Congrats Tim!

Also in order for today is a congratulations to my brother Tim who has just completed high school. Tim just graduated from Hopkins High and is off to Bowdoin in Main in the fall. Congrats Tim!

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Congrats Norm!

Well, this is a shout-out to Norm who had his first day on stilts in Disney’s Animal Kingdom parks, “Jammin Jungle Parade” yesterday. Way to go Norm, sorry I missed it due to work. Here is the picture from Norm’s roommate Mike:


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One Shift Down

Well, last night was my first shift at my work location. For those that haven’t read my updated About Me page, I work at the Walt Disney World Resort in Merchandise at the Emporium on Main Street USA in the Magic Kingdom. Last night our trainer said it would be nice and slow. If slow means lines out the door then I am going to hate to see busy! Anyways, it was a fun time. I got a lot of expereience working with guests and the registers. I have another training shift tonight before being off on my own. I think this is going to be a great time here. I’m off to meet Andrew and some of his friends who are down from Disney’s Hilton Head Resort where they all work in Recreation for the summer. Catch you around.

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Off to PI

Well, I am enjoying my last day off for a while it appears. Tara came up for the day and now I am off to Pleasure Island for cast night. Rock on!

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Time Off

Well, I have completed my first week of training classes at the Walt Disney World Resort. I am now off until Tuesday when my on the job training at Main Street West begins. So far I am liking it. It will be a lot of work I am sure (I am in one of the busiest/largest shops on property). I have some good roommates that I get along with which is nice. I have also had the chance to hang out with some Eckerd College friends on the program as well. Rock on! Off to bed though.

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I’m a Disney Cast Member!

Well folks, I am now officially a Walt Disney World Cast Member! I moved in to Chatham Square and will begin all the fun training classes tomorrow for my role as a merchandise host at Main Street USA – West (The side with the Emporium) at the Magic Kingdom. Should be a blast. I met up with some other college program participants that I knew before I got here and went out to Pleasure Island (PI) for cast night last night. Fun times and there are some really cool shows there.

Today was more meetings and check in process and then I was off to pick up some groceries and the standard required all black shoes (got to love the outlet malls). Now I am just relaxing a little bit now that our AC is fixed and will probably meet up with my friend Laura from Eckerd College who works at Sea World. That’s all for now.

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Good bye Eckerd College. It has been a great 3 1/2 years.

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Commencement 2004

The Commencement of the Class of 2004
Saturday, May 22, 2004
9:00 a.m.
South Beach Field Eckerd College
Commencement 2004 Information
Commencement 2004 Coverage & Photos

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Calm before the Storm

Well, today I got in from work at 03:30 this morning. I took some overtime shifts this week to make up some extra cash for when I am working at Walt Disney. Last night happened to be the graduation party for St. Pete High. It was a fun time and brought back many fond memories of my graduation party at Camp Snoopy almost 4 years ago.

Just relaxing this morning until mom, dad, grandma and grandpa arrive from Minnesota and all the craziness of the weekend begins. Tonight is Baccalaureate followed by a BBQ/Cook-Out. Then tomorrow morning at 08:30, the procession will start and I will be on my way to the big airplane hanger tent that is in the middle of the soccer filed to receive my Bachelor of Arts degree. Exciting eh?

So while I wait for the family to arrive (less Tim of course), I am reading the Coronation Street updates from England and putting some more things in bags and boxes so i can load my car tomorrow before heading to Disney World on Sunday.

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I’m Finally Done

I am done! I have handed in my last college final and sat in through my last presentation at Eckerd College. Now, I just have to wait it out until Saturday for comencement.

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