It’s Here!

Well, first off, I want to thank Mom and Dad. With out you, I wouldn’t be writing about this. Now with that said, my new PowerBook arrived today. I think I have most of my data moved over to it from my iBook and all is up and running. All I have to say is WOW. This thing is blazing fast! This makes even my old G4 Tower seem slow (then again, the tower is 4 years old at this point and the iBook is 2.5 years). This is definitely something that I will have for years to come. Thank you again Mom and Dad.

Check out what I have going on on my computer by visiting websteth-PowerBook.

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iTunes Just Got Better

Well folks, if you haven’t been using Apple Computer’s iTunes may be you should take another look because it just got better. Today Apple released version 4.5 for both Macintosh and Windows. This new version just blows the old one out of the water. Here are the latest new additions to the features:

  • Share Your iMix. Post and email songs in your playlists for everyone to see. Rate iMixes from other music lovers to drive them up or down the charts, and discover new music at the same time.
  • Party Shuffle. Be your own DJ with a playlist that�s always full of songs. Add, delete and rearrange them on the fly to create the best mix for the moment.
  • Print CD Inserts. Create stunning CD jewel case inserts for your album or mix disc using designer templates for both color and black & white printers.
  • Discover Music. Find out what�s playing on more than 1,000 radio stations around the United States. Get music and audiobooks related to a movie. See a music video, get the track. Download a free song.
  • Previews in Playlists and Quick Links. Save store previews to purchase later. Find more music from the artists you love via Quick Links in your library.

And the number one cool new feature is:

  • Automatically convert WMA to AAC. Convert the music you saved in Windows Media Player (unprotected WMA files) to AAC format.

So if you aren’t using iTunes yet take a look at it. It’s well worth it! Apple has done it right with this one.

Download iTunes

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WDW CP Courses Decision

Well, the time is slowly ticking down until graduation and my adventure at Walt Disney World begins. Part of my internship at WDW includes acess to classes that major organizations can send their people to for training. I can take up to a total of four of these classes during my internship but I think I may just balance it out and do one in the summer and one in the fall. I mean I will have just graduated college! So here are the two classes I think I am going to take. Please feel free to comment on what you think. You can visit the course descriptions and more information on the program by visiting the Walt Disney World College Program.

The courses I am looking at are:
Disney Human Resource Management Course
The Human Resource Course is designed to familiarize students with the current human resource practices and related laws. Students will explore the human resource function in a corporate setting, specifically focusing on the development of knowledge and skills that corporate managers need. Areas of study include interviewing, employment law, labor relations, compensation, performance appraisal, training and maintaining effective environments.

Disney Organizational Leadership Course
Knowledge of leadership theory and how to apply it is critical for today’s leaders. Participants of this course will examine and apply the classical models of leadership in preparation of their application in today’s corporate environment. Throughout the course, you will examine various aspects of leadership and reexamine the results of your own leadership style.

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New Work Out Tune

BBC News

Well, as I was looking back this weekend on my trip to London, the theme to the BBC News was running in my head. So I downloaded it from the net and I have to say that when I was working out today, it was a great pace to work out to. It is nice and relaxing/soothing and keeps you at a good pace. Let me know what you think. Here is the 12 second sample:

BBC News 24

Click the play button to hear the clip again.

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Quiet Friday

Well, tonight I have been taking it easy. Chris and I went to the YMCA to work out this afternoon and then ended up both crashing when we got back. Woke up and just took it easy tonight. Enjoyed a few drinks with Ian and friends and watched Hercules. Never saw this Disney movie before but, I liked it. Then again, “Go the Distance” is a catchy tune. Anyways, I am at lifeguard training all weekend and starting on ethics and parks class papers. Have a good one.

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Disney Comes to iTMS

Well, today Apple and Disney announced that Disney Records was coming to the iTunes Music Store. I love iTunes and this just makes me love it more. Go Apple and Disney!

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Is it over yet?

I am so sick of school. I just want it to be over. I have been working non-stop this week. Yes I know I am a senior in college but still. There is a limit. Oh well. Time for bed now.

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EC-SAR Apologizes

So EC-SAR called me today and formally apologized for their failed pager system [READ: We didn’t know who was supposed to be on duty] that lead to them not responding on Friday Night. Way to go EC-SAR!

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Wind, Tides, Sandbars and EC-SAR

So yesterday was an eventful day to say the least. Work and class were just the usual. The excitement started in the afternoon when we went out for a sail on my friend Will’s new Kelley 27. It was nice relaxing sail with Will, Jenn, Steve and Me. We headed in to Tampa Bay and got a great view of the sunset and it was nice and relaxing. Next, on the way back to port, with the shifting tides, we actually got pushed out of the channel and fudged the keel in to a sand bar therefore running us aground. Now at this point, it’s late and we paged EC-SAR, Eckerd College Search and Rescue, to come and tow us off, a free service they provide. The problem with this was, EC-SAR never responded to our pages. We sent a total of three pages to EC-SAR and all of them went unanswered. EC-SAR never responded or acknowleged the calls. Thanks to our friends Joe and Brett, they launched Joe’s boat and came to tow us off the sandbar and back to port. Time returned home: 04:15 am after waiting for EC-SAR since 12:30. Never were we in any danger but when you are paging a team that is supposed to help, it’s a pain in the rear. EC-SAR needs to look at their notification issues ASAP and in the meantime, thank you Joe and Brett.

The good news is that I at least got these nice pictures:

Looking forward yesterday as we come under the first span of the Sunshine Skyway.

Sunset looking back to port.

Now, I am off to get some needed sleep.

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New Photos!

Well, I finally got around to updating my photos page. Visit Webby Aquatics | Photos and check out the updated photos.

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