Whrilwind Trip Home

Well, I had a great weekend back home in Minnesota. I left Orlando on Thursday afternoon and arrived to Minneapolis shortly after seven in the evening. Mom and Dad picked me up from the airport and then we went to visit IKEA and then out to dinner at the Gold Nugget, a local burger place in Glen Lake. Ok as far as IKEA goes, this place ROCKS! I have been looking at some desks for my apartment for my laptop in the catalog and it was nice to finally get to see them in person. I will definitely be placing an order with them soon for one. Don’t know how else really to describe the place. It’s just a cool place to go shopping.

Friday I used to visit with former coworkers and teachers at Hopkins High School. First I went over to the district office to visit Pete who moved from the high school to a district position and he gave me a tour of the new district server room complete with the two XServes and XRaids that power the district. For those non-technology people, these are Apple’s cool new servers that are top of the line. I then went over to the high school to visit staff there and check out the new construction. Wow, this place has changed so much since I was there 5 years ago. The new addition makes the entrance and food court look like the airport! It is a change but it will be nice once it is done. After visiting with teachers, it was off to dinner with the Swanson side of the family and then back home to watch the Sward in the Stone with Dad for old times sake.

Saturday was my day reserved for hanging out with friends. I met up with Scott and then we went to a bar/grill in Uptown called The Independent. Anna and her boyfriend as well as Sam met up with us there and it was just a fun night of hanging out, chatting and enjoying the company of old friends. Sunday was just a nice relaxing day at home and then meeting up with the Webster side of the family for dinner. And that brings me to today.

This morning I had a chance to sleep in again and then I had to head up to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned and then I met up with Scott for lunch before returning home to finish packing and enjoying time with Camper before leaving again. Got to the airport early and found out that the flight I am on to go back to Orlando has a grand total of 35 people on it. Not too busy do to Ivan I guess. JK should be picking me up once I land so we will have to see.

In closing though, it was a nice break from the routine to visit home but at the same time, I am happy to be back where the magic lives. Have a good one.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/whrilwind-trip-home/

Frances Has Left the Building

Well, I was finally back to work today after two days being locked in my Apartment while Frances decided to visit the Orlando Area. We are lucky in the fact that we didn’t get too much damage. We had some minor leaks in our apartment but other than that we survived. I was actually so happy to drive to work today as I was so bored from being stuck inside the last few days. I can only watch so many DVDs, play so many games, and make so many phone calls. This will be a short work week for me this week since I lost Sunday and will be going home on Thursday so every little bit will count.

The park was absolutely dead today. I mean, I am talking 5 minutes or less wait on every ride including Space Mountain and Buzz Lightyear! Oh well, I guess we will live despite a little bit of boredom at work. After work tonight though I met up with my friend Paul from Hopkins who is now working at the Haunted Mansion and we got some dinner before we parted our separate ways again for the evening. Right now though, I am waiting for some people from work to call me back when they get out of work and then Brandon should be over to pick up his stuff from the weekend since he spent the weekend here instead of at his place. That’s all for now folks.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/frances-has-left-the-building/

Frances Update – 9/5

The Walt Disney World Resort is still closed for today. Our friend Frances started hitting here at 2:30 this morning. So far we have a lot of wind but not too much rain. We are expected to report to work as usual tomorrow though. Not much to do today. Our internet has been knocked out so I am posting this via T-Mobile and my mobile phone. No word on when that will be back online. I’ll keep posting if I get a chance.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/frances-update-95/

Frances Update

Well, our unexpected visitor is fast (or slowly rather) approaching her arrival. I am now riding the storm out in my Disney apartment. I was originally going to go to a friends house but it is advised that we stay in our company housing as it will have power, phone and water due to the Disney network. My coworker Brandon has moved in to my place for the next two nights as all his roommates are either on ride-out crews at work or out of town. The outer rings of the hurricane are expected to begin hitting us at 10 AM Saturday and will continue till Sunday at 10 AM. The Walt Disney World Resort is closed on Saturday and possibly Sunday as well. I am now off to finish packing up some photos and valuables so I can at least keep them away from the windows just in case. So until the next time I can post, I am going to be weathering 80+ MPH winds. Batten down the hatches!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/frances-update/

