Sorry about the delay in

Sorry about the delay in updates. I was sick yesterday with the flu and unable to enjoy the lovely snow that brought London to a halt. Today we went to Tate Britain and I enjoyed that despite still feeling a little under the weather. Weekend break coming up so I look forward to that. Sorry it’s so short for today. still feeling sick.
London, England

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Ok this morning we got

Ok this morning we got a chance to sleep in a bit (10 am meeting instead of 9). We then hop’ed on the tube and shot over to the museum of london over near the barbican and st. paul’s. We had been there last year so it was a little boring for me but I was still able to pick up some new information about the romans in london. WE went to a nice little pub near Gower Street called the Rising Sun for lunch. It was a great little place to eat and very reasonable in price.

The weather is cold to say the least. Most Brits are saying it is unusually cold for this time of year. Temp is coming in at around 30 degrees. A few of us int hehouse already have some colds, myself included. Seems common in london though. This afternoon after we all got back from the museum, I was able to book my travel plans for our 3 day weekend later this month. I am off to stockholm, Sweeden. I loved it so much the summer of 2000 that I wanted to take the option to go back for more. Others are talking of going to ireland, scotland and france. Definately a mixed group.

Well I’m off for now. Time for dinner and then bed time. I’ve got my heater on high just trtying to keep the room warm for when I get back.
London, England

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Well today was a walking

Well today was a walking tour of the town. We had a list of things to find in the area and report back to the group. A group of us went off to the London Eye (closed for upgrades), Big Ben, Westminster Abby and a coolold pub called the Red Lion. It was a good time. There are 18 students this year and 2 professors. I am on the same floor I was last year but on the other side of the house. No more noisy police cars at 3 am! TOnight a bunch of us are probably going to go pub hopping and enjoy the area. So I’m off for now.
London, England

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I am finally all settled

I am finally all settled in again at 35 gower street. Flights to get here were a little interesting to say the least. IT’s a brisk day in the UK today and I look forward to class tommorow. Still rocking a bit from the ship. look for more updates later.
London, England

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Well today is our last

Well today is our last day on the ship. I am sitting in the internet cafe on Deck 7. We have a day at sea today and the ship is definately rocking and rolling. Tommorow we all go our seperate ways. My parents and cousins go back to Minnesota while I am off to London. I can’t wait! For those that want some entertainment today, Visit the live webcams at From the pop-up menu, select Star Princess. Hope you all had a great New Years!
At Sea, Star Princess

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I forgot to let you

I forgot to let you all know thaot you can see a live camera from the ship at Select Star Princess.
At Sea, near Port Los Angeles

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This is the last post

This is the last post till January 5. I am sitting in my stateroom on the Star Princess in Port of Los Angeles. Ship leaves at 5 with a lifeboat drill at 4:15. Oh joy. So until the 5th, everyone havea happy new year!
Los Angeles, CA USA

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I have the News Channel

I have the News Channel 8 Clip with me on it from September posted on my .Mac account. Click the linkto view it. Size is 9 megs. Also, this will be my last post until London it looks. See ya in a week.
Minnetonka, MN USA

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Well, I started the packing

Well, I started the packing for London today. I hope to be done packignwith int henext hour so i can concentrate on getting the summer stuff packed up for Mexico. Been busy today running around Minneapolis getting Pounds Sterling and visiting people. Also playing wtih my new Nikon CoolPix 2500 camera. I hope to get some photos from my trip to london up on the site but it might be linked externally till I get back. stay tuned. Also, Look for the movie clip of me on NewsChannel 8 to be posted later tonight (I Hope). Clip weighs in around 9 MBs.
Minnetonka, MN USA

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Happy Holidays to all the

Happy Holidays to all the visitors to this site. Tonight I am going to church with my family and then spending the evening with my grandparetns and my mom’s side of the family. Updates will continue on Thursday.
Minnetonka, MN USA

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