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Buzz Lightyear Blasts Off in to Space!

For those in Florida, we had a front seat view to Buzz Lightyear’s first trip to space! Good luck Buzz!

NASA Launches New Education Initiative With Disney Parks and Buzz Lightyear

WASHINGTON — As seven, well-trained astronauts begin an important mission to the International Space Station on Saturday, May 31, one toy astronaut, Buzz Lightyear, will begin a journey to help educate children across the country.

The liftoff of space shuttle Discovery kicks off a new education initiative between NASA and Disney Parks. A 12-inch-tall Buzz Lightyear action figure will be carried aboard the shuttle as part of the partnership to encourage students to pursue studies in science, technology and mathematics, one of NASA’s main educational goals.

Disney’s Youth Educational Series and NASA have developed an online program known as the Space Ranger Education Series. It includes fun educational games for students, as well as materials for educators to download and integrate into their classroom curriculum.

“NASA is excited to help students understand the science and engineering currently underway on the International Space Station,” said Joyce Winterton, NASA assistant administrator for Education. “The educational games and resources from this partnership will allow students to explore the science and math behind space exploration with a beloved character.”

Beginning Saturday, May 31, the online games featuring Buzz Lightyear will be available by visiting NASA’s homepage and clicking on the box for the NASA Kids’ Club at:

The five educational games are:

  • “Mission Match Up: Create a Game” — Match the International Space Station partner countries to space facts
  • “Connect it! Flight Path” — Attach the Kibo laboratory to the International Space Station using a sequence of commands
  • “Load the Shuttle” — Fill the shuttle with cargo to a certain mass
  • “I Spy: Reflections from Space” — Find everyday objects on the International Space Station that were built on NASA technology
  • “Toys in Space” — Navigate Buzz Lightyear to different toys to see a movie on how they behave in spaceSince 1985, NASA’s Toys in Space project has used toys flown aboard the shuttle and the International Space Station to help children learn science and mathematics. Scientific and mathematical principles make these toys work. For example, wind-up toys convert stored potential energy in their springs into kinetic energy as the springs unwind. Gravity often plays an important role in the actions of toys, but how would the same toys function in an environment where the effects of gravity are not felt? Only NASA can provide the settings, so students can discover the answer to questions like these.

    “We are thrilled that Buzz’s lifelong dream of space travel finally will come true thanks to NASA,” said Jay Rasulo, chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts. “This launch fulfills his dream, and we hope it will inspire countless children to stay interested in science and believe in their own dreams.”

    The beginning of Buzz’s space mission coincides with the opening of “Toy Story Mania!,” a new 4-D interactive attraction, on May 31 at Walt Disney World, Fla., and on June 17 at Disneyland Resort, Calif.

    For information about other NASA education programs, visit:

    For more information about the space station, visit:
    For more information about the STS-124 shuttle mission and its crew, visit:

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    The Catch Me Up-To-Date Post

    Well, I know it’s been a long time since an update again. What can I say, I’ve been busy. My days off the last few weeks have consisted of a lot of meet and greets and 1:1 meetings with old mentors or various leaders through out the Park Operations teams at all four theme parks and Downtown Disney. I have been keeping my name active and getting feedback and advice for the next stage of my development with the company. This week I have taken the first step in the Leadership Casting Call Process. I have officially posted for the Park Operations Guest Service Manager pool. Posting is just the first step and I will not know if I have an interview until mid June. Rest assured, I will keep everyone posted.

    Other than the posting and the meetings, not much else is really going on. Sawyer is moving in on June 10th which will be a nice change. I will have some great company and someone to help with the bills. I went and saw Indiana Jones the other night and I have to say I was pretty entertained but, I can see where others are still disappointed with the film. I still want to see Prince Caspian and Speed Racer if anyone is intersted.Â

    Taking a relaxing night tonight. Was in the office most of the day today catching up on things so the extra holiday pay will be a nice bonus. Greek is on at 8 and then I will probably hit the gym from there. So there is your Catch Me Up-To-Date post for this month.

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    Kappa Karnival Weekend

    Well, this weekend went by too quickly. I went down to Eckerd this weekend for a great evening and to visit some old faces/friends. I had a great time at Kappa Karnival on Friday night with Mark and Aaron. It was great to be back in the swing of things and taking a trip down Memory Lane. Philip, it was nice to run in to you as well, sorry we didn’t get to catch up too much. Thank you to Fred, Jim, Lova and Campus Activities for a great time. Saturday morning came too early though (for those that know Kappa Karnival, you will know why). My main goal Saturday was to teach another Lifeguard class at Eckerd for a few more pool staff that missed the last round. That went by quickly and I want to thank Blake, ECOS President for 2008-09 for taking me around campus, lunch and hanging out for the day. It was a great relaxing day. Lova, sorry I couldn’t make it down to Sarasota for your CD Release Party. I wish I could have stayed longer

    Back in the office today. Things are crazy this weekend. Not So Scary and Very Merry Tickets are on sale and everyone is booking them in fears they are going to sell out. So files are way above what they normally are. Just lots of longer days coming up I guess. I’m still working hard on the networking for Leadership Casting Call. I really feel that this time is my time. I really hope it works out. I’m ready for the next step.

    Well, I think I’m going to crash for the evening. If anyone wants to do something this week, let me know. I’m free evenings and Friday/Saturday. Cheers!

