Interesting news, according the this

Interesting news, according the this BBC article, the Iraqi Information Minister, Mohammed Saeed al-Sahhaf, has tried to surrender to the United States but troops will not arrest him since he is not in their deck of cards. This guy is a great comic and needs to be brought to our country! For a book of quotes from the now popular Information Minisiter, visit

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Blah. What a long day.

Blah. What a long day. I can’t wait for school to be over!

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Is it just me or

Is it just me or does teh end of the semester suck? I have so many papers and readings to do for the last couple of weeks that it almost seems liek we have a whole other semester. Took a break this weekend to go hit up Disney World againw ith aaron and last night enjoied an evenign with friends along with the anoyance of some idiot pulling the fire alarms 4 times in one night. Time for an afternoon of homework now.

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Well, I have been swamped

Well, I have been swamped this week with work and school. Today we had roomdraw (again) and we ended up with the room we wanted for nrxt year, Omega 309. Tonight I am taking a break from studying and will go meet the cast of MTV Road Rules when they come to visit. Back to class.

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Thank goodness it is the

Thank goodness it is the weekend! It has been one crazy week and the chance to sleep in this morning was much needed. I finally played catch up from being sick for almost a week and just all the class and work load for the week catching up. A little homework this afternoon but mostly relaxing. There was an awesome storm last night with some cool ass lightning. Got to love Florida!
St. Petersburg, FL

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New and improved SMS and

New and improved SMS and E-mail gateway pages are up! You can now select a destination so we can better manage the messages we recieve. Check it out!
St. Petersburg, FL

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Well, today was a slow

Well, today was a slow day at work. I think most of the snow birds are heading home for the summer. I know I will be in a months time. Class this afternoon where I had a presentation on CASA and then dinner with a friend. This evening I took the time out of my schedule to go to one of the College Program Series events that we are required to attend. Tonights speaker was Walt Boulden, an expert on hate crimes and discrimination. Walt was also a good friend of Matthew Shepard, a gay college student who was murdered in Wyoming in October of 1998. For more information about Matthew Shepard and hate crimes, visit the Matthew Shepard Foundation.
St. Petersburg, FL

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Even more updates this afternoon.

Even more updates this afternoon. Sat downa nd redid the About Webby page with current information and minor tweaks on various others like Links and favorites.
St. Petersburg, FL

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Some minor updates today on

Some minor updates today on the site. We are now a T-Mobile affiliate and you will see the T-Mobile links start to replace a few of the ones on the main page. We are excited about this new program. Quiet day otherwise.

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Well I made some mistakes

Well I made some mistakes today with friends but I hope all will be forgiven. Talked with T-mobile and corrected the error on my photo for the photo contest. They had placed it under my friends name and not mine for some reason. Worked all afternoon on class projects and what not and then class this evening. Now I’m just relaxing in my room listening to music. Lets hope tomorrow is a better day.

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