Well antoher week at Eckerd

Well antoher week at Eckerd College. I am busy yet againw ith school work. I spent all weekend in Tampa at the Redcross takign a disater calss so I can move up to specialist in Public Affairs. staff meeting at work tonight and then class.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/well-antoher-week-at-eckerd/

Well I apologize for my

Well I apologize for my lack of updates in the site since I have gotten back. I have just been swamped with school work and work itself. Mostof you know that I work atthe St. pete YMCA lifegaurding 3 mornigns a week but I am slso the president of the American Red Cross Club of Eckerd College and am busy working on things for that. I also have to work on my writing portfolio that is due on March 7. Oh the joys. So updates will be minimal for a while. Thanks for the understanding. Drop me an E-mail or a SMS if you all want.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/well-i-apologize-for-my/

Well i just put the

Well i just put the final touches on my Propaganda Studies homework and am about to head to bed. I spend another day working wtih Heatwave 312 on FIRST Robotics and the robot is almost done after several changes sicne I started on working with the team on friday. i am amazed at allt hes tuff the kids can come up with. It’s a great learning experience for me. Well off to bed. Work at 9 am will be fun.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/well-i-just-put-the/

Well I have been busy

Well I have been busy at Baxter Healthcare the last day and a half with FIRST Robotics. The robot ships on Tuesday and we are busy putting the final touches on it and making it all nice and pretty. Tonight is Aaron’s birthday and we havea big party planned. Aaron was my roommate last year so it should be a fun time. Have a good weekend all.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/well-i-have-been-busy/

Well, another week is almost

Well, another week is almost over. Yesterday was the blood drive here on campus and we reached our projected number thanks to Ruth and Nicole. I was up in Tampa all day yesterday for a Red Cross class on diversity. Very important stuff in this day in age. Got my replacement T68i from T-Mobile this afternoon after my original one started to act all unky. strange how that happens. Tomorrow i will be at the YMCA in the morning and then Lakewood High School in the afternoon. Have a good Friday!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/well-another-week-is-almost/

Well it was a crazy

Well it was a crazy night last night. Between the evening class and the Triton calling at 3 am I didn’t get much sleep. Oh well. I have classin 20 minutes and then I am off to Lakewood High. Catch you all later.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/well-it-was-a-crazy/

Well folks, the first week

Well folks, the first week fo classes are over and i also have some esciting news on the Red Cross front. We now have an agreement to allow the Red Cross to teach classes here at Eckerd College so that the need of the studetns can be met. Vist the Eckerd College Red Cross for more info.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/well-folks-the-first-week/

Discussion Boards are live at

Discussion Boards are live at Webby Aquatics! Check out the links on the left to access them. Today was another day of classes. I think this wil lbe a very good semester. All my classes are interesting and well taught. Red Cross Club meeting tonight so catch you all later.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/discussion-boards-are-live-at/

Day 1 of classes for

Day 1 of classes for Spring 2003! Started the morning off with a nice discussion in an 8 am Environmental Philosophy class and then off to Media Ethics. talk about a random way to get two very similar classes int he same day. Tomorrow I start work again at the YMCA and then I have 1 more class. I am taking 5 classes this semester so it will be a little more work than past ones but should work out well for my major.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/day-1-of-classes-for/

Registration today. Man it’s that

Registration today. Man it’s that time already. Classes start at 8 am in the monring YAY I can’t wait. I guess it’s early to bed tonight after allt he drama last night.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/registration-today-man-its-that/