
Well last night was fun. Perhaps a little too much fun. Anna picked me up around 21.30 and we were off to Keegan’s. We picked up Peter on the way and then arrived shortly after 22.00. Met with Dan from MTV Road Rules and then a few more friends of Anna’s from HHS joined us. Guinness was $3 per pint so that rocked! We spent a few more hours at Keegan’s before making our way across the river to St. Paul and the Wild Onion for a little dancing. I don’ t dance much but it was still fun. Didn’t make it home till almost 03.00 this morning. Got a little bit of sleep before getting up to go to work this morning.

This afternoon I was at MCES all day folding and labeling mailings for summer classes. Oh the joy of labeling 4,000 plus pieces of mail! Either way though, it is money. Just relaxing tonight and hoping to catch the OC. Peace out for now.

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Relaxing Day

Well, today I went in to Hopkins High School again to visit some former teachers. Last night I was teaching a CPR challenge class while tonight I went out to dinner with the family and in a bit, Anna will come pick me up and we will head down to Keegan’s to see Dan Setzler from the MTV Road Rules. Should be fun. Working tomorrow at MCES stuffing mailings. Oh the joy, but hey, money is money.

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New Webhost

Well, as of this morning, you might have noticed that my website no longer redirects to ECkserver at Eckerd College. I have signed up for a new hosting plan with Assorted Internet with the recommendation from Jeremiah Cohick Thanks for the suggestion!

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Longer Version of Yesterday

So yesterday was my first day back in MN after arriving on Friday night. I spent the morning with my dad and we made a trip to Home Depot and the Apple Store at Southdale. After lunch, we then went to Minnetonka High School where my brother was competing in a Destination Imagination tournement. His team placed 1st so they will be going on to state. After Destination Imagination, I went over to Scott’s house and then we went down to the Mall of America for dinner at Ruby Tuesdays. It was packed but fun. We also saw these cool uber comfortable furniture things called Lovesac. Man these thigns rock! I just wish I could afford one! After that, it was just off to bed. So there is the extended version of yesterday.

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It’s Cold

So I am now back in Minnesota for break. It’s in the 30s and 40s with the spring muck taking over outside. Had a nice day with family and then went to the Mall of America for dinner with my friend Scott. It was a fun time to hang out and what not. Now off to bed! More later.

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The a Little Work

So after a fun day yesterday, I had to return to college mode and go to my 10 am Ecotheology class and then take my second exam in Ethical Issues in Human Development class. Since then I have been sorting through all my things in my dorm room as I pack for spring break looking over what I will need at Disney and what I should take home for good. It seems odd thinking about all that now when it isn’t until May that I move. Oh well, I am all packed up now for spring break starting tomorrow after I get in from Advanced Policy class and then it is off to TIA to fly home to cold Minnesota. Oh I can’t wait! Break here I come!

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A Little Magic

Well, since I am going crazy with cabin fever having been working my but off the last few weeks and having the slight taste of a break this bast weekend when I went to Naples to see family, Andrew and I went up to Walt Disney World for the afternoon/evening yesterday. All I can say is these tips,

  1. Avoid Disney during spring break time
  2. If you must visit at spring break time, don’t complain about the lines (170+ minutes for Test Track)
  3. Enjoy all several thousand of your new friends you will meet while waiting

That said, we still had a great time since we met up with friends working there and just enjoyed being away from the Eckerd Bubble. We ended the evening at the Magic Kingdom for Wishes, the new fireworks show that started in November. This is a great show and it is up there in my mind with Illuminations at Epcot which is still one of my favorite. Man I can’t wait to work there! Just have to ride it out till 24 May I guess.

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Still here

Hey folks. I’m still here. I am just majorly swamped with exams and papers this week. Why is it that teachers nail you with all the work before break? Anyways, I will be going to Disney tomorrow for some stress relief. talk wtih you later.

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Almost There

I am entering the last week before I head on spring break starting friday afternoon. Only two exams to go until freedom! Wish me luck!

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Dream it. Do It. Disney.

Well today is a magical day at Eckerd College. I got my official acceptance letter to the WDW College Program. I have been cast as a Merchandise Host. I will not know my exact location until I arrive at my traditions class upon arrival to WDW. My arrival date will be 24 May, 2004. Just a mere 2 day after graduation on 22 May. Two big events in a short time. Man I am going to love it. I will be working at WDW until at least 03 January, 2005 unless I extend of become full time at that point. Also, while on the college program, I will be able to take the Disney classes in customer service, communications, and other key areas of the Disney culture. These are the same classes that major companies send their staff to for thousands of dollars and I get to do it for FREE. It’s going to be a great learning experience I am sure. Dream it. Do it. Disney.

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