Well today went much better

Well today went much better than yesterday. I am now down to only 1 class reamining and several take home exams and essays and 1 writen final. Some other itneresting news today. One of the power junctions on campus blew up and casued some little fires. After the fire department came and put it out, they cut the power to part of campus. This sucked cuz it ment that the pub was out of comission during lunch time so i had to wait. Tonight is just a night to sit back, and do my spanish and politics essay for tommorow. Oh joy, I can’t wait.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/well-today-went-much-better/

Well despite all the hell

Well despite all the hell today, some good news came out of it. Next year, I will most likely be helping out with Heat Wave 3 1 2 for the FIRST Robotics competition.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/well-despite-all-the-hell/

Ok so today sucked. First

Ok so today sucked. First of all, I woke up late this monring and had to hightail it to work with out fulling waking up. I work at 7 and I woke up at 6:45 despite the alarm going off for an hour. Got to work and punched in at 6:58 am (still on time, i guess) and head to the pool only to discover that the other person that works with me is sick and going home. So not only do I have to lifeguard but I haveto teach water aerobics and adult swim lessons. What the heck is up with that? NE ways, from there it was hightail it back here to Eckerd to finish up some spanish before class. I actually enjoy spanish compared to soem of my other classes cuz it always goes fast for some reason. Then it was back to the dorm to finish up yet another damn paper for Environmental Rhetoric. I mean for crying outload, I just did a big one last week. Oh well at least we got out of that class early. So tongiht is just sitting back, watching TV and listening to MP3s and reading for class so I can work on yet another paper for Friday and then start studyingfor finals. Yippie fianls and packing next week! Aren’t you jealous?

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/ok-so-today-sucked-first/

Hmmm well not much to

Hmmm well not much to report today. First day with no little brats at swim lessons. Yay! Tonight will be homework like mad for the last week fo classes here and studying will be commencing for finals as well. Hope all is well whereever you are at.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/hmmm-well-not-much-to/

So I drug myself out

So I drug myself out of bed at 7 this morning to go to work for a couple of hours. That sucked but eh, it was money. Class went jsut fine and dandy today and I just relaxed all afternoon setting up my OrangePCi Card. Tonight I’m just watching Boston Public then a little homework and bed.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/so-i-drug-myself-out/

Well today consited of sleepin

Well today consited of sleepin in till 11 then getting up and heading to work at the Y. Today I had to teach a CPR for the Professional Rescuer class along with AED Essentials. I am still hearing “Connect Electrodes…Analyzing Paitent…Shock Adivsed….Press Shock” in my mind. I guess that means I will remember it. Well back to Spanish. 1 week of classes left!

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/well-today-consited-of-sleepin/

Well it was an uneventful

Well it was an uneventful night last night. Ened up watching Spy Games on EC TV then hittign bed. Hopefully tongiht will be better. Catching up on the missing sleep I had from the week today so that was nice. Not much else to report.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/well-it-was-an-uneventful/

So I’ve come to the

So I’ve come to the conclusion that tonight sucks. It’s the spring ball so no one is around on campus except those of us that don’t got anyone. So there is nothing to do yet again on campus tonight. Work was allright and I got my whopping paycheck for one day’s worth of work after beeing sicka nd then my vacation. Well that’s it for now. Now off to find some entertainment.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/so-ive-come-to-the/

Well last night marked the

Well last night marked the end of swim lessons at the Y for me. What a blessing personally. As much as I enjoy teaching the older kids, I hate the little ones. Two weeks from today I will be on my way back home to Minnetonka for the summer. Scarry thought I guess, 1 week of classes. Yikes! Picked up several additional guard shifts so i can get some more money for the summer until my regular summer guarding job starts.

Today was a morning of spanish and then a trip to International Plaza to look at the Apple store and to go shopping for clothes at Hollister and Co. I really like the store and wish there was one in Minneapolis but I’ll just have to live with the one here in Tampa. Not much else new today. Got my A*Teens DVD from Amazon today so that will be nice to sit down this weekend and watch. Well, the YMCA calls and it’s time to hit the pool deck in the guard shorts for a fun filled night of lifeguarding.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/05/well-last-night-marked-the/

So as of today there

So as of today there is less then 2 weeks left of classes! Only 2 papers to go. One 10 pager and another 2-3 pager. Then it’s fianls week and time to head home to MN. I’m busy as hell today working on this 10 pager for tommorow andI still haveto go t work tonight from 3:30-7 like always on Tuesday and Thrusdays then it’s time for the Real World and the Osbournes while I work.

Permanent link to this article: https://www.webbyaquatics.com/archives/2002/04/so-as-of-today-there/