I hate Hummers

Why do I hate hummers? Simple, last night I get off the bus from the Utilidor at 02:30. Now it was a nice 10 hour day at the Magic Kingdom so I am knackered. I then spend the next 20 minutes trying to find my bloody car. I know which row I parked and I can’t see it for the life of me. Granted there isn’t that many cars left at 02:30 in the morning, I still can’t find it for the life of me. Then as I am walking up and down the rows, I see two Hummers and in between them is my car. No wonder I couldn’t see it. It was dwarfed by these things. Not what I needed in the morning.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/i-hate-hummers/

Happy Fathers Day!

Happy Father’s Day Dad!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/happy-fathers-day/

Would you like a Squeeze-Breeze?

So this morning I picked up a shift from EHH at Mission Space again. It was a short four hour one but the four hour shift included two new skills to add to my tool kit. 1) How to open a register and get the cash and 2) How to sell Squeeze-Breeze outside with no register. What is a Squeeze-Breeze you ask? It is a spray bottle with a fan that costs $17. Yep $17 and you too can spray yourself with water to cool down. So I now have two new skills I can use in the future. Also, for those don’t know, the Mission Space costume is simlar to a NASA flight suit so standing outside in the Florida heat for any amount of time is not so pleasent and I can’t evenuse the dang bottles we are selling to cool down. Oh well, it was only for an hour. I’m just glad that we don’t have an outdoors location on Main Street USA. Now that would be hot in those costumes.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/would-you-like-a-squeeze-breeze/

High Speed Internet

Disney finally did it! They have finally installed our high speed DSL connection. About time!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/high-speed-internet/

First Day of Class

So yea, I know I just graduated from college but, I am still taking classes while here at Walt Disney World to expand my knowlege and learn valuable skills from a unique company. I have the resources open to me, I might as well use them. So that being said, today was the first day of Organizational Leadership from the Walt Disney World College Program.

The course description is:
Knowledge of leadership theory and how to apply it is critical for today’s leaders. Participants of this course will examine and apply the classical models of leadership in preparation of their application in today’s corporate environment. Throughout the course, you will examine various aspects of leadership and reexamine the results of your own leadership style.

The teacher is great and I am really excited about the class. Our teacher is a former Colonal in the Air Force and used to work in the Pentagon and for the President in Public Relations. It is also going ot be fun becuase my roommate Tré and my friend Lex are in the class as well. It will be work but fun work that connects to my work location and career goals.

Now, off to the Magic Kingdom for a shift at the Emporium.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/first-day-of-class/

iTunes Comes to Europe

Well for all my readers over on the other shores of the Atlantic, I am happy to report that Apple Computer has released the iTunes Music Store for Europe. Since iTunes Music Store opened in April 2003, over 85 million songs have been downloaded. iTunes Europe will be available in Germany, France and the United kingdom with songs costing �0.99 or �0.79 depending on your location. More information can be found at BBC News | Europe launch for Apple’s iTunes.

Download iTunes

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/itunes-comes-to-europe/

First REAL Day Off

Well, today was my first real day off where I wasn’t picking up any shifts. So what did I do on my day off? First, I slept in till 11 and then met up with my friend Jonnie to go get out haircuts at Main Street USA. Yes, I have my haircut at Disney too. It’s really a great deal and they even give cast members a discount. How many people can say they got their haircut at an old-fashioned barbershop with a Dapper Dan Quartet and Mickey Mouse? After the haircuts, it was off to the Disney-MGM Studios to track down our friend Josh on his second to last day of work. We spent his last day off on Thursday visiting the parks and hanging out since he is leaving on Monday morning. He is now done at Magic Kingdom but due to his height (6’9″) he is doing hours at the Disney-MGM Studios for Star Wars weekends where he is “friends with” Chewbaka. Unfortunately, there are two Chewies and I think the one we had our picture taken with twice was not Josh. Jonnie then left for work and I came back to the apartment to get some lunch and nap a bit. Then it was off to Epcot Cast Services to pick up my costume for my shift at Mission Space tomorrow. While at Epcot, I had dinner with JK and caught a glimpse of Jonnie at work. Now, I am just relaxing and waiting to find out if there are any plans for tonight.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/first-real-day-off/

Busy Week

Well, this week I am off on Saturday and Sunday but, I decided to sign up for some extra hours at Mission Space again this coming Sunday. It is hard to believe that I have already been working for two weeks so far. It seems like only yesterday that I started. Now I am seeing new college program and seasonal people coming in with their “earning my ears” tags on and I feel just like an old timer. For those that haven’t read my updated About Webby section, I work at the Emporium Complex on Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom at the Walt Disney World Resort.

Tonight is E-Ride night which is a special that resort guests can take advantage of. They pay an extra $12 and then get a wrist band that allwos them to stay in the park 3 additional hours to ride the rides. For those that are wondering why it is called E-Ride night, well, the idea of an E-Ride dates back to the start of Walt Disney World in 1971 when you had a ticket book and each ride was wroth a certain ticket. The smaller rides like Dumbo and Peter Pan might be worth say an A-Ticket but the bigger rides such as Sapce Mountain and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad were worth an E-Ticket which you only got a limited number. The first women astronaut Sally Ride even refrenced the idea of an E-Ride in an interview about gong ot space. Her exact quote was something along the lines of “That was just as good as any E-Ride attraction.”

Not much else new to report. I am just enjoying being here and meeting new people. Part of my enjoyment is seeing the magic that I create have an effect on the guests. I know that their experience and vacation can have jsut that extra touch of magic thanks to me.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/busy-week/

Happy Birthday Dustin!

Happy birthday to my friend Dustin aka Goofy. Have a great 21st. Too bad you have to work today.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/happy-birthday-dustin/

New Roommate and a Day Off

So today we got a new person to replace the one roommate that moved in to a one-bedroom apartment here in Chatham Square. The new roommate is named Mathew and he hails from Colorado. As part of getting a new roommate, Price Management, the company that maintains the apartments for Disney, has sent a cleaning crew over and they are now turning our apartment upside down and cleaning it all. Well, I guess I have one less thing to do now. Work on Main Street USA has been a lot of work but at the same time rewarding. I have helped a lot of guests with not only merchandise but locating things to do, characters to meet and help them have a more enjoyable vacation. While I am technically off today but I am picking up some extra hours at Epcot at Mission: Space, one of the best rides ever in my mind. Well, off to Epcot.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/06/new-roommate-and-a-day-off/