Goodbye Movable Type

Well folks, I have joined the bandwagon and have moved from MovableType for my blog to the free program called WordPress. WordPress is pretty cool so far. You may see a slight update on how this site looks and reacts but for the most part, it will still stay the same. I am in the process of refining my templates so that the site flows like it used to. Give me time and it will get refined. If you want to post a comment, please feel free to join the site using the links to the left. This is only on my site and no longer requires you to go to a third-party site to sign in.

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Mini Vacation

Well, I am now back home after a weekend at the Port Orleans Riverside resort with my Dad. It was a lot of fun. Friday, my friend Scott came up to visit with his parents and the five of us started our day at the Magic Kingdom before they went to Epcot and Dad and I enjoyed our day at the park. I got to see my favorite parade, Share a Dream Come True, and meet Peter Pan (again). before we headed over to Epcot to enjoy the evening and meet up with Scott and his family. Saturday, Dad and I went back to Epcot and then off to Disney-MGM Studios for Fantasmic. It really was a fun weekend and it was nice not having to work. I’m off to work now that Dad is at the airport. Check out the photos page for some of the photos dad took this weekend. I’m in the process of putting some more up over the next few days. Have a magical day and enjoy the Super Bowl.

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One month ago

Well, it has been one month since I ended my Walt Disney World College Program. I am still at the Emporium on Main Street USA at the Magic Kingdom as a seasonal (CT) Cast Member. I am waiting out a skill-code (transfer list) for a full-time roll in merchandise at MouseGear, Emporium, FutureWorld East, and Main Street East. Still waiting on it but, all sources are telling me I should know by March 1. So until then, I’ll be happy where I am and lucky that I am getting full-time hours.

I still see one of my roommates from the College Program from time to time and another is moving down in a few more days. It’s funny. I like where I am now (More Pay and Better Living Place) but, part of me wants to still be a CP just to live so close and enjoy the perks of being right there on property. Oh well, I need to head to bed since I work at 10. Just reflecting

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Not Much New

This is the week to come to the parks! Today was soooooo slow. I can’t post the numbers but, it was way below what you would expect for the park numbers. Dad is coming in to town tomorrow for the weekend and Scott might be coming up for a day with his parents. It will be nice to see Scott after so long and also nice to spend time with Dad. I am still a CT at this point and Casting isn’t really giving out any answers as to when that might change. Well, not much else to report. JK is moving out in a few weeks so rent will be going up. Not fun but it is still cheeper than other places. Also, my bed should finally be here after all the mess. The first bed I ordered from IKEA was discontinued but they didn’t tell me that till now. With JK moving out, I cancelled that order and then upgraded my bed to a larger size now that I will have space. Anywho, I’m off for the night.

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Weird Week

This week has just been weird. The week started off as usual and I even had a lot of fun at the Cast Pin Event at Mickey’s Retreat yesterday. Last night though on the way home just royally made me mad. First, let me state that my trip to and from work had me going through a small community called Windermere. This is where a lot of RICH people live and the cops just like to pick on people. I get pulled over for having an out of state plate and for something lame that I can’t even remember. Nothing illegal like speeding or anything. So I hand over my Minnesota license and all the other needed info and the cop comes back with a citation and court summons for not having a Florida license after 30 days of employment. Well, what makes me mad is that technically I was still a student till January of this year and I am still in that 30 day window. So, I have to go to court and explain it to the judge since the cop says being a student didn’t help me get out of this one. Oh well, I now have a Florida license having given up my Minnesota one and have to wait till February 16th to prove I didn’t do anything wrong which according to the law, I was still covered as a student until January 3 of this year. And to top it off, the cop tells me that I should be lucky I was pulled over by them because they have nothing better to do than pull over out of state drivers. I was so mad at that point. What a bad night.

Today was better aside from the line at the DMV but I am all good now. Working again in the morning and then I should be hanging out with some friends from work and school tomorrow night. Things can only get better. May be I will hear about a full time job.

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Finally a Day Off

Ok so I worked seven days last week but, I figured I would pick up the overtime while it was available to me. I am still waiting for that call from Casting about a full-time role so I have to live with about 30 something hours a week until then. So this week, I am taking both my days off. Sunday I relaxed at home and JK and I went to the mall and what not before I headed down to ‘Ohana again at the Poly for dinner with Mark and Kent to celebrate Mark’s birthday. Mark is a friend from Candlelight and works as a music teacher at Dr. Philips High School and as a VIP Tour Guide for Disney Special Activities. Worked at the crack of dawn on Monday and then ended up meeting Travis and Kirk for dinner at Alehouse. Now today, I just went over to Epcot to meet with a few managers at Mouse Gear about my resume and to see Travis. Now, I am just relaxing at home watching American Idol with my roommates. Well, that’s the update for now. I’m still getting used to not being on the College Program as all the new CPs are showing up but I love it still.

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What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

Andrew posted this in his Blog so I thought I would take the test:

Your Dominant Intelligence is Interpersonal Intelligence

You shine in your ability to realate to and understand others.
Good at seeing others’ points of view, you get how people think and feel.
You have an uncanny ability to sense true feelings, intentions, and motivations.
A natural born leader, you are great at teaching and mediating conflict.

You would make a good counselor, salesperson, politician, or business person.

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Starring Chip ‘n Dale

Starring Chip n' DaleSo today, Friday, was a slow day again in the park. Well, actually this whole week has been slow. I took the chance to help the Emporium out today and purchased the new Chip N Dale DVD that came out last week. What a great collection. All the classics and it brings back all the memories as a kid. I love it! Now I just need to get the Donald Duck one when it comes back in. Dad will be down in a week or so which will be cool.

I know I haven’t posted at all this week but, I am working a lot of hours so I can get the overtime pay while it is available. So, I’m off to bed. I have to work at Mouse Gear today at noon.

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Lazy Sunday

I am finally getting ready for the day. I work at Mouse Gear at 15:15 but I have just been relaxing around the house for the morning making myself breakfast and am now enjoying my coffee. I am still very full from last night though. I took my new roommates out for dinner at ‘Ohana in the Polynesian Resort by the Magic Kingdom. For one flat fee, you get all the Hawaiian food you want and it is simply one of the best meals I have had here at Walt Disney World. Great food, great people, and great times. well, I should head for the shower and get my costume on for work. Enjoy your sunday!

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Small Photo Update

Just updated a couple of photos on my photos page. Check them out!

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