New Role

Today my internship took on a new role. I am now dong some IT work for NASN here in the London office. First on the docket, repair the printer settings on two machines so they can use the network printer. Two, tackle the virus on a computer. Three, set up the new BT Internet settings once they arrive from BT. So my role just keeps expanding as you can see. Today I started my normal role as the intern by entering more names in to the contest database from a set of e-mails that arrived over the last couple of days. Other than those things, I have had a bit of downtime. Tasks come and go so it’s hard to just plan on dong something.

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London Update 13 January

Hello from sunny and clear London. Today it is very mild and the sun is shinning in my office window. Today was another quiet day here at the NASN London office with Heidi, my supervisor out sick again. I have now started a new task in my internship which now covers the IT role in the office. I have been setting up printers on the network, taking care of viruses and setting up new internet connections. Certainly a new role to my internship. All settled in here in London but the warmth of sunny Florida and Disney World are in the back of my mind constantly as there are adverts all over the place for both here in London.

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Slow Monday

Not much to report today. I wrote out the newsletter blurb for The American Hour and then took some t-shirts to the post for the call center reps up in Scotland. That’s really about it today other than answering phones and making tea for meetings. Heidi, my supervisor was out sick today so it will be hard to say if she will be back tomorrow.

>>Download American Hour Newsletter Clips (MS Word)

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London Update 12 January

Today I am back at the office of NASN while Peter and Pam settle back in at Badminton Mews. Really chilling and wet today. The wind is very gusty and the rain is heavy. I’m getting settled in to a routine of waking up at 7.15 followed by getting a shower and getting ready for the day and breakfast before I head out for my commute at about 8.15. I walk a block or two from Peter and Pam’s to the bus stop where I then catch a bus (69 or 474) to Canning Town station where I get on the Jubilee Line for the London Underground. I stay on the Jubilee Line until I arrive at Green Park where I then have a long hike across the station to the Picadilly Line and then proceed eastbound to Picadilly Circus. From there, it is a 2 block walk to my office. This whole commute takes roughly 35 to 40 minutes depending on the day. Once at the office, I usually get settled in and work for the day answering phones or typing releases/scripts. Then around 17.30, I reverse the trek and head back to the Docklands arriving home around 18.30. From there, it is a light dinner and then I usually settle in for a little television before calling it a night. So there is a my daily routine roughly. Not much exciting and new to report and the London updates may start to dwindle until something significant happens.

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London Update 10 and 11 January

Hello once again from London. This weekend was a nice relaxing one for me. Yesterday I slept in for a bit and then went over to ExCel to see the London Boat Show before venturing off to Canary Wharf and the supermarket later on in the day. Some interesting old boats that you could walk around on and a Royal Navy frigit was also on hand. Sorry no pictures due to security reasons. It was also fun as there were a group of sailors practicing for a regatta righti n the river in front of ExCel and Peter and Pam’s flat. Simply briliant to watch I think.

Today was another day of sleeping in. I then awoke and got ready for the day and helped Peter and Pam get unpacked and settled back in here in London after their visit to the US of A for the last month. Went out shopping again with Peter to get some more groceries as well. Work tomorrow so it will be an early night. One thing I found intersting tonight was that the BBC airs a show every sunday called ‘Songs of Praise’ which most Brits watcha nd sing to. It goes thorugh most of the popular religious songs. Tonights show ened with a combination of Shine Jesus Shine and Thine is the Glory. Sort of internesting and something you don’t see on Prime Time televiswion in the US of A.

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First Friday

Today is my first Friday here at NASN. It is a very slow and quiet day. Heidi and Roger are both out until Monday so it is just the two interns holding down the fort. This morning I finished doing the data entry project from yesterday. I had to enter in the addresses off of entry cards for a drawing we are doing that includes a trip for two to the NHL All Stars Game in MN. I also completed the newsletter I was working on for the customer service center. Aside from those, I am just taking it easy and catching up on e-mails and watching the network on the TV.

I also got a chance to do some technical work and solve a continuing printer issue for Alan. Needless to say he is all up and running again. Round up the day with the small task of going to the post office to ship out some packages to our call center with prizes for contests.

>>Download Weekly Update Bulletin 77 (PDF)

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London Update 09 January

It is now the weekend and I am looking forward to some time off already. I have been enjoying my internship the last couple of days but the chance to sleep in tomorrow is looking very nice. Nothing big planned for this weekend. I may or may not see my friends in the ‘Eckerd Bubble’ tomorrow as things are still up in the air on what they will be doing. Peter and Pam are back on Sunday so I think tomorrow I will get some groceries for them and clean up so it is all sparkling clean for them when they arrive on Sunday. Sorry not much else to report. Since I am not going to a new museum each day like last year, my updates will probably slow down a little. Feel free to shoot me an e-mail though if you want to chat as I have my e-mail up all day at work.

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Day 2

Well today was my first full day at the office. I left my flat at 8.00 am this morning and began the commute on a cold and wet day here in London. Arrived early so I stopped and got a coffe at Starbucks before headign to the office. Quiet day in the office today as two people were out traveling for work. I finalized the script for the next three American Hour radio shows and then proceeded to enter names and contact details in to a database for a NHL contest that is running here at NASN where the winner will win a trip to Minneapolis, MN (Yay Hometown!) to see the All Star Game in February at the Xcel Energy Center. No chance to make tea today as I have been occupied doing typing most of the day. So far so good.

>>Download American Hour Scripts (MS Word)

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London Update 08 January

Hello once again from wet and cold London. Today it rained most of the day which made the commutes very icky if you ask me. It was the light rain that when the wind blows, it stings. Not fun at all. Day 2 at NASN went well. I did a lot of data entry which wasn’t as fun but I did get to write an original script for a radio program. My cousin Chris and his friend met me at work this evening and we went out for dinner in Leicester Square before I showed them where the Eckerd College Study Centre was. It was nice to see someone I knew other than the ‘Eckerd Bubble’. Not much else new to report. I have gotten in to a routine of communiting in the evenings and mornings now with the rest of the Londers and I think I’m a pro at it.

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How to make Tea

So one of my first tasks was to make tea for a meeting. I have NEVER once in my life made tea. So for those that don’t know how, here is what you will need:

  • Hot Water
  • Mugs
  • Tea Bags
  • Sugar
  • Milk


  1. First place the tea bag in the bottom of the mug.
  2. Second, pour hot water in to mug.
  3. Next, let tea filter for a minute or two
  4. Remove tea bag from mug.
  5. Add sugar and milk to make tea to your taste.

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