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    So I’ve been listening to/watching WMFE a lot lately and the new show coming up on PBS sounds pretty cool. It’s a 10-Hour series filmed in high definition that will air April 27 – May 1 and follows the daily lives of crew members on the USS Nimitz. It looks pretty cool. Check it out:

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    My Mini Vacation

    Well, I know this is like a week late but I’m back and in the swing of things. Last weekend I had a great mini vacation with dad here in Orlando. We had a nice couple of days in the parks and around town. It was nice to have a four day weekend too. Monday I spent the day in one on one’s with several key managers at Magic Kingdom and Disney’s Hollywood Studios to focus on the upcoming Leadership Casting Call. All of those turned in to very productive meetings. I’m felling pretty good for this time. It’s just time to wait and see what happens.

    Back to a normal two day weekend this week. I’m just relaxing at home and was able to get some laps in at the pool earlier today between cleaning. Not much else planned. I’ve got tentative dinner plans with Mark and Kent tomorrow but that’s really it for now. So Thanks again Dad for a great weekend!

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    I’ll Be Ready….

    Well, this past month has just flown by. I have been busy with work as usual and doing all sorts of meetings in my effort to continue my growth with Disney. This past weekend though was a nice break a return to something that I used to do a lot, teach Lifeguard Training. I spent my two days off in St. Petersburg at Eckerd College doing a lifeguard refresher course for the pool staff. I had a nice relaxing night on Friday visiting with some college friends and Dean of Students, Jim Annarelli. I must say, Eckerd is looking great with all of the improvements and it is exciting to visit every time. Next visit, Kappa Karnival in May. I can’t wait.

    This weekend though made me realize how much fun I used to have being a lifeguard and training. I remember living Lifeguarding and all things safety. May be I should consider a teaching career again after I am done at Disney. So many options. Well, I am beat after a day at the office and then an evening catching up with old friends here in Orlando. Normal day tomorrow with some more networking meetings later in the day. Ta Ta for Now.

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    One Year Ago…

    Well, it has hit the official one year mark for me being a home owner. It was one year ago today that Dad, Katie (my Realtor) and myself sat through two days worth of waiting to close on my condo. I moved in to my new condo this weekend a year ago and I still could not be happier. I finally feel all settled in and am just enjoying what I have. No longer am I worrying each month if my rent will go up or if the place I am living will be going condo. Over the last year I have learned a lot of about living. I now see myself watching everything I spend money on and ask, do I really need to do this or buy that. Every time I walk in the front door, I still think, “this is mine.” Really, I truly am lucky to have such a great home and community. I have been utilizing the gym in my complex and have worked hard to loose those few extra pounds. Sure beats going to an extra gym. Anyways, I’m off to go clean house and finish some laundry. Here’s to what I hope is a good number more years in my great condo.

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    Am I getting boring?

    NPROk, this is going to sound really strange but I feel that I have changed in a lot of ways towards what I listen to and watch on TV. I have gotten in to the habit now on the way to and from work of listening to NPR on WMFE. Be it Morning Edition or All Things Considered, feel myself listening to it more and more. Even when I am home, I have started to stream WMFE over iTunes and listen to shows like A Prairie Home Companion. It really does intrigue me how my driving habits have changed from listening to my iPod to listening to the world.

    BBC NewsWhat I listen to in the car isn’t the only thing that I have noticed a change. When I am channel cruising at home, I find myself landing on PBS more and watching shows like Antique Roadshow and more recently, I have discovered BBC World News on BBC America. Where I would once come home to watching shows like The Simpsons or Family Guy, I now feel that being informed is what is more important. It has made me realize how much we miss when we watch the sitcoms and soaps. Don’t get me wrong, I still enjoy my Desperate Housewives but I have realized that I don’t have to watch those shows. There is so much else going on in the real world that is just as fascinating.

    I guess some of these changes in routine come from getting older but I think some come from a desire to be informed and having meaningful conversations with my friends. I’ve even gotten in the habit of waking up and watching the news again while I get ready for the day, something I haven’t done since high school when I would go to work when Dad did. There is so much going on in the world that it amazes me more people don’t take the time to learn. I think my appreciation for knowledge and culture comes from my amazing family but also my great experience at a liberal arts college. So I ask, am I just getting boring?

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    Finally, a break!

    Well, it’s been a crazy week with lots of “fires” that needed to be put out at work. Projects/deadlines that I was never made aware of being thrown at me with the expectation of a final product instantly. Always fun. I’ve also started to look more in to my career with Disney and setting goals for what I want to do in the long term.

    Work aside, things are going well. I have started on a work out routine that includes a plan to go at least 4 nights a week and have set a goal to work on getting in to shape and working on my general wellness more. Disney has set up a program with WebMD Health that not only gives me a credit on my insurance (hey, it’s a free $100) but it also gives you a personal assessment that is tied with your doctor on the disney health plan to help create a tailored plan with coach to help set goals and work out a plan to achieve them. Its pretty nice and I’m hoping that it will help me loose the few extra pounds that I want to shed.

    I’m also taking a long weekend this week with a personal holiday on Sunday so that I can spend the whole weekend with my cousins Lisa and Stephanie here at Disney. I’m looking forward to it as well as the extra time off. My next mini-vacation will be to St. Petersburg and Eckerd College in a few weeks for the 50th Anniversary Convocation with Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Winner and writer of Night. Sounds exciting and will be a nice excuse to go back to Eckerd for a night.

    Other than that, I’m just doing my thing. Catch everyone later.

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