Break, Newsstand, and Package Pick-Up). I’ll admit, it wasn’t my number 1 choice but, it IS full-time and I’m actually looking forward to getting outside and a new experience. I officially start on March 13 depending on what I am scheduled. Yay, job security! I’m so excited 😛

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