Well guess what everyone, I’m

Well guess what everyone, I’m in the process of merging the two sites together to form one site for myself. you will notice al ot of new content on this one as I merge the two. Thanks for understanding.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/10/well-guess-what-everyone-im/

Well last night sucked! I

Well last night sucked! I didn’t get to sleep till like 6 this morning cuz some idiots kept pullingthe fire alarm like 4 times. Got up around 2 and from there went up to the YMCA to work out and check out the birthday party for the Y. Not much else new. About to head out to Nu and visit some friends. My T68i should be back on monday which I am pumped about.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/10/well-last-night-sucked-i/

Well just got off the

Well just got off the phoen with Sony Ericsson Support and my T68i is on it’s wayback to me after being sent in for a software update. Planning on getting to gether with ed tonight to work on the iMac and beyond tha ti don’t know what I’m up to. Day 3 with Sidekick rocks.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/10/well-just-got-off-the/

Almost forgot, here is a

Almost forgot, here is a picture of the sidekick:

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/10/almost-forgot-here-is-a/

Well yesterday I went out

Wel yesterday I went out and purchased the newT-Mobile Sidekick. This thing is the bomb! It’s fast, It’s small, It’s got full internet and e-mail plus AIM and a phone all wraped in to one. The more I use it the more I like it. I’m also playing arround with the digital camera function on it.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/10/well-yesterday-i-went-out/

Well last week went by

Well last week went by and I was swamped with homework and reading so that explainsthe lack of BLOG updates. This weekend hasn’t really been much to talk about either. Went to a party on Friday night and last night Laura, Kris, Cristin and I went to the Garden in downtown St. Pete for dinner and to hear the jazz band playing. That was entertaining and enjoyable. Once back on campus, there was nothing going on so I just curled up and watched Harry Potter on ECTV before headign to bed. this morning I pretty much got up and went to Publix to get some groceries and then have just been working on school work ever since.

Now for my thigns to watch for, T-Mobile on Tuesday will reslease it’s new Sidekick and several new data plans. It’s worth checking out since they arethe best GSM/GPRS network out there. Sorry AT&T but your coverage sucks!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/09/well-last-week-went-by/

Well yesterday was a long

Well yesterday was a long day at the blood drive. We had 116 people come in to donate and of that we collected 76 units of blood. As a campus, we saved 228 lives yesterday with the 76 units. Kind of a cool stat I guess. I had my first Stats test today. I think it went fine. Workign on plans for Saturday to go to Disney MGM Studios so that should be a blast. Got the movie Wind today in th mail and I can’t wait to watch it.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/09/well-yesterday-was-a-long/

Well today was the blood

Well today was the blood drive. I’m pretty impressed, we got 110 units of blood today for FL blood services. Tommorow is the first stats test and I’m busy studyign for that. Today I also foundo utthat I will forsure be going to London again for witner term. Hell yea!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/09/well-today-was-the-blood/

Wow! Talk abotu rain. It

Wow! Talk abotu rain. It just started pouring like crazy. you can’t even see the boats int he channel next to the dorm and the wind is blowing so hard that the rain is coming at like a 60 degree angle and to top it off, it’s still sunny! Only in FL. 2nd week of classes went by smoothly. This week I am working hard with the blood drive tommorow and then getting witner term finalized. opefully i’ll be all set for London by tommorow afternoon.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/09/wow-talk-abotu-rain-it/

Not much to say for

Not much to say for today except for an afternoon from hell.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/09/not-much-to-say-for/