Small Site Update

Well, I have finally gotten around to giving a small update to Webby’s Favorites. This new update includes converting the music links from to the iTunes Music Store. Rest of the items still link to Amazon but there is more content based on iTunes for now.

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All Pure Magic Wrapped up in Pixie Dust

So today was my first day on registers in like almost two months. I have been a runner for most of the time with a few shifts as a stocker but mostly runner. Since this week is the ‘calm before the storm’ we are slow as a snail at work. I have gone from 40 hour work weeks to a small 32 hour work week. Fine for me as it gives me a chance to catch up on rest but anyways, back to the story from today. First, I had a couple visiting from the United Kingdom. They really wanted to purchase one of the toy trains to go around their Christmas Tree but the size of the item would make the item near to impossible to cary on the plane and the shipping price would exceed the item. So what do I do for them? I ask if they ever visit the Disneyland Resort Paris. They said that they do occasionally and were going to be in Paris in the next couple of weeks. Now this is where the magic happens. I get on the phone to the operator and explain what I am looking for. The kind operator connects me directly to the Emporium at Disneyland Paris. The funny thing is, it was just like connecting to any place at the Walt Disney World Resort, no wait! Anywho, finally get someone that can speak English and who isn’t closing the store as it was 8 pm over there (never thought about the time change when I started this one) and tracked down the exact toy they were looking at in the Emporium in Florida but in the Paris edition. This definitely made the guests day. Who would have thought that you would come to Florida and we would call Paris to find an item for them? They left the store excited to have found an item that would be waiting for them when they returned to Europe. Not too bad for the start of my day.

Enter in guest story number two. By the time I got back from my break, I was about ready to head home but then this one family came in to the Emporium and I had the great chance to work with them to find what they were looking for. They mom and the youngest son were looking for small gifts for his friends and I helped them pick out some small things of candy to get for them. Then I help them setup some dinner reservations at the Disney MGM Studios. This isn’t the end though. I come to find out that none of them had ever been to Disney World before. I took the timing of the parade as an excellent moment to find them the perfect spot to see the parade right on Main Street USA where they were in front and up-close to the parade as it passed by. Just to add a little more magic, I snuck backstage and got a handful of Pixie Dust? and popped back onstage and sprinkled them with it. It was the best. The mom was almost in tears when she thanked me for making them have the most magical time in their lives.

This folks, is why I choose to work at the Walt Disney World Resort. Our vision states:

The Walt Disney World? Resort will always be dedicated to making dreams come true. In this magical world, fantasy is real and reality is fantastic. A wonderful sense of community awaits, where all are greeted as welcome Guests and become cherished friends. For all who work and play here, Walt Disney World? Resort will be a source of joy and inspiration.

This is the reason I love me job. Making sure every guest has the most magical time of their life.

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Stitch Escapes and a Christmas Parade

Well folks, today (or yesterday now), was the grand opening for Stitch’s Great Escape at the Magic Kingdom. With all the media present, Stitch decided to take it upon himself to do a little ‘redecorating’ of Cinderella’s Castle with some white paper also known as toilet paper along with some red spray pain in-which he proclaimed himself king. It was very cute and I think it was a great success. Also today, the cast of the Magic Kingdom were treated to the dress run for the Mickey’s Very Merry Christmas Party Parade down Main Street USA. It was a blast and really put me in the holiday mood. I can’t wait for Holidays Around the World at Epcot which included Candlelight Processional. Also making an appearance tonight was Stitch riding right along with Santa Clause.

Just relaxing at home for the night now after going to to IHOP with some people from work. Now back to the TV and friends.

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Stitch’s Celebration and Verteran’s Day

Well, I was going to post this yesterday but my schedule became booked in the evening when I would have posted. Yesterday was Stitch’s Celebration a the Magic Kingdom marking the Cast Holiday/Appreciation Celebration. There was a tent sale for merchandise, food, information booths which I was working at the WDW Pin Trading one, and Segway Training. It was a lot of fun and all I can say now is that I want a Segway! As well as being a day for celebrations, yesterday also marked Veteran’s Day. The Magic Kingdom honored our nations veterans with a special flag retreat on Main Street USA complete with the Voices of Liberty from Epcot and the Main Street Marching Band. Also on hand was a special color guard made up of Magic Kingdom Cast Members whom had recently returned from serving over seas. What a great way to honor our veterans at the park. Well, that’s all for now.

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Career Plans

Has it really been almost a week since I posted? Well, I have been busy with work and the two days off that I had this past week I used to catch up on things around the apartment. Last Tuesday though, I went to the My Disney Career workshop/job fair and was able to speak with several of the key people in merchandise as well as Lee Cockerell, the Executive VP for the Walt Disney World Company. I know have a clear idea for what I want with this company and am now working working with several of my managers to clean up my resume and ‘Disneyfy’ it so I can proceed to Leadership Casting Call sometime next year. LCC is the internal path to management positions at the company. Who would have thought I would go for retail but I love what I do here and have no intention on leaving so the only way to go is up from here. I’m on my way out to work for the evening so this will have to be all for now. Look for more updates later this week.

