Goodbye Buddy


October 1992 – July 15, 2004

Buddy recently was diagnosed with cancer in his chest and this morning, Mom and Dad made the decision that it was time. Dad said that Buddy knew it was time as well. Goodbye Buddy. I know you lived a full life and I know you will be missed. I’m sorry you had to get cancer before I could come home and say goodbye. I’ll miss you as I know Mom, Dad, Tim, Camper and the rest of the family will.

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New Comment System

Well folks, due to the flood of SPAM comments on my site, I have been forced to set up a registration system. The system is part of MovableType and is run by TypeKey. TypeKey authenticates the user and allows them to comment. So I ask that my visitors please sign up with TypeKey, a free service, so that you can comment on my blog as well as others.

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Back to Work I go

Well, today I head back to work after a nice relaxing day off yesterday. I got the chance to sleep in and then met up with Andrew who was visiting from Hilton Head and Clare and Anne who were also off yesterday at the Magic Kingdom. Killed some time there before we seperated and went to get my haircut on Main Street USA again and then went home before the rain got too bad. Relaxed at home for a bit and thenw ent to visit Jonnie at Epcot and pick up a few DVDs at Downtown Disney before they went back in to the vault for 10 more years. Jonnie and I were going to get together after he got off work but he needed the extra sleep so I just made plans to hang out with Clare and Anne some more. Overall, it was a nice relaxing day.

Now I am just relaxing before I head in to work tonight at 18:00. I work E-Ride and then I am stocking so that means I am out at 03:00, yes folks that is 3am in the morning! So hope all of you have a good night sleep while I am working.

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Good Deals & Extreme Home Makeover

So this morning I didn’t sleep in. Jonnie and I got up at the crack of dawn to head to the Cast Connection/Property Control sale where the company sells off overstock and damaged items. The sale itself was for overstocked items. I picked up about $120 worth of merchandise for only $25. Not too shabby. I got a nice $70 blanket/throw for only $15 along with some nice posters. After the sale, Jonnie and I went in to the Magic Kingdom and did a few rides and check out the 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea construction (see My Mobile Album for pictures) before heading back to Chatham Square. Where we went our seperate ways and I met up with my suitemate Matt and hit the pool for a few hours. Wow, you don’t realize how nice it is until it hits 115ºF on the heat index!

After our cool down, Matt and I went off to Target and the Mall at Millenia to get some nice new stuff for our apartment now that our problem roommate is relocated. We have cleaned up the place fianlly and now have put out the nicer posters and items we had been hidding from the roommate and we now feel like a home rather than a dorm room that is the same as all the rest.

Tonight Matt and I are heading to Downtown Disney and to Pleasure Island for Cast Night. I have to work tomorrow but the good thing is it isn’t until 19:30 but the bad part is that I am not out until 03:00 in the morning. Oh well, it is just the joys of working E-Ride night at the Magic Kingdom. Now back to the extreme home makeover!

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Finally a Day Off

Today was my first day off since the crazy holiday weekend. What did I do? I slept in of course and then Jonnie and I headed out for an afternoon at Typhoon Lagoon, or so we thought. Severe thunderstorms and a park evac before we got there changed that plan. Ended up chilling at Jonnie’s for a bit with his roommates and then we hit the American Adventure at Epcot. We then got to see ASIMO from Honda. ASIMO is visiting Epcot till Sunday and is the most advanced humanoid robot int he world. He can even walk up stairs and mimic human movement incluing dancing with John Travolta playing in avideo of Saturday Night Fever!

I’m off again tomorrow so Jonnie and I are getting up atthe crack of dawn to check out the Cast Connection and Property Control sale going on at the Magic Kingdom Cast Lot to see what sort of deals we can get on overstock and other items. Then, Matt, one of my roommates and I are going shopping for stuff to fix up the apratment now that our trouble roommate is gone. That’s really it for now. More updates to come as I have time.

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Happy 4th of July!

Ok so I know that it says 5 July for the date. What can I say, I just got out of work! So what did I do today? I spent today with 62,000 (That isn’t a typo) of my close not so personal friends at the Magic Kingdom working. Missed the really awsome Fantasy in the Sky Fireworks show but I shall live. My feet ache and I still have to work tomorrow for 9 hours starting at 17:00 today. Way to go me! Now off to bed!

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Calm Before the Storm

Ok, I know I haven’t updated this blog in a LONG time. I have just been working crazy hours this week. For those that don’t know, this coming weekend is one of the busiest at Walt Disney World behind New Years. The Magic Kingdom is expected to reach capacity (60,000 guests) by 11am on Sunday. We have a 45 minute fireworks show planned as well. So knowing that it is busy, we all have beenw orking 6-7 days a week to keep up with the masses.

Having said that, I had the day off yesterday which was a much needed day to go to class and relax. Met up with Jonnie and hit Property Control where we sell overstocked and damaged/lost and found items. Some nice snowglobes I want but I didn’t need the damaged items. We then went to watch the Share a Dream Come True Parade and then over to Epcot before ctaching the new Harry Potter movie at Downtown Disney. It was a nice and relaxing day.

Now, I am just relaxing in my room until work tonight. I am working 19:30 till 03:00. Oh man do I love e-ride nights, NOT! Check out the Moblog for updated pictures that gets posted more than here.

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Nice relaxing day off

Thanks to all of you that sent me birthday greetings. I have been enjoying my day off today and had a great time on Friday as well. Now I am just chilling at home after an afternoon in the park visiting a friend from MN waiting for some of my Disney frineds to call and figure out if we are going to do anything tonight.

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Happy Brithday to ME!

Well, I just got off from the Magic Kingdom. I am now off until Saturday at 10am so I can enjoy my 22nd Birthday Disney style! Plan of Events:
8:15 Breakfast at Wilderness Lodge
9:45 Epcot
2:00 Magic Kingdom
3:00 Share a Dream Come True Parade
9:00 Spectro Magic Parade
10:00 Wishes
11:00 Who knows. PI maybe?

So to myself, Happy 22nd Birthday!

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Happy Birthday Tim

Happy 18 to my brother Tim.

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