Now You Tell Me

So I have heard official word that IKEA will be opening a store down the street from my house with in the next year. Down the street being a meer five minute trip across I4. According to several news stations and media outlets here in Orlando, the land deal is done and all that remains is approval to start building the store using exisiting plans that are the same at all the other stores nationwide. This makes me so mad after my whole bed fiasco. Oh well, at least next time I need something, I wont have to pay for shipping 😎

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Another Reason Apple Rocks

So my dad decided to upgrade from his 12″ iBook that he has had for a few years now to a new 20″ iMac. This is w hat he had to say about the new technology Apple has installed for those upgrading computers.

[I] plugged in my iBook and started it s a target drive as the on screen directions said and in about an hour my iBook data was transfered over. The iMac was the same as my iBook and transfered everything over. No reloading of software. You can’t get easier that that. Apple is the greatest. Plugged in my IP address and e-mail info and that was it. Selected the Netgear config for the airport card the wireless was going. The size of this screen is unbelievable, it will take a bit go get use to after being on a 10″ screen. Don’t need to be very close. Sitting here the screen fill my whole peripheral vision. This is so cool.

I love my PowerBook and would never give it up. Way to go Apple!

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WordPress 1.5

WordPress the blog software I use has just done an extensive upgrade to version 1.5. I started using the nightly builds in the last couple of weeks when I converted my site over to its new design. This software really rocks my word so if you run a blog, check it out!

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So today is my morning to sleep in. I don’t work until 18:45 tonight which means I get to sit on my rear at home and watch tv. There is not much on during the day on Saturday I have concluded so I am watching a marathon of Endurance: Hawaii on Discovery Kids. Decent show. Very much like Survivor but I can actually tolerate this one. Oh well. Off to Company D at Epcot then the Magic Kingdom till 3:15.

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Things Start Looking Up

DisneymaniaWell, today that stupid ticket I got the other week about my license is finally over! I started my day at the crack of dawn at Orange County Traffic Court to get that taken care of. Nothing but a stupid (not so cheep) fee just to sit there. Oh well. I came home and changed out of my dress cloths and headed over to the Magic Kingdom. Got my hair cut by Michal at my usual spot on Main Street USA and then walked the park for a bit. I don’t know what it is but, I just enjoy walking the parks and seeing new things and enjoying the old. I also stopped in Adventureland to visit a former Emporium Manager and talk with him about careers. Pretty productive actually. After leaving the park, I picked up my costume for the shift I am doing in Forontierland next week and then headed to the Disney Store at the mall to get the new Disneymania 3 CD and Disneymania DVD. Love them. They rock!

I’m off again tomorrow and plan on getting up to go to the cast pin party at Downtown Disney. I also need to get some things at Target as well so that may be the plan for tomorrow night. Anyways, things are getting better finally. Oh yea one more thing. I was just reminded of how special a simple song can be after listening to my new CDs. So I leave you with one of the best songs that we should never forget.

When You Wish Upon A Star
(Original Music by Leigh Harline)
Words by Ned Washington

“When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are
anything your heart desires will come to you

If your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme
when you wish upon a star as dreamers do

(Fate is kind, she brings to those who love
the sweet fulfillment of their secret longing)

Like a bolt out of the blue, fate steps in and sees you thru
when you wish upon a star, your dreams come true”

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I am almost done updating the subpages. Most content is online still even under the old templates. Only a few sections from the About Webby page have yet to get updated.

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Please Stand By

I am in the process of changing styles on my site. You will notice that the blog portion (the section you are reading) is live. I am in the process of bringing up all the other pieces with in the next week or so. It will take some time but things will return to the site as soon as possible.

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Have you seen me?



If you have seen this mattress, please notify IKEA so that they can ship it to me. It got seperated with the rest of my order which came yesterday!

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Happy Birthday JK

Happy 23rd Brithday JK!

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Still No Bed!

Well, today IKEA was supposed to deliver my new bed. For those that haven’t been up to date on this saga, I ordered a bed from them at the end of December for when I moved in to my new apartment. Well, the first order had to be cancelled due to backorder status so I placed a new order for a larger bed a few weeks ago when i found out JK was moving out. Well, the contracted delivery company showed up today and brought me the frame but NO mattress. How the heck am I supposed to use the frame with out a mattress? IKEA is in the process of trying to track it down after I called at them and explained the issue. So until then, I guess I still have my air-bed. One of these days I will have my new bed. :-\

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