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Goodbye Uncle Jim

Yesterday I received word that my Great Uncle Jim had passed away after getting sick in the summer of 2000. A friend of my extend family wrote this about Uncle Jim:

James B. Hannah died this morning at the Veterans Hospital. He was in his mid-eighties and had been in declining health for some time. I was always particularly fond of Hannah, because he used to introduce me to people as his lawyer. “I like having a lawyer who looks like a lawyer,” he’d say. Whatever that meant. Never said anything about any skill I might bring to the discussion, however.

Hannah graduated from Harvard College and went into the Navy in World War II. The story was that his was the first American ship in Tokyo Bay at the end of the war. A sub-chaser, I think. He would have been a junior officer, but he was in command of that little ship. If he’d jumped off the boat and shot some wounded Japanese guy, I suppose he would have run for President.

I remember growing up going to his home in Hopkins. While visiting with him and my Great Aunt Bunny, I remember playing in his loft. His loft was filled with ship memorabilia and my mom reminded me that I was especially enamored with the ship’s bell when i was younger. You could always count on him to make you laugh. I’ll miss you Uncle Jim just as much as the rest of the Hannah and Swanson families will.

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I’m a Winner!

Well folks, yours truly has been selected as one of the lucky few that can pre-order the Cities 97 (Minneapolis 97.1 FM) CD Sampler 16! For those that are not aware, the sampler is created each year and includes a track listing consisting of a handful of Studio C (Acoustic) recordings by various artists with the proceeds going to charities in the Minneapolis Area. I missed out on my chance to buy the CD last year so I was so delighted to come home from work and see the e-mail in my inbox telling me I could pre-order it. Check out the link to the site by clicking the album art and listen to some of the samples from the tracks.

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iPod Photo


Well, I logged in to the web today to check on some news and what did I find? Apple Computer has upped the bar again for the digital music industry. First, the iTunes Music Store is now available across Europe and North America. Second, Apple has launched an Exclusive U2 branded iPod but the third item is the coolest yet. The third item is iPod Photo. iPod Photo can not only play your iTunes music but, you can now store all your photos on the iPod and share them via the television or the color screen on the device. Solid move Apple. I can’t wait to see one in person.

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Stitch Has Escaped!

Ok so I showed up to work a bit early today. Mostly to go visit Paul and Shane at work but also to try and ride the latest attraction to the Magic Kingdom, Stitch’s Great Escape (SGE). SGE replaced the old Alien Encounter attraction in Tomorrowland and officially opens to the guests on 16 November with cast previews being 1-4 November. Now, limited numbers of guests have been able to ride the attraction this weekend as they have been doing limited previews. Well, I was able to get in line and ride the new attraction.

The attraction follows a similar storyline as Alien Encounter did with the exception that it revolves around Stitch or Experiment 626. You are asked to trained as security guards by the Federation Council Women and Captain Gantu. You then move in to a pre-show area where you are issued a brifing by C3PO90210 (cheesy name I know) and then you proceed to the telportation chamber where Stitch will be transported too. I wont go in to too many more details becasue that would spoil the show. If you want to know more, send me an e-mail and I will fill you in. This will be a hit this holiday season. Well, off to costuming to change and get up to the Emporium to work till 02:30.

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Friends, Connections, and the Future

Well, I know it has been a LONG time since I got time to sit down and make a post to my blog. What can I say, I am back to working 40 hour weeks again. Yay! For those that didn’t know, when October rolls in, they park attendance drops so there isn’t a need to have us work 40 hour weeks and we get cut back to the minimum of 30 hours a week. Not anymore though, we are now getting more crazy with the approaching holiday rush. Along with the holiday rush though means the Cast Holiday Celebration (CHC). CHC gives us an extra discount on merchandise and coupons for great deals on meals and treats throughout the park along with comp tickets. Don’t bother asking for the comp tickets though as they are already claimed by family members, sorry!

Chris is up for the weekend from Eckerd to visit his family so we got a chance to hang out at Pleasure Island last night thanks to my roommate who has a special ticket to get us in. For those that don’t remember, Chris is my roommate from last year at Eckerd. He is finishing his second major this semester and then will join the rest of us in the world of being an Eckerd College Alumni.

Hmm what else is new? Hmmm…Well, I called the Job Line (407-828-1000 for those interested) and found out that I need to wait till December to align a job for January but that it wouldn’t be an issue going full time. So that was a relief but now, I needed a place to stay. Enter in JK and Norm. One of their roommates moved out so I will have a space to move in to their place in January. Don’t you love friends? So I am all set to start a career at the Walt Disney World Company.

Well, time to get ready for work. I have an 8 hour shift as runner tonight so need to get some food and what not before heading to the Magic Kingdom.

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