New Technology

Hey guys, I just updated the Technology page to reflect the newest additiosn to the collection. Added items includethe Apple iSight used to power the WebbyCam and the Sony Ericsson HBH-60 headset for the mobile phone. Aditionally, we will soon be updating Webby’s Favorites to refect the most current items on our list.

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Whate else is new?

Hey guys sorry for any delay here. I have just been so busy working that it is hard for me to update this thing. Enjoying being 21. so for those taht missed it, my birhtday was on June 25 and it isnt too late to wish me a happy birthday. Work all week until Thursday. Thursday after work I head north to the cabin. catch you all later.

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Panther Arrives

Well, I tok the plunge and installed Panther (Mac OS X 10.3) on my iBook as a test. Wow this thing rocks! All mac users will WANT to upgrade to this thing and it will blow Windows out of the water when it is released. i’ll post more about it later. Spent the day at HHS then working at the Ridgedale YMCA. Guarding tomorrow and Sunday so that’s about it. Don’t forget the new WebbyCam.

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Happy Birthday to Me!

Well folks, it is my 21st birthday today. Just got in from the Apple Store with a nice new iSight. I am in love this thing rocks! Also, this announces the launch of WebbyCam. WebbyCam gies you a live feed in to the world of Webby.

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Almost the big day

Well, Today is one day before my 21st birthday. i am seting up to get an Apple iSight to use with chat and what not. Got a few DVDs so far. not much else new to report.

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Comming Soon!

Comming soon I hope to launch Mobile Reviews here at Webby Aquatics. These reviews will be of current mobile technology as i get my hands on it. Look for reviews to start soon.

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Day Off!

Well folks, I am enjoying another great day off from guarding. Last night, Kris, Eric and I went to go see Finding Nemo. Ok folks, this movie is now one of my favorite Disney movies up there with Lilo and Stich and Lion King! I just loved the animation Pixar did on it and the characters/story were great too.

This morning I slept in and ust got in from getting the car washed, gassed up with ptrol and an oil change. picked up some movies to watch tonight and plan on just relaxing the rest of the day. In other cool news, check out some sneak peak shots of Panther, Mac OS X 10.3.

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another day

well, today was just another day at the beach except I had the chance to see Cities 97 live at the beach as well. Didn’t win any tickets but it was still fun. I am off tomorrow and Saturday so I am looking forward to enjoying that. Got my new License today. Only a few more days till the magical 21st birthday! I can’t wait. That’s all for now.

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Getting the hang of it

Well, I am now getting the hang of lifeguarding full time. I am using more sunscreen than ever before and the tan line is starting to shape up nicely. Correct that is not a primary concern but it is somewhat of one. I manages to geta sub for my birthday next Wednesday so I can go out with my friends and celebrate my 21st birthday like I should! just relaxing tongiht before another day at the beach.

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Father’s Day

Well, today I was at the beach again after two wonderful days off. Yesterday I had a chance to go on the lake with some friends which was a blast. The beach was packed today. at one point, we had 50 people int he water and over 80 more people on the beach. Talk about crazyness. I’m just taking it easy tongiht and working on some catch up work on my computer. Gave my dad a nice new laptop case like the one I have. I think he liked it alot. catch you all around.

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