What a suprise yesterday to

What a suprise yesterday to hear aboutthe shuttle disaster. It is such a tragic loss but those that were on it knew the dangers and still strieved to go forward with the thoughts of discovery and exploration.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/what-a-suprise-yesterday-to/

Well this morning was a

Well this morning was a shock to wake up to hearing about the Space Shuttle Columbia. Such a sad story. Well off for the afternoon.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/02/well-this-morning-was-a/

Last night was a blast.

Last night was a blast. A group of us from Eckerd went to Ruth Eckerd Hall for the opening of RENT. Just another fun time with friends. This morning I got my books and made a big dent in my pocket. yikes! why do they ahve to cost so much! Hope to go sailing this afternoon as soon as Will wakes up so we will see.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/01/last-night-was-a-blast/

Ok so I am back

Ok so I am back in Florida now. I got back in yesterday after 36 hours at home in Minnesota. Still catching up on mail and things around campus before calsses start on Tuesday. So this will be a short update. back to work on the computer that i crashed last night.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/01/ok-so-i-am-back/

Well, this is the last

Well, this is the last official London Update from me. The flight home was uneventful. Got a nice rest on the flight. We arrived back in Minneapolis 45 minutes early which was nice. Now it’s time for the Super Bowl. Go Bucs! I have also posted the final batch of pictures from the trip on my .Mac Account You can also get to all the past pictures as well. Have a good weekend, I’m off to my friends house.
Minnetonka, MN

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/01/well-this-is-the-last/

Well this is going to

Well this is going to be the last update for a while from London. Today was my first day in almost a month with out the rest of my classmates. Most of them are back in Florida right now hoping it was warmer I am sure. This morning, my parents and I went to Kennsington Palce for a tour and then after that, walked around the gardens and Hyde Park on our way to Harrod’s. At Harrod’s, we did a quick walk through and ended up getting some choclates. Then, it was back to the hotel for a little rest before going back over to Leciester Square and to the Prince of Whales Theater to see Rent. Most of the cast was the same as last year when it was only a short tour but a few new faces. Still an amazing musical that shouldn’t be missed.

Our flight home is at 12:00 tomorrow and we arrive in the Minneapolis at 18:00 (6pm) on Sunday. This will leave me exactly 2 nights at home before parting ways back to Eckerd on Tuesday morning. Then, it is exactly 1 week till spring semester starts. As much as I love London, I really can’t wait to get back to the USA and be back at school with all my friends. That is the hardest part about being over here. Not being able to see all your friends. Well, I best be of to finish packing. Catch you all later.
London, England

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/01/well-this-is-going-to/

Well this morning the whole

Well this morning the whole class left. By 11:00 I was the only one left in the house. Around 12:00 I moved downt he block to my parent’s hotel. I gave my Mom and tour of the Eckerd House and then Professor Lezcano, the spring professor joined us for our afternoon. We went to the Cabinate War Rooms and then around Trafalger’s Square and Covent Garden before returning to the hotel. This evening we went to Umoja, a musical experience around African Music. It was very energetic and colorful. Tomorrow I think we are going to a palace, Kensignton probably, Harrod’s and then possibly Rent. Mom and dad had a nice trip to York despite the cold. Hard to think, only 1 more day. Looks like we will be home on Sunday just in time to catch some of the Super Bowl with the Bucs in it. Go Bucs! Well Time for bed. Catch you all later.
London, England

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/01/well-this-morning-the-whole/

Well today is the last

Well today is the last day in London as a class. Most of us are taking it easy and doing last minute shopping and working on journals. I have posted the next batch of pictures is online at http://homepage.mac.com/twebster/PhotoAlbum22.html so check them out! Mom and dad are back tomorrow morning and I don’t know what we have planned till we leave Dunday. Guess it will be a suprise.
London, England

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/01/well-today-is-the-last/

Today was an interesting one.

Today was an interesting one. Firefighters 24 hour strike was over so we could use the underground station near our house. We went north to look at the Estoric Collection showing modern italian art and then went south again to the Victoria and Albert and Natural History Museums. More museums to look at. Most of us are museumed out. I really enjoyed the nature photography at the Natural History Musuem. They had a cool exhibit on called Earth From Above. It was just amazing looking at pictures of the earth and nature like Mt. Everest. One final day of class left. Tomorrow is a free day and we can do what we want. I know a group of us might go see Rent tomorrow night but it’s all still up in the air. Mom and Dad come back on Friday and then we leave on Sunday for Minnesota again. Hard to beleive it’s almost over.
London, England

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/01/today-was-an-interesting-one/

Today was a fun one

Today was a fun one for our class. We went around town to several small galleries similar to Duncan’s back in Minneapolis. For those non-family members on the list, Duncan is my Mom’s cousin who is an artist. The work in these galleries was more Post-Modern instead of the Modern and earlier works we were focusing on. I really enjoyed these a lot. While I was at the gallaries, Mom, Dad and Paul had a private tour of Big Ben and were there at noon when it struck and they heard the bells up close and personal! Dad said it was fun. Back to our group though, Silvia, the cook and housekeeper at our house cooked us a fabulous meal for dinner. Lasaugna, FLan, Ice Cream, Sald, Wine, and garlic bread. It was so nice to have a cooked meal instead of the pub food. After dinner, Mom, Dad and I went to see Mamma Mia!. This was their first tiem seeing it and my forth. Still as good as the first time. Our seats were in the second row so it felt liekthe singers were singing to us. Tommorow Mom and Dad are going to York with Paul and we are going to more museums as a class. Time is ticking down. Wish I could go back to Stockholm for longer. They don’s have the rain we have here!
London, England

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2003/01/today-was-a-fun-one/