Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone.

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For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given. And the government shall be upon his shoulders, and his name shall be called wonderful, counselor, the mighty god, the everlasting father, the prince of peace.

May the joy and peace found at the manger be yours this christmas season and always.

Adapted from the Walt Disney World Candlelight Processional

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Christmas Shopping is Done!

Today I finally finished all my Christmas shopping. Man does that feel nice to be done. MCES holiday party tonight so I’m just relaxing until then. Catch ya around.

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Return of the King

So I met up with some friends last night after a day at Hopkins High and shopping with mom to see the Lord of the Rings, Return of the King. It was a decent movie but by the 3 hour mark, I was ready to head out. Lots of fighting scenes which make it long. Go see it if your a fan of the other films. Tonight is the family Christmas Party that Grandpa hosts every year so I just got my haircut and will be getting ready shortly. Not much else to report other than the cold temperatures in MN compared to FL.

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I’m Done!

I’m all done with first semester of my Senior year! YAY! Just had to say something

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Study Break

Well folks, today is my last day before I head home tomorrow. I have a debate tonight at 18:00 and then it is time to pack. Yesterday I took a little study break to relieve some stress and headed to Disney World again this month with Andrew and met up with his friends Norm and JK. We had a great time and got a great dinner at the Animal Kingdom Lodge. I highly recommend gong there for dinner if you can’t stay there. We then went back to Epcot for the Candlelight Processional again but this time, it was narrated by Edward James Olmos. This was way better than the last time I saw it which was narrated by Ericka Dunlap, Miss America. Despite the light rain, it was still amazing. After that, I was able to finish up some Christmas shopping with JK and Norm while Andrew visited with another friend up there. Always nice to get a nice break from studying and enjoy the park. I can apply in a little over a month hopefully so I can do the WDW College Program. Well, back to the debate work. Next post will most likely be from MN.

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Almost done

I finished up my Quest for Meaning final paper today and got that handed in. All I have left this week is a debate on Wednesday evening. Tomorrow I am heading to Disney World for a nice breather and then on Wednesday, I will be packing so I can head home on Thursday. Wow, I’m going home in a few days. Talk about scary.

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Back Up!

The new server is in! We are so much faster!

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Webby Aquatics Downtime

My school and host will be doing a server upgrade on the 13th and 14th and Webby Aquatics may experience a short interruption of service. Here is some information about the new server going in:

The “old” Acasun:
Sun Ultra Enterprise 220R
1 450MHz UltraSPARC II Processor
40mb 180GB SCSI RAID Hard Drives

The “new” Acasun:
SunFire V240
2 1GHz Ultra SPARC III Processors
160mb 416GB Sun SE 3310 SCSI RAID Hard Drives

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Page Overhaul

Check out the newly revamped About Webby page. Updated the information and combined it with my project for QFM. Check it out!

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