Last Full Day

Today was my last full day here at NASN. I wrapped up the work I was doing on the super bowl parties and the NHL all-star competition. I have really enjoyed working here although at times the tasks have been boring and repetitive. I will be in for a half day tomorrow before heading home to pack and then flying back to Minneapolis for a few days prior to the return to lifeguarding and school in Florida. It’s been fun while it lasted. Bye for now.

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London Update 27 January

Well, the end is now almost here. I am finalizing some projects here at NASN before heading out to dinner with my friend Sulekha whom graduated last year from Eckerd and whom I haven’t seen in a year. I can’t wait. Should be a fun time. Tomorrow I will be in at NASN half the day then packing. That’s about it to report for now.

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Second to last day

Today I worked on an award certificate for the Super Bowl XXX VIII competition drawings we are running. I also made more calls to find some more merchandise for the prize draws. After that, I called the Betfair number and retrieved the daily list of entries via the phone for another competition that is running. My afternoon has since been occupied with the final part of the NHL All Star competition and drafting the winner letter for that. 1 and a half days left. Scary thought.

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London Update 26 January

The days are ticking away until I head back to MN. This past weekend, I spent it relaxing and being a tourist. I met up with some friends at the Eckerd College Study Centre on Friday evening after work and had a nice American dinner, Pizza Hut. It was nice to have something familiar (and cheap as well). Saturday I selpt in a bit and then trekked over to the west end to Eckerd once again where a group of us set out for Greenwich and the National Maritime Museum and Royal Observetory, where the prime meridian is located. That was a fun filled day of hiking and museum gonig before we parted ways at Waterloo station. I went home to the Docklands and proceded to make myself some dinner and do a load of laundry.

Sunday, I simply relaxed and slept in. After waking up, I just watch Hollyoaks and read my textbook for class and started sorting out my thoughts for my final paper. Today I am at work which will be my second to last full day. Intersting thought that I have been here almost a month and it has just flowen by. Anyways, I’m off to head back to my projects and then home in a bit.

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Is it over?

Ok today has been a marathon. I have packaged up the Super Bowl flyers and taken them to the post office. Only a mere �85 to send them. I also hand delivered more of them to places near by. I have also been busy today making copy for the prize cards and finalizing some more contacts. I am ready to crash and I still have a full night ahead with friends. Mamma mia is this a long day.

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London Update 23 January

I have been so busy today it is not even funny! Rather an spill the details, just visit my Internship Blog for the details.

None work related, I am going out with some Eckerd friends tonight and probably tomorrow as well. I am also excited today because I have officailly put in my application to the WDW College Program. My interview date isn’t until March 4 but it’s a start none the less. Catch you later. �o�

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Super Bowl Thursday

Today has been nothing other than Super Bowl XXX VIII for me. I have contacted more venues about parties and have finalized copy and material for the prize draw competitions for Super Bowl parties at the venues. On top of that, I have been working yet again on the weekly newsletter for the customer services team in Scotland. Talk about a busy day. Now that we finally have enough IP addresses, we all can be online with no interruptions. Makes my job a lot easier as I do a lot of e-mailing and online research for my internship. Stress time begins as we hit the Road to the Super Bowl.

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London Update 22 January

Well folks. exactly a week from today I will be heading back to the US of A. It has been a fun month but the high exchange rates have not made it fun financially. Another day in the office today with lots of work being done on final preparations for the Super Bowl party promotions we are running. Last night was a relaxing one and I was able to catch ER on Channel 4 which made me happy. Too bad they are a season behind the US over hear but it is my favorite show none the less.

In other news, I am still waiting for the WDW College Program to finish updating their website database so I can apply for the CP for next fall. That’s call for now.

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One Week Remaining

Today marks the one week count down of my time left in London. At NASN we have been busy with the board meeting today here in the London office. I have been the gopher of the office getting drinks and food for the meeting as well as working more on my Super Bowl XXX VIII contacts project. I hope to finish most of it up tomorrow so I can get information sent out to the pubs/bars. Weather is getting colder and it’s beginning to make me wish I was back in FL. Nothing like burning your hand on the heater when your trying to reach the phone. Catch you later.

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London Update 21 January

Busy day today as it is the board meeting for NASN. I’ve been working on this Super Bowl project more and dealing with the meetings gong on. Crazy day! Another long commute on the tube this morning. Looking forward to heading home for the night. One week left until I head to MN.

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