Now I wish I won

Now I wish I won a ticket to the T-Mobile Rocks the Rock but, it will be on VH1 on November 5th. Can’t wait. I’m slowly running down to Empty on my energyt hese days. I just do so many things that I need to takethe time to relax a little. may be next weekend.

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Well iw as a little

Well iw as a little shocked to turn on the news today and see Minnesota headlines all over teh TV here in Florida. I was even more shocked to hear that it was announcing the death of Senator Paul Wellstone from our state. Here is a story on WCCO-TV that shares a little insight in to the influential politition that stood up for environmental issues in the senate. The Life and Times of Paul Wellstone.

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Well some of you might

Well some of you might have noticed a few little graphics changes as I continue to merge my personal site and Webby Aquatics together. Keep looking for new stuff all the time!

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Well here is an interesting

Well here is an interesting text page that came in to my phone:

Date: Thu Oct 24, 2002 3:46:17 PM US/Eastern
Subject: Breaking News Alert


And low and behold when i get back to my room, that’s what I see out my window. The joys of living on the coast.

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So I finally got around

So I finally got around to cleaning up the links page and what not. minor updates today. be sure to check out Sony Ericsson MCA-20 Users, a new MSN Group I created for users of the MCA-20 Camera attachment for their Sony eircsson phones.

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As of today, both Webby

As of today, both Webby Aquatics and my personal site are merged and all hosted on Been extremely busy with work and school so bear with the lack of updates.

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So you all made fun

So you all made fun of me for having the internet on my cell phone well thanks to T-Mobile – TZones, we got a movie time at the spure of the momment and it was faster than the computer! One of the joys of GPRS and GSM.

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Ok well today I went

Ok well today I went up to international plaza with my friend Donald. He had to pick up some stuff for his mom and I tagged along. Went out to lunch at California Pizza Kitchen which was a treat. Tonight is some more homecoming activites and Donald is coming back over to chill with us here and enjoy them.

Also new today is I have my T68i configured for MMS or Multimedia Message Service. It’s funny that T-Mobile claims to not have it out yet but if you call the right people there, they will give you all the settings for it 🙂 It’s cool to be able to take pictures and send them from teh phone along with sending flash messages to friends. This is going to be big in the US in the near future I hope. Also starting to notice the European flavor in the T-Mobile brand and ads the moreI see them. I think it’s cool.

Websites have been merged and will soon be pointing here.

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Ok so I’m sorry I

Ok so I’m sorry I haven’t been to regular on updating this thing. I’ve been in Naples since Monday helping my grandparents move back in to their home down here. Lived off of the sidekick a lot down there. First day back at classes today after fall break and it sucks. most of us just want it to be the weekend again. Homecoming starts this weekend with midnight madness tomorow night so that should be interesting. Not much else new though.

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Well today was another broning

Well today was another broning day here at Eckerd College as fall break continues. Went in to the YMCA to swim today and relax and was also able to find a sub for Wednesday so i can stay in Naples a day longer. Tomorow I am heading to naples to visit my grandparents as they come in for the winter.

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