Fall Has Come

Well, the temperature is finally dropping. As I type this entry, the temperature outside is roughly 64ºF. For Florida, that is the time to pull out the sweatshirt and pants. Work today was a nut-house as well. We had the usual after parade rush at 3:30 when Share a Dream Come True passed but the rush never stopped! I am so glad I was out of there at 7:30 tonight. Now I am just relaxing at home till a few friends get off of work and call me watching the new ABC Fall TGIF lineup. I have to say, I love the new show Complete Savages. Reminds me somewhat of Home Improvement, another classic ABC sitcom. Looks like ABC (read Disney) has finally started to do well again. Well, back to TGIF and e-mails.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/10/fall-has-come/

Friends, Family, Good Times

Well, I know it has been a long time since I last updated this thing. What has been up with me? Well where do I start. Last Thursday, Brandon and I took a short get away day trip to Ft. DeSoto and Eckerd College for a day of relaxing in the sun and for me to visit some old friends. Met up with some of my old professors and friends including chilling with my roommate from last year, Chris before we met with Dean Annarelli to say hello. Got back up to WDW around 10 but opted not to go to Pleasure Island for cast night.

Now this weekend I haven’t had internet access since I have been staying in Disney’s Pop Century Resort with my brother Tim. Tim had a long weekend from Bowdoin College in Maine and he came down to visit me and go to a Pixies concert at Hard Rock Live here in Orlando. We went to Epcot Center on Saturday before I went to work for the evening and then on Sunday, we went to Property Control and Cast Connection before he went to his concert and I went to work.

Monday though, I had a day off and we went to the Magic Kingdom where we met up with some of my co-workers and more of my Eckerd Friends (Ian, Clare, Ann, and Laurel). Did the classic rides before going out to dinner at the Whispering Canyon and the WIlderness Lodge Resort for an all-you-can-eat meal. It is a great place to eat and it is filled with lots of crazy fun like horse races and dancing. After dinner, we went back to the Magic Kingdom to watch Spectromagic and Wishes, a magical gathering of Disney Dreams before calling it a night.

Now this brings us to this morning. Tim and I left Pop Century for the airport at 5 this morning and then I went back home to crash until noon. Brandon and I met up and are now at Mall at Millenia where I am writing this from the Apple Store on a new iMac. Well, time to run and head home for work.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/10/friends-family-good-times/

Cograts JK!

Congratulations JK on becoming a status coordinator at Futureworld Attractions in Epcot!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/10/cograts-jk/

Yay Hours!

Well, the slump season is still here but, my hours are slowly starting to increase. I now have 39-40 hours again. Better than the minimum 30 but still not as nice as the 50 I had over the summer. Oh well, I’ll live. Tonight I am working 1800-0230 (That’s 6pm-2:30am for those non-military time people). It is a special event night called Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party. Park gets all decked out and the fun starts at 7. Not much else new to report. Candleight practice is going great and I can’t wait till the show in December. Tim is coming in this weekend and I may even get a chance to visit Eckerd on Thursday. Well, off to Epcot before work.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/10/yay-hours/

Some Hurricane Humor


Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/some-hurricane-humor/

Hurricane Jeanne

hurricaneflag.gifWell, here comes another hurricane. Only the forth one to come passing through Florida in the last five weeks. Jeanne shouldn’t overstay her welcome like Frances did but we are all prepared in our apartment. I stocked up on some food for myself as did the others and we also got the key item to any hurricane ride out, beer. What else are you going to do when you are hunkered down in your apartment for a full day and you can’t leave? This also meens that we have yet another day with out pay to add to the other two left by Frances. This is not a fun summer in terms of making money with all these storms. Well, I am off to work for what little time I can get in today. Rumor has it that we will get released early to head home. Until then, updates may be offline for a few days if we lose internet again.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/hurricane-jeanne/

IKEA is a No Go

Well, I really wanted this computer desk from IKEA but, they e-mailed me back and said I can’t have it unless I drive to the closest store to get it. The closest store being in Atlanta. Ummm…I think I will just wait until the 2005 catalog shows up and may be I can find something similar.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/ikea-is-a-no-go/

Blast Off!

Well foks, last night was the official Blast Off Party at the Magic Kingdom for all the Magic Kingdom College Program members. We got free food and they had a few rides open for us including Space Mountin with the lights on! This ride is better lefft in the dark because with the lights on, you realize how close the tracks actually are. Don’t put your hands or arms up on this ride!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/blast-off/

Here We Go Again

WEll folks, we have yet another storm on the way. Hurricane Jeanne should be here Sunday around 2pm. Fun stuff!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/here-we-go-again/

A Brief Update

well folks, I am still around. I have just been so busy with work and getting things done around town. I am off now on Mondays and Wednesdays it seems since I have Candlelight practice on either one of those nights depending on the week. Our internet is also dead so I have to make updates from either the Disney Learning Center or my P900. Anyways, I’m still here so updates will resume once my net is back.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/a-brief-update/