Network Ups and Downs

Well, this weekend and this week has been plagued with network outages for several hours on end. While our old network hardware was failing, the new hardware was slowly being implemented. It is getting rather annoying when you cannot do work since you can’t get to the net or e-mail oh well.

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Homework Day

Well, yesterday I went and played at Disney World again. Studios and Epcot were on the agenda for yesterday. Now, I have to sit in my dorm room and read my ethics homework and take notes. Not as fun as Disney but oh well, I’ll live.

Classes are great so far and now it is just a matter of keeping it up for a few more months until graduation.

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Back in the swing

Well, classes have been in session now for almost two weeks here at Eckerd College. It is now officially the start of my last semester at college! Can you believe it? It was only January 2001 that I started here at Eckerd. Anyways, back to homework.

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Two Magical Days in a week!

Well, I intended to post my update last night but I was just too darn knackered by the time I got home. Clare, Ian, Laurel and myself went up to Disney World yesterday for a three-park marathon day. Started out at Disney Studios and then went to Magic Kingdom where we played in the parade and saw Andrew’s and my friend Norm who was “friends” with a broom yesterday. After a few rides, it was off to Epcot and Mission: SPACE and Test Track where we again met up with another friend of Andrew’s and mine, JK. JK is a coordinator at both SPACE and Test Track. It was a fun time. We managed to hit Downtown Disney for some last minute shopping too before heading back to St. Petersburg.

Today I am just doing some reading for class and relaxing. I have to go pick up Andrew from the airport later tonight and then tomorrow I call T-Mobile about a possible job interview. Man is it nice to be back in Florida and on the way towards graduation in May.

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London Photos

My London photos are now online at: Please feel free to let me know what you think.

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Productive Day

Today I was very productive on my day off from classes. I got to the YMCA and picked up my review and then headed up to International Plaza to speak with T-Mobile about possible positions. So far, sounds like a viable option. Now I’m off to work on my final paper for my London internship and read for class tomorrow. So I hope all is well. Also, you will notice that Webby Aquatics has moved to a different server here at Eckerd College.

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Magical Day

The magic is back here in FL. I spent the majority of the day at Disney World enjoying all that is Disney at the House of Mouse with Andrew, Aaron and Missy before meeting up with Norm after he got off work. Just nice to be back and relaxing before classes tomorrow. Bed time now.

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Back in Florida

Well, I am now back in humid Florida. I arrived today at 5:45 pm and have since been unpacking and rearranging my room around. The last couple of days since London I spent at home enjoying visits with friends and family. Now, I am back with my school friends and I am also back to my usual routine soon. Financial Clearance and books are on the docket for early in the morning and then I along with Andrew will be hitting the road to Disney World for one last afternoon evening of fun before spring semester begins on Tuesday. Well, I’m off to bed. Catch you later. ºoº

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The End

Today was my last day at the NASN London office. I started work this morning doing my usual routine of returning e-mails and sorting out what is left to do on the Super Bowl and NHL competitions we are running. I completed two of the prize packs for the Super Bowl out of ten and got them posted. I then typed up a summary of what was left to do for the competitions so that another person can finish them later this week.

I was then taken out to lunch by Heidi and was joined by Alan and Graham at the Sports Cafe in London. Food was so so but, it was fun and enjoyable none the less. As an extra thank you, I recieved a NASN fleece, t-shirt, and NASCAR Game Cube game. More than I expected and I was more than greatful for them.

This has been a great experience and I would love to work for NASN again. Thank you.

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London Update 28 January

Today is it. It is my last day in London England this year. Let me recap a little bit about last night. After work, I met up with my good frine Sulekha whom I went to college with in FL. She graduated last year and is now living in Endinburgh and studying at St. Andrews. We went to areat pub for dinner and then out for a few pints aftwards. It was brilliant to see her again. Sulekha, if you read this, come back to Florida!

Today was my last day at NASN. I was only in for a half day as I still needed to pack this evening. I did my usual tasks at work and then I was taken out to lunch by everyone in the office and given a great going away gift of a NASN fleece. I had a great experience and I wish it could be a little longer despite being ready to head back to the US of A.

My flight is at 10.10 am tomorrow morning from Heathrow which means I will be leaving where I am staying around 06.15 am. I then fly to Chicago for a quick lay over beofer heading ot Minneapolis and arriving around 04.15 pm. Then before I know it, I will be back in Florida on Sunday and at Disney World on Monday. Now to go enjoy my last night in London with the snow. Let it snow, let it snow, Let it snow.

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