Slow Weekend

Hey all. This weekend is relativly uneventful so far. I had some friends over Friday night on my day off and spent Saturday running around town. I ran out to Loretto to check on the house that I am watching next weekend and then got my car washed and cleaned out. I have work today at 11:30 and that is about all I have on this weekend. Not much else new to report. I will be launching the new review section later this week when I finish up with the Sony Ericsson P800 that goes back on Tuesday to Sony Ericsson. So stay tuned!

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Yo Ho, Yo Ho….

Well I enjoyed my long three day weekend. I took it easy the last couple of days. Yesterday, I went with my friend jeff to Mall of America for the afternoon after I got off of a short class at the YMCA and today, I went to brunch with the family today and then managed to get some needed cleaning done in my room. This evening though was the highlight of the entire weekend. Kris and I went to go see Pirates of the Caribbean. Ok this movie kicks A**! Sure it has its corny spots but man it was so cool! WEll, This pirate is off to bed. Man I wish I was back in FL to hit up Disney World!

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T-Mobile Hotspot at Starbucks

Well, I am sitting in Starbucks this morning doings some business for a client enjoying my morning coffee and the nice high speed internet from T-Mobile Hotspot. Dang is it fast! Just wish it was still free like it was in London last January.

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Slow Day

Well, it is a slow day here at the beach. It was storming earlier and now we are just camping out in the guard room since the rainis on its way again. Gota love T-Mobile Unlimited Internet on the phone and iBook!

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Goodbye Sidekick…..

Well, last night I took the plunge and removed the T-Mobile Sidekick from my devices I actively use. I have unlimited data on my main phone and have been using my handspring and laptop mostly now leaving the Sidekick unused in the corner. It’s a great device just no need for it now. in other news, last night was Lifeguard Olympics at Cascade Bay. That was a blast. Tune in later for the report on how we did. Storms right now so going to the beach a little later. Peace.

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Got Your Name On it

Well, I have a new favorite song that I keep hearing on the radio at Cities 97 here in the Twin Cities call Got Your Name On It by the group Feel. Check it out and listen to a sample! Well, These updates have been getting slow since I am justa busy little beaver at work. So you will have to put up with the delay. Also, I am working on getting the review section up and running. As soon as I am done playing with the P800 I have from Sony Ericsson, expect a launch of the review section shortly after.

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Perhaps I was a little harsh the other day when I was venting. I’m sorry about that. All is well here. I had a lunch meeting with a possible web client and I am excited about the extra business. Got my Pasport renewed today as well. Long story with that but I wont spoil the good news. That’s all for now. Just got in a little bit ago from astaff meeting so I am off to bed. Peace.

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Back in the swing

Well, I am now back int he routine of work and rest after my weekend away. It’s nice to be back making money again but at the same time, the beach is starting to get old. I got my Sony Ericsson P800 last week so look for a review of that coming up soon with in the next couple weeks along with the launch of WEbby Aquatics Mobile Phone Reviews.

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I’m back

I hope you all had a great 4th of July! I have been up north at the cabin and just got in tonight. Great 2 days off. Got to go in the Camp Lincoln and visit some friends and just enjoyed a stroll down memory lane. Now it’s off to bed. Catch you all later.

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Venting Post

Today’s post is going to be more rant like than past ones due to how I feel today. Yesterday was long. The morning started off at the beach as usual until a mom reported a child missing. I activated our EAP and 911 was activated with in 20 seconds. Child shows up so I cancel 911 and go back to guarding only to be yelled at by another mom for not listening to her suggestions to change the way our EAP is in the middile of looking for the kid. Argh! Some parents just anoy me. After that, the day was for the most part uneventful with a few cuts and scrapes here and there.

So after the beach, I headed over to the Ridgedal YMCA to work till close. Talk about a long day by the time I got home but, the pay is worth it. In good news today, Gary at T-Mobile customer care called me back to tell me that I would be getting a credit back for the returned phone I sent back in may that just got there last week. Talk about a long journey! As promised yesterday, Webby’s Favorites was updated with some of my more recent items. Check it out!

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