Slow Day

Well folks, today is another slow day here in Florida. This week in general has been slow. Not much really going on. I did not make the cut for the London Winter term which was a bummer but, International Education is working with me to find an internship in London instead. I think this could be a better choice in the long run. I am working later tonight from 18:00 – 22:00 and then in the morning from 9:00 – 12:00 so tonight wont be super crazy. Just finished reprograming all the ASIN numbers for items on this site as they updated their system and changed all the numbers on me. Oh joy. Oh for those the missed it, Apple’s iTunes is now available for Windows! Check it out!

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Bend it Like Beckham Arives

Today I got my Bend it Like Beckham DVD and I just finished watching it. I absolutely love this movie. There is nothing better than it in my opinion. If you haven’t seen it, go see it!

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Back In FL

Well, i got back safely last night. I had a great time this weekend at home in MN and I can’t wait to get back again in December. Finalizing a group powerpoint right now and about to go get my mail. it’s strange going from cold to warm in a matter of hours. Oh well.

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So I left Florida for the weekend hoping to get out of the rain but it turns out it just followed me over to Minneapolis. Saw Grandma and Grandpa today and thene njoied my second dinner out since being home. Also got a chance to hit up South Dale and check out the Apple Store. The fall colors are simply amazing here. I hope to try and get some pictures so I can show you all what I am talking about. Well, I’m off to bed. Church is early in the morning. Catch you all later.

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Fall Break!

It’s official. I am now on break till next Wednesday. I can’t wait to be home tomorrow. It has been a rough and busy week for me. So I’ll post from MN tomorrow night or this weekend.

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Almost Break

Well, this week has started off as busy as always. I was at my internship yesterday and today was QFM and we had a lecture. Joy. Over the weeked I also found out that I was turned down for the job at the Apple Store. Oh well, I’ll live. Today in some more exciting news, I was able to pick up my copy of The Lion King Special Edition DVD at the Disney Store and I am in love with the movie again. I just watched it tonight and it is amazing! Check it out. I head home on Friday so until then, I still have to work my butt off.

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WAP Access

Webby Aquatics is now testing access to our site via WAP. For those that don’t know what WAP is, WAP is the protocol used to connect to a website over a mobile phone. So far, we have the about page and our course listing up. You will also find some of our wallpaper selections from our mobile phones. Check it out at from your mobile phone. Please post any comments using the comments form on this page. (Click comments below)

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New look

Some may have noticed the new look around here. This is only a slight change from the past but, the added color should create more of an aquatic feel for the site. Let me know what you think by posting your comments. Also, a few minor link cleaning throughout.

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It’s already October? Where the heck has September gone? I’ll be home next week! I can’t wait. Had my internship today and it is still raining. Great Florida weather eh? Also, in a more somber note, my friend Matt’s father passed away of a heart attack yesterday. Matt, my thoughts are with you.

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Bloody Fire Alarm

Ok so this is more a rant than news but who gets a kick out of flooding the stairwell with the sprinklers and triggering the fire alarm and an evac to 2 am! They should be hung out to dry and kicked of campus.

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