Magical Gatherings

Well, today I joined my friend Andrew and some of his dormmates up at Disney again for another fun filled day in the parks. I started the morning off at Magic Kingdom where I met up with Andrew and his friends and we rode the rides and they even made it for the taping of the Christmas Day Parade and saw Regis and Kelly at the park. I missed that part but it was cool anyways. Later on in the day on our way out of the park, we were even part of the parade for a little dance number which was kinda lame but fun none the less. Pretty cool if you ask me. Next on the list, EPCOT. At EPOCT, we did a round of Mission: SPACE and then saw the tree lighting ceremony at the World Show Case before securing a spot for the Candlelight Processional. Candlelight was amazing and has me singing Christmas songs now. Andrew’s friend Norm joined us after he got off work at DAK (Disney’s Animal Kingdom). after Candlelight, Illuminations to round up the night. What a great day. I think I am for sure applying to work at Disney next year. Can’t wait to head back in a week for another round. Bed time now though.

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Ghost Town

Well, I’m back on campus today and it is a ghost town. No one is back yet. I’ve been working on my paper for film class all day on the political satire and dark comedy of M*A*S*H the movie. I’m off the airport in about 45 minutes to meet a friend and pick him up. Internship in the morning and only 17 days left for the semester until I go home. Wow that’s a shocker.

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Hey folks. I am in Naples, Florida on vacation with my family. They came down to visit me at school thsi weekend and then drove to Naples to visit my grandparents. I arrived yesterday afternoon and am just relaxing by the beach and pool for a few days before I return back to Eckerd on Saturday. Until then, you most likely will not see any new updates. I am also in the process of booking my flights to London in January for my internship with North American Sports Network. I’ll p[ost more news aboutthat at a later date. Have good holiday!

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Birthday Shout-out

Happy Birthday Mom!

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A Magical Suprise

Well folks, I just got back in from the Mouse House (aka Disney World). My parents are in town for the weekend to visit me at school before driving down to Naples to see the Grandparents. Yesterday I showed them around Eckerd and today was a morning at the beach and then a last minute decision to go to Walt Disney World. It was a blast! two weekends in a row for me but it was still fun. got to do the rides, see a parade, and the new fireworks show. Yea I like Illuminations the most at EPCOT but this new fireworks show is worth a look. Well, I’m off to bed so I’ll post again later this week.

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Same Old

Off to work today. Not much new going on lately. Looking forward to the break next week.

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Blood Drive Today

in front of Library

Come give the gift of life and save a life!

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No HOt Water!

So the gas line to campus is still busted which means no hot water to shower. Fun…….

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Magical Day

Well, I just got in and I am wiped out. Why am I wiped out? Well, if the title doesn’t give you a hint, I just got back from a complete 14+ hour day at Walt Disney World! My friend Andrew and myself drove up this morning to meet some of his friends Norm and JK who are cast members. The day started off with a nice fun energy filling breakfast at the Whispering Canyon CafĂ© at the Wilderness Lodge and then with was off to Magic Kingdom, MGM and EPCOT. Did most of the rides at MK and then the biggies at MGM including the new sets from haunted Mansion. The rest of the day was spent at EPCOT where we enjoyed a few rounds of Mission SPACE and ran in to JK again since he had left us earlier to get to work. One of the best days I have had this semester and a few new people to get to know through Andrew. Look forward to the Christmas Season when we head up next. I also for sure want to do the WDW College Program next fall so I too can join the magic. Thanks again guys. Till then, it’s off to bed.

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Time for a break

Yay. I finished my weeks worth of work today. Comprehensive Exams were done yesterday afternoon. I think I did fairly well on them and will find out soon enough I guess. Today I had Quest For Meaning and then worked on finalizing my debate for tonight. This past week my life had been consumed with studying for comps but with them over, I should have some time to relax this weekend and get some papers started that are due in December. I think either on saturday or Sunday I will be heading up to Disney World for some fun and magical times. Parents are coming in next weekend so the time of the year is being marked with a little over a month left of classes and then the end of the semester. Well, that’s all for now.

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