More Phoning

I spent most of today making more calls about Super Bowl parties and sponsorship options. Calling existing customers is great for me it is calling the non-customers and pushing our service that I don’t like. One week left which is hard to believe. Not much else to report today. Tomorrow is the NASN board meeting in our office so that should be interesting.

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London Update 20 January

Long day at work today. I have been making calls all day so not much to report. Looking forward to head home for the evening. One more week of work and then I get to see my friend Sulekha next Tuesday night and then it is back to the US of A on Thursday. It’s been fun but a lot of work.

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The Network is DOWN

Today was one that made me live up to my name as the tech guy. This morning BT Openworld was supposed to upgrade our internet service and reprogram the router. Well during the automatic upgrade, it crapped out and we were left with out internet until 16.00 today. I had to constantly call and pester them to get it done today otherwise, they were quoting that it would be done in the next 48 hours. Not acceptable if you ask me. I took the down time as a chance to switch over the computers and printers to the new addresses so they were ready when we came back online. We all shared the fax line in the meantime for dial access until then.

While I wasn’t on the phone with BT Openworld, I worked on more data entry of contest entries. The network issues are what really consumed my day though. Tomorrow should be quieter I hope.

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London Update – 17 & 18 January

Well, a little less than a fortnight left here in London which is both suprising and encouraging at the same time. I have been very busy with my internship but the tasks are getting repetative and what not. This weekend I did what I wanted and just relaxed. I saw some of my Eckerd College friends after work on Friday and even had a little longer stay there than I wanted due to some drunk guy trying to get in to the house. Two quick calls to 999 solved the issue and I was finally able to head home. Yesterday I just cruised around on my own by Picadilly Circus, the British Museum and the Eckerd College house before calling it a night. Today I slept in again and have just been reading and hanging out around home. It’s nice not to have anything that holds you down and that you can just relax when you want to. I have work in the morning again and this week will be more calling and finalizing things for the Super Bowl I’m sure. That’s all for now foks!

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It’s Friday!

Friday continues to be a busy day for me here at NASN. I worked more on the Super Bowl XXXVIII party plans by calling down the list of sports bars and pubs that we have. The goal is to find out which ones are offering a party and arrange to get some of our information at the parties by asking them to display flyers or allow us to offer prizes for a drawing. Got a hold of a few but most were either leave a message or call them back next week. This has been the bulk of my work today. I also joined Graham in attempting to fix the television reception in the conference room but a new cable might be the best bet.

Also, today should be the last day of the internet address shortage. BT should be here early Monday to set us up with more addresses to use. We shall see if such a thing happens judging from the delays they have left NASN in the past. Now, it’s the weekend and I’m out of the office soon. Peace.

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London Update 16 January

Last nights commute was not much better than the morning. There was a motor bike crash just north of Peter and Pam’s house and all bus routes and traffic for that matter was diverted the complete other way. I finally got to Excel (across the docks from Peter and Pam’s) and walked the rest of the way in rain and wind. This was just nasty and I was happy to get inside and warmed up. Today I spent most of my internship making phone calls to various pubs/sports bars/etc around London seeing if they were offering any Super Bowl XXX VIII parties. The reasoning being is so we can coordinator a NFL prize pack drawing at the venues and promote the channel. After work, I am heading to the Eckerd College Study Centre to visit with some friends and get some dinner. That’s really about it for today.

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Busy day

My morning started off on a long note. First, I had to wait as two busses showed up at the bus stop but were full to the max causing those of us waiting in the windy cold to wait for another bus. 20 minutes later, I finally made it on a bus and off to Canning Town Underground station. I was not out of the woods yet! I arrived to the platform but the first train was full to the brim just like the bus! Argh this was starting to get annoying. I made it on the second train and had to stand hunched over right next to the door. For those that have never seen the London Underground during rush hour, picture a sardine can where you can’t move until the doors open and some gets off. Really it is interesting. I survived the commute thanks to iPod (the best investment EVER). Finally got to work around 09.15, an hour and twenty minutes AFTER I left my house.

Once at work, I had to unlock everything as I was the first person here. I got settled in and proceeded to finish up the newsletter I was working on for the customer service center before working more on contest entry data. Next, Heidi gave me my next project for the Super Bowl coverage which I will be working on more tomorrow and next week. Other than those, not much else today. Our internet issue should be fixed on Monday so no more sharing addresses and what not. YAY!

>>Download Weekly Update Bulletin 78 (PDF)

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London Update 15 January

I hate commuting! My morning started off on a long note. First, I had to wait as two busses showed up at the bus stop but were full to the max causing those of us waiting in the windy cold to wait for another bus. 20 minutes later, I finally made it on a bus and off to Canning Town Underground station. I was not out of the woods yet! I arrived to the platform but the first train was full to the brim just like the bus! Argh this was starting to get annoying. I made it on the second train and had to stand hunched over right next to the door. For those that have never seen the London Underground during rush hour, picture a sardine can where you can’t move until the doors open and some gets off. Really it is interesting. I survived the commute thanks to iPod (the best investment EVER). Finally got to work around 09.15, an hour and twenty minutes AFTER I left my house.

Enough complaining about my commute this morning. At work I have been busy working on contest entries and newsletters. My project for tomorrow and next will be to call on pubs and sports bars that are having SUper Bowl XXXVIII parties and seeing if we can help sponsor them and get the channel involved. On another note, if you are going to text message or call my mobile, US or UK numbers, PLEASE be aware of the time change. I had two phone calls last night that came in at like 03.00 am from random people including a person from the St. Petersburg YMCA asking for a lifeguard sub tomorrow (Don’t ask me WHY they called my UK number) and I was not happy about that. Have a good night all.

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Newsletter Time

Today I arrived in the office fairly early. Spent most of the morning answering phones and e-mails as Heidi is still out sick and there really isn’t that much to do this week it seems. After lunch, I began work on our weekly bulletin for the customer service team in Scotland. This will be the second one that I have helped on but probably the first that I really did most of the copy writing for it. Most of the sports coverage for next week will include a lot of NHL Hockey and NCAA Basketball LIVE games.

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London Update 14 January

Well there really isn’t much new to report here for you. I’m in my daily routine of going to work and doing my internship. I want to use this e-mail as a reminder that I encourage anyone to feel free to comment to any of my posts by clicking on ‘comments’ below the post. Look for the: Posted by websteth at 10:36 AM | Comments (0) and you’ll find it. You can add your comments and even insights there should you want. Also, for a daily journal of my internship, please visit my NASN Internship Journal. From there you can see what I do every day and even download some of my projects. Pretty cool eh?

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