It’s the Weekend! Well Sorta

Well, I am done with classes for the third week since school started. I am lucky that I don’t have classes on Fridays but, I will be busy with work. Fridays, I work from 10-2 and then from 6-9 at the YMCA. It’s money but it is a long day I guess. I’m debating if I want to go to Disney with some friends on saturday and take the day off from work but then like I said earlier, it’s money. I almost fell asleep in class tonight since I have just been running in empty for this week and I managed to get 2 Starbucks Frapicinos over the break so now I am just wired. Waiting for ER to come on now and then i’ll catch MASH before bed. Feel free to use the SMS to send me a message. It’s always nice to get something on the phone to lighten up the day. bye for now.

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One More Thing….

I should have an answer from Apple Computer and the AppleStore by Friday I am told. Wish me luck!

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Still Here

Well folks, I’m sorry it has been so long since I have had a chance to post anything here. I have a busy semester at school this year. I have a 40 hour service project, 70 hour internship, 4 classes and work. Tomorrow is the Eckerd College Blood Drive. Sign up ONLINE for a chance to donate. I’m taking a little break this afternoon before getting back to homework and then I plan to watch The O.C. tonight. I swear. this is my new favorite show behind the Real World. Well, that’s all for now.

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Itnernship DAY 1

Well folks. I’ve been up this morning since 6am for my internship at Lakewood High School. I will be working in a science classroom as a student teacher for my 70 hour Comps internship. Looks like it will be fun yet challenging. Still waiting on an official word from Apple Computer about the job at the Apple Store. May be later this week i guess.

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We Remember

We shall never forget the victims of 9/11/2001.

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Our Internet

Due to the lack of effort on several hundred students at Eckerd to patch their computers for the latest line of viruses, our network has been offline the last several days. Updates will be on a hit or miss basis after this one until it is fixed. From time to time though I may use T-Mobile Internet to post via my mobile.

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New Jobs?

Well, I had an interview with Apple Computer today for the Apple Store. I’m so pumped I hope it works out. i’ll hear for sure on Monday. Also spoke with T-Mobile as well. at least one of the two has to work out right? i also got my internship for Comps lined up and will be working at Lakewood High School as a student teacher for 70 hours this semester and then I will be working with Florida Blood Services for QFM. Some cool excitement eh?

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And here we go

Well, classes have started here at Eckerd College. So far, I think this will be a good semester for me with great classes. I have an interview at Apple Computer tomorrow and then I will be busy setting up my volunteer projects and internships for the semester. Senior year sure doesn’t seem that fun yet.

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Disney World

WEll folks, I just got back in from Disney World. Spent this weekend up there as a nice break before classes start. The park was fairly empty with the longest wait being 10 minutes. The new Mission Space ride at EPCOT is a MUST do! Aaron and I did it 4 times. You really feel like your taking off and going to Mars. Check it out! Off for a nap now though since my feet hurt. Oh and according to my annual pass, I’ve been to Disney WOrld 15 times this year. hehehe.

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A New Toy

Well, yesterday i ran up to the International Plaza Apple Store to drop off my application with the new manager there. I’m hoping to hear back soon for an interview as I am getting sick of lifeguarding. I also used some of the money I had set aside before coming down to purchase a new iPod. I love this thing sooooooooooo much! Let’s just say tat I have already drained the battery twice since last night.

Today I was in and out of Omega as I was gong over to the YMCA to get my hours and then got my books and new ID taken. Also got around to say hi to a few other people that I haven’t seen since spring. The O.C. is on tonight so I can’t wait. The WebbyCam is also on more this time now that I am at school. Check it out. Peace.

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