Minor Site Update

I have done some minor clean up today while switching between various papers I am writing. You will notice a new side bar link to my latest Moblog post as well as a more scaled down navigation colum as I have removed outdated material.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/minor-site-update/

Almost Done

Well, classes are over as of yesterday afternoon. I am in the process of working on two take home finals and a final paper/project for Tuesday. After that, I am done until graduation on Saturday. ONE MORE WEEK AT ECKERD COLLEGE! That’s kind of strange to think about.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/almost-done/

Eckerd Giver

Well, yesterday was the Senior Awards ceremony here at Eckerd College. I had a quick turn around after work and working out and then headed over to Fox Hall as requested in the memo I received from the Dean of Students and then walked out of the ceremony with the Eckerd Giver Award for Outstanding Leadership and Service to the campus and community. For those that are not aware, I have been very active on campus and have spearheaded programs such as the Lifeguard Training Program I completed a few weeks ago and the American Red Cross Club of Eckerd College. I have also been the donor chair for Florida Blood Services and have been responsible for the 4 blood drives each year here at Eckerd College for the last three years. It is an honor that I am glad to have received. I was accompanied by about 12 other students who have made similar contributions to the community with all 12 being recognized at the awards.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/eckerd-giver/

Weekend Update

So as of today, I have exactly two weeks until I move to Orlando and one day shy of two weeks till graduation. Only a few papers and projects stand in my way now! Today I am finishing up my ethics paper and was working on my car. Mike from work was nice enough to offer to help me take care of a rust spot that was growing just above my rear tire on the passenger side of my 11 year old Accord. Ended up cleaning it out and then placing some fiber glass down to fill in the hole itself.

Let me see what else is new. Friday night, the band Something Corporate. This band is a nice blend of alternative and punk. I have imported their CD in to iTunes thanks to Chris and have to say, it really is one of those CDs where you can listen to every track on it. So yea the concert was fun and gave me something to do after a long week. Last night was pretty dull with the exception of the Bullshit Ballet that is sort of a tradition at Eckerd. The Bullshit Ballet basically is a way for the students to joke about things on campus with the exception being that the ones performing are usually doing so after a few beers. Not as great as two years ago but at least something to do.

Well, it is time to get back to that paper. Feel free to comment on any pictures in my mobile sites or on any entry on this site.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/weekend-update/

New Moblog

As of today, my moblog will be serviced by Text America and My Mobile Album. Service for my new mobile album is provided now through my mobile phone carrier, T-Mobile and is included in my monthly spend.

The T-Mobile My Album also allows for access via WAP and password protection. For WAP access, point your mobile phone to http://mobile.webbyaquatics.com/. Text America will still be the home for my moblog but My Album will be where I store more favorite pictures to share with all my users on the web and WAP enabled devices.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/new-moblog/

Yes, I am still here

I have been swamped this past week with papers and presentations. I only have one more week of classes left and it is finally a weekend. I am at the Apple Store in Tampa right now with Pete. I am just waiting for him to finish at the Genius Bar. Anywho, concert on campus tonight and more papers this weekend. It’s almost over and the light is begining to hit the horizon.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/yes-i-am-still-here/

Site Update

I have posted pictures from the Inline Marathon to my .Mac Homepage.
Access Pictures

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/site-update/

Weekend Report

Well, as you can tell from the previous post, I was up before the sun this morning. Now I am back on campus doing some wash and about to start on some homework. So here is the recap from this weekend.

Friday: Andrew and I packed out bags and headed to Disney for the Inline Skate Marathon that was this weekend. We stayed at the new Pop Century Classic Resort. The resort is a value resort but still very nice and I would highly recommend it again. So anyways, back to our night. We just basically relaxed at the resort until we headed in to Celebration to see Norm perform in The Music Man with the Celebration Players, a community theater group. From there, we went back and hung out at his place for a little before turning in for the evening.

Saturday: Woke up and and headed to Publix to get some breakfast for this morning and some bottled water before going to the registration expo for the race. At the expo, we met Derek Parra, Olympic Gold Medalist from the 2002 Olympics in Men’s Speed Skating. Next was an afternoon in the parks thanks to a friend of Andrew’s with extra park tickets that I could use. We started off at magic Kingdom and finished at MK with a final ride on “It’s a Small World” which will be closing as of today for a year of rehab. After MK, it was off to a carb dinner at the Olive Garden with Mark and Reed and then back to Epcot to visit with JK at Mission Space. A pretty productive day personally.

So that’s the update from the rest of the weekend. Now time for homework.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/weekend-report/

Early Morning

Well, I am sitting in the Disney Wide World of Sports parking lot connected via bluetooth. I have been here since about 05:00 this morning helping andrew get all set up for the inline skate race. I will post more updates later as Andrew is coming in to the midway point now.

UPDATE: Andrew has finished the race in around two hours and eleven minutes. We are now waiting at Wide World of Sports for the awards session before we head back to school. Way to go Andrew!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/05/early-morning/

Site Update

Just finished some minor site updates. The following has been updated:

  • Technology Page now reflects my new PowerBook G4.
  • WebbyCam now has an updated interface. Click the static picture to load the camera.
  • Links has been updated to fix broken links and to add some new ones.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2004/04/site-update/