This wasa great day to

This wasa great day to just spend the day outside and what other way to spend it than with friends. Today, a freind of mine and I went to Walt Disney World and enjoied a majical day at the Magic Kingdoma nd EPCOT. Doing all the favorite rides like GM Test Track, Space mountain, and Thunder Mountain Railroad, we also did the classics like Pirates of the Caribean and Peter Pan. Check out some of the pictures I took with my T-Mobile Camera Phone. The later pictures in the album were taken today.

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It’s finally the weekend! My

It’s finally the weekend! My best mate Scott is in town for a few days and we have the chance to hang out to tonight and Tomorrow my friend Aaron and I are going up Disney World. Cant wait. Well, back to friends.

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Well turns out I had

Well turns out I had Strep the last few days and am now all pumped up on my meds and kicking it now. What a pain! Room draw was yesterday and we lucked out and actually got a room in Omega for next year. In the process of catching up on work from the last few days and cleaning up my room now. Perhaps Disney World this weekend but that is still unknown.

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Ack. what a logn day

Ack. what a logn day at work this morning. I left early becasue I wasn’t feeling well. Went to the health center and it turns out it mihgt just be alergies and working out yesterday. Ohw ell. Time to take it easy for the night and the next couple of days. Also, got a nice suprise in my mail today. A christmas present from my cousins that was a little late in arriving. It is a Mamma Mia poster from my favorite musical ever. Thanks guys! Well that’s it for today.

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Wow what a nice day

Wow what a nice day out! Today was a prefect day to sit outside and read in the sun and enjoy the bay. got in anice work out this afternoon withmy friend Aaron and just doing homework for the night now. What a great day.

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SLOW INTERNET!!!!! I wish they

SLOW INTERNET!!!!! I wish they fixed this thing. It is really getting crazy when and AOL dial up is faster. Oh well. So I ended the week on a good note. I passed my writing portolio, got nominated for an ECadmeny Award and was asked to interview for T-Mobile in the morning. I think this is a time for celebration now. So off to the pub!

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BLOOD DRIVE TODAY! 8:00a-5:30p in

in front of Library

Come give the gift of life and save a life!

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Well today was another crazy

Well today was another crazy day of classes and work. I some how managed to sleep through my 08:00 class this morning which sorta sucked. In better news, I passed my writing portfolio which is a major releif! I should go celebrate but it is the middle of the week and too much work to do otherwise.

Tonight after all my homework, my RA, Corey, hosted a little get together to watch the Women’s NCAA Final Four between UConn and Tennesee. It was an amazing game to watch even from someone who doesn’t really get in to sports. Close till the very end but UConn stayed in the lead the entire game. UConn won with an amazing team. Diana Taurasi of UConn was simply amazing scoring 28 of the total 73 points during the game. Congrats UConn and to all my friends from CT. Blood drive and health fair tomorrow. make sure you stop by to give the gift of life and win a prize!

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Wow it has been a

Wow it has been a while. I am super busy with school right now. Yesterday I was able to get a nice new pair of K2 Roller Blades and got to take them for a spin with Aaron at Ft. Desoto. Man was that a nice time. Gota love the beacha nd the sunset. Today I had work and more school work. big project and reading due today. Blood drive and health fair on Wednesday. That should keep me busy. Tomorrow night, my RA, Corey is having a little Final Four get together for the dorm at 8:30 and I might have to go check it out if I have time. It will be a nice study break. That’s all for now.

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What a long week! Let

What a long week! Let us just hope that this weekend goes better along with next week. Lots of work to do though and people to see. should be intersting. Bed time now.

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