All Updates Suspended

Well, for those that haven’t seen, Hurricane Frances is on its way to the Walt Disney World Resort for a little vacation it seems. I am putting all updates to this site on suspension until further notice. Chances are I will be on ride out again and we are not sure how severe the damage will be. All I know is that this storm is larger than the state of Texas and is almost a Category 5 and will soon pass that. Until then, batten down the hatches!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/09/all-updates-suspended/

Yo Ho, Yo Ho, A Pirates Life for Me

Ok so I got deployed for the last two days. Usually it is for a week but in my case, I was sent to Pirates of the Caribbean Merchandise for a grand total of two days. It’s fun to have experience else where but, I always feel glad to go back “home” to the Emporium. Pirates is a busy location much like the Emporium but, you don’t do the revenue the Emporium does. I had lots of small transactions instead of the bigger ones I am used to (don’t ask for more details please). So I will be turning in my pirate belt and socks for my suspenders and tie come Tuesday after today and tomorrow of being off.

In other news, Paul and his mom arrived yesterday and I got them checked in to the Pop Century Classic resort for the weekend. Paul starts on the WDW College Program on Monday and will be an attractions host at the Haunted Mansion. Today I visited JK at work at the Track and now I am just relaxing for a bit before I head over to the Magic Kingdom to meet up with Paul and his Mom. Only another week until I go home to Minneapolis! Yay!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/08/yo-ho-yo-ho-a-pirates-life-for-me/

Old Friends and a Day Off

Ok, so it has been a LONG time since I got a chance to even sit down and write. This is the last week of 6-day and I am so happy about it. I was off yesterday which was my first real day off since last Sunday. I got a chance to sleep in a bit and then I met up with my friend Steve from Eckerd and we hung out and did our thing with our computers and chilled at the mall and Downtown Disney for a bit. New CPs are coming in finally so we are back to 5-day weeks next week. I am at Pirates Merchandise this Friday and Saturday though and then I have two days off to hang out with Paul when he arrives. Still having fun though and love what I do, that’s what is important I guess. Now, back to laundry, lunch and then work.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/08/old-friends-and-a-day-off/

New Photos

I finally got around to cleaning up my photos page. Check out the new photos by clicking the link above or on the left.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/08/new-photos-3/

Goodbyes, Hurricane Aftermath and Work

Well, before I talk about Hurricane Charley, I need to first say good luck and goodbye for now to all my college program friends that have left or are leaving. Good luck and best wishes. Quoting Mickey Mouse, “See you real soon!” Now on with the storm. Walt Disney World Resort faired very well in the storm. We had no catastrophic damage and suffered mostly from damaged signs and uprooted trees. Someone from WDW Magic posted pictures here. We faired very well compared to some cast members that last their entire home to the storm like many here in Florida. That being said, let me now turn to work since both are connected. As those of you may know based on my previous post, i was on Ride-Out crew at Wilderness Lodge on Friday night. I worked on Saturday and even got extended since park hours were increased to meet the demand. Surprisingly, It is said that 70% of all cast members showed up. I think that shows dedication after a storm. Things are returning more to normal at work as well. Park is now closing at 9pm and soon it will be 8 and 8:30 closes. Rock on! I was off on Sunday so I got my hair cut on Main Street USA like usual from Mical and then I enjoyed my day off. I am now working the next 9 days until I get another one. Got to love overtime! Well, time to get some dinner and may be get ready to go out. Talk with you later.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/08/goodbyes-hurricane-aftermath-and-work/

Charlie Update

I am now back home after being released at 12:45 from work after arriving around 1pm yesterday. I was part of the ride-out crew at the Wilderness Lodge Resort for the storm. There is quite a bit of downed trees across property and closer to home, we have not only trees but downed street lamps, stop lights and signs. Currently, the parks are anticipated to open on Saturday at the regularly scheduled time of 9 a.m. That’s all for now. Bed time now.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/08/charlie